Box (version v1.*.*)


Adds a new email alias to the given user’s account.


USER_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "is_confirmed" : "boolean",
  "email" : "string"


Used to create a copy of a file in another folder. The original version of the file will not be altered.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "parent" : {
    "id" : "string"
  "name" : "string",
  "version" : "string"


Used to create a copy of a folder in another folder. The original version of the folder will not be altered.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "name" : "The name of the folder.",
  "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "parent" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
  "watermark_info" : [ {
    "is_watermarked" : "boolean"
  } ],
  "created_at" : "The time the folder was created.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "description" : "The description of the folder.",
  "content_created_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were originally created (according to the uploader).May be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "allowed_shared_link_access_levels" : [ "string" ],
  "has_collaborations" : "Whether this folder has any collaborators.",
  "folder_upload_email" : {
    "access" : "string",
    "email" : "string"
  "collections" : [ {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "name" : "The name of this collection. The only collection currently available is named “Favorites”",
    "collection_type" : "The type of the collection. This is used to determine the proper visual treatment for Box-internally created collections. Initially only “favorites” collection-type will be supported."
  } ],
  "permissions" : {
    "can_invite_collaborator" : "boolean",
    "can_set_share_access" : "boolean",
    "can_share" : "boolean",
    "can_upload" : "boolean",
    "can_rename" : "boolean",
    "can_download" : "boolean",
    "cand_delete" : "boolean"
  "path_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
    } ]
  "allowed_invitee_roles" : [ "string" ],
  "owned_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "sync_state" : "Whether this folder will be synced by the Box sync clients or not. Can be synced, not_synced, or partially_synced.",
  "item_status" : "Whether this item is deleted or not.",
  "item_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file."
    } ]
  "is_externally_owned" : "Whether this folder is owned by a user outside of the enterprise",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "trashed_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were put in the trash.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "can_non_owners_invite" : "Whether non-owners can invite collaborators to this folder.",
  "tags" : [ "string" ],
  "size" : "The folder size in bytes. Be careful parsing this integer, it can easily go into EE notation: see IEEE754 format.",
  "modified_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "purged_at" : "The time the folder or its contents will be purged from the trash.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "shared_link" : {
    "is_password_enabled" : "boolean",
    "password" : "string",
    "access" : "string",
    "permissions" : {
      "can_preview" : "boolean",
      "can_download" : "boolean"
    "download_url" : "string",
    "effective_access" : "string",
    "vanity_url" : "string",
    "unshared_at" : "string",
    "preview_count" : "integer",
    "url" : "string",
    "download_count" : "integer"
  "content_modified_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were last modified (according to the uploader).\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Used to add a collaboration for a single user or a single group to a folder. Either an email address, a user ID, or a group id can be used to create the collaboration. If the collaboration is being created with a group, access to this endpoint is granted based on the group's invitability_level.



Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "accessible_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "item" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
  "expires_at" : "The time this collaboration will expire",
  "role" : "The level of access this user or group has. Can be editor, viewer, previewer, uploader, previewer uploader, viewer uploader, co-owner, or owner",
  "created_at" : "The time this collaboration was created",
  "modified_at" : "The time this collaboration was last modified",
  "can_view_path" : "Whether view path collaboration feature is enabled or not. View path collaborations allow the invitee to see the entire ancestral path to the associated folder. The user will not gain privileges in any ancestral folder",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "acknowledged_at" : "When the status of this collab was changed",
  "status" : "The status of this collab. Can be accepted, pending, or rejected"


Used to add a comment by the user to a specific file or comment (i.e. as a reply comment).



Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "item" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
  "tagged_message" : "The string representing the comment text with @mentions included. @mention format is @[id:username]. Field is not included by default.",
  "created_at" : "The time this comment was created",
  "is_reply_comment" : "Whether or not this comment is a reply to another comment",
  "message" : "The comment text that the user typed",
  "modified_at" : "The time this comment was last modified",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."


Attribute(s) to include in the response.

Type: string


Used to create the metadata template instance for a corresponding Box file. When creating metadata, only values that adhere to the metadata template schema will be accepted.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string

SCOPE (required)

Type: string

TEMPLATE (required)

Type: string


Metadata can be used for many purposes. Enterprises may want to have a better way to organize their digital assets for their marketing teams or developers may want to provide advanced content functionality such as facilitating workflows or approvals. Metadata is also visible in the Box Web Application. To learn more, please visit the help documentation. Templates Metadata that belongs to a file/folder is grouped by templates. Templates allow the metadata service to provide a multitude of services, such as pre-defining sets of key:value pairs or schema enforcement on specific fields. For example, a marketingCollateral template may define where and when specific marketing content should be used. You can also see the representation of the template in the Box web application while navigating to a file preview. Currently, metadata associated with folders does not show in the web application. Each file/folder can have multiple distinct template instances associated with it, such as a marketingCollateral and retentionPolicy template instances. Template instances are also grouped by scopes. Currently, the only scopes support are enterprise and global. Enterprise scopes are defined on a per enterprises basis, whereas global scopes are Box application-wide. Attribute order within template instances is not guaranteed. Currently, there are four attributes supported by templates: string, enum, float, and date (RFC 3339).

Global Properties Template In addition to enterprise scoped templates, every file on Box has access to the global properties template. The Properties template is a bucket of free form key:value string pairs, with no additional schema associated with it. Properties are ideal for scenarios where applications want to write metadata to file objects in a flexible way, without pre-defined template structure. Properties follow all the conventions of standard templates, except for being located at a different endpoint. All requests made to the properties template must be made to /files/{file_id}/metadata/global/properties.

Type: object

{ }


Used to create a new empty folder. The new folder will be created inside of the specified parent folder



Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "name" : "The name of the folder.",
  "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "parent" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
  "watermark_info" : [ {
    "is_watermarked" : "boolean"
  } ],
  "created_at" : "The time the folder was created.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "description" : "The description of the folder.",
  "content_created_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were originally created (according to the uploader).May be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "allowed_shared_link_access_levels" : [ "string" ],
  "has_collaborations" : "Whether this folder has any collaborators.",
  "folder_upload_email" : {
    "access" : "string",
    "email" : "string"
  "collections" : [ {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "name" : "The name of this collection. The only collection currently available is named “Favorites”",
    "collection_type" : "The type of the collection. This is used to determine the proper visual treatment for Box-internally created collections. Initially only “favorites” collection-type will be supported."
  } ],
  "permissions" : {
    "can_invite_collaborator" : "boolean",
    "can_set_share_access" : "boolean",
    "can_share" : "boolean",
    "can_upload" : "boolean",
    "can_rename" : "boolean",
    "can_download" : "boolean",
    "cand_delete" : "boolean"
  "path_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
    } ]
  "allowed_invitee_roles" : [ "string" ],
  "owned_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "sync_state" : "Whether this folder will be synced by the Box sync clients or not. Can be synced, not_synced, or partially_synced.",
  "item_status" : "Whether this item is deleted or not.",
  "item_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file."
    } ]
  "is_externally_owned" : "Whether this folder is owned by a user outside of the enterprise",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "trashed_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were put in the trash.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "can_non_owners_invite" : "Whether non-owners can invite collaborators to this folder.",
  "tags" : [ "string" ],
  "size" : "The folder size in bytes. Be careful parsing this integer, it can easily go into EE notation: see IEEE754 format.",
  "modified_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "purged_at" : "The time the folder or its contents will be purged from the trash.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "shared_link" : {
    "is_password_enabled" : "boolean",
    "password" : "string",
    "access" : "string",
    "permissions" : {
      "can_preview" : "boolean",
      "can_download" : "boolean"
    "download_url" : "string",
    "effective_access" : "string",
    "vanity_url" : "string",
    "unshared_at" : "string",
    "preview_count" : "integer",
    "url" : "string",
    "download_count" : "integer"
  "content_modified_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were last modified (according to the uploader).\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Used to create the metadata template instance for a corresponding Box folder. When creating metadata, only values that adhere to the metadata template schema will be accepted.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string

SCOPE (required)

Type: string

TEMPLATE (required)

Type: string


Metadata can be used for many purposes. Enterprises may want to have a better way to organize their digital assets for their marketing teams or developers may want to provide advanced content functionality such as facilitating workflows or approvals. Metadata is also visible in the Box Web Application. To learn more, please visit the help documentation. Templates Metadata that belongs to a file/folder is grouped by templates. Templates allow the metadata service to provide a multitude of services, such as pre-defining sets of key:value pairs or schema enforcement on specific fields. For example, a marketingCollateral template may define where and when specific marketing content should be used. You can also see the representation of the template in the Box web application while navigating to a file preview. Currently, metadata associated with folders does not show in the web application. Each file/folder can have multiple distinct template instances associated with it, such as a marketingCollateral and retentionPolicy template instances. Template instances are also grouped by scopes. Currently, the only scopes support are enterprise and global. Enterprise scopes are defined on a per enterprises basis, whereas global scopes are Box application-wide. Attribute order within template instances is not guaranteed. Currently, there are four attributes supported by templates: string, enum, float, and date (RFC 3339).

Global Properties Template In addition to enterprise scoped templates, every file on Box has access to the global properties template. The Properties template is a bucket of free form key:value string pairs, with no additional schema associated with it. Properties are ideal for scenarios where applications want to write metadata to file objects in a flexible way, without pre-defined template structure. Properties follow all the conventions of standard templates, except for being located at a different endpoint. All requests made to the properties template must be made to /files/{file_id}/metadata/global/properties.

Type: object

{ }


Used to create a group.



Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "name" : "The name of this group",
  "provenance" : "Keeps track of which external source this group is coming from (e.g. \"Active Directory\", \"Google Groups\", \"Facebook Groups\"). This should be a human-readable identifier up to 255 characters long. Setting this will also prevent Box users from editing this group directly through Box. This is desirable for one-way syncing of groups. Needs to be accessed via the fields parameter.",
  "invitability_level" : "Specifies who can invite this group to collaborate on folders (Create Collaboration).\nadmins_only Master Admin, Coadmins, group's Group Admin.\nadmins_and_members Admins listed above and group members.\nall_managed_users All managed users in the enterprise.",
  "created_at" : "When this groups was created on Box’s servers",
  "description" : "Human readable description of this Group. This can be up to 255 characters long. Needs to be accessed via the fields parameter.",
  "external_sync_identifier" : "An arbitrary identifier that can be used by external group sync tools to link this Box Group to an external group. Example values of this field could be an Active Directory Object ID or a Google Group ID. We recommend use of this field in order to avoid issues when group names are updated in either Box or external systems. Needs to be accessed via the fields parameter.",
  "modified_at" : "When this group was last updated on the Box servers",
  "member_viewability_level" : "Specifies who can view the members of this group (Get Memberships for Group).\nadmins_only Master Admin, Coadmins, group's Group Admin.\nadmins_and_members Admins and group members.\nall_managed_users All managed users in the enterprise."


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Used to add a member to a Group.



Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "role" : "The role of the user in the group.",
  "created_at" : "The time this membership was created.",
  "modified_at" : "The time this membership was last modified.",
  "user" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "group" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "name" : "The name of this group"


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Invites an existing user to join an Enterprise. The existing user can not be part of another Enterprise and must already have a Box account. Once invited, the user will receive an email and prompt to accept the invitation within the Box web application. This method requires the "Manage An Enterprise" scope for the enterprise, which can be enabled within your developer console.



Type: object

  "enterprise" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session"
  "actionable_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string

Create a new Legal Hold Policy. Optional date filter may be passed. If Policy has a date filter, any Custodian assignments will apply only to file versions created or uploaded inside of the date range.



Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "release_notes" : "Notes around why the policy was released. Optional property with a 500 character limit.",
  "policy_name" : "Name of the Policy. This is limited to 254 characters.",
  "description" : "The type and id of the content that is under retention. The type can either be folder or enterprise.",
  "created_at" : "Time the Policy was created.",
  "filter_ended_at" : "User-specified, optional date filter applies to Custodian assignments only.",
  "modified_at" : "Time that the Policy itself was modified. Does not update when assignments are added or removed.",
  "assignment_count" : {
    "file_version" : "integer",
    "folder" : "integer",
    "file" : "integer",
    "user" : "integer"
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "deleted_at" : "Time that the policy release request was sent.",
  "status" : "string. Possible values: active | applying | releasing | released",
  "filter_started_at" : "User-specified, optional date filter applies to Custodian assignments only."

Create a new Assignment, which will apply the Legal Hold Policy to the target of the Assignment.



Request object to create a new Legal Policy Hold Assignment

Type: object

  "policy_id" : "ID of Policy to create Assignment for.",
  "assign_to" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session"


Used to create a new metadata template with the specified schema.



Metadata that belongs to a file or folder is grouped by templates. Templates allow the metadata service to provide a multitude of services, such as pre-defining sets of key:value pairs or schema enforcement on specific fields.

Type: object

  "hidden" : "Whether this template is hidden in the UI",
  "displayName" : "The display name of the template. The character limit is 4096.",
  "scope" : "The scope of the object.",
  "fields" : [ {
    "hidden" : "boolean",
    "displayName" : "The display name of the field. The character limit is 4096. All characters are allowed.",
    "options" : [ {
      "key" : "string"
    } ],
    "description" : "A description of the field. The character limit is 4096. All characters are allowed.",
    "type" : "The data type of the field's value.",
    "key" : "A unique identifier for the field. The identifier must be unique within the template to which it belongs. The character limit is 256. All characters are allowed."
  } ],
  "templateKey" : "A unique identifier for the template. The identifier must be unique across the scope of the enterprise to which the metadata template is being applied to. Defaults to a string derived from the displayName if no value is provided."


Used to create a new retention policy.



Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "policy_name" : "The name given to the retention policy",
  "retention_length" : "The length of the retention policy. This length specifies the duration in days that the retention policy will beactive for after being assigned to content.",
  "policy_type" : "The type of the retention policy. A retention policy type can either be finite, where a specific amount of time to retain the content is known upfront, or indefinite, where the amount of time to retain the content is still unknown.",
  "disposition_action" : "The disposition action of the retention policy. This actioncan be permanently_delete, which will cause the content retained by the policy to be permanently deleted, or remove_retention, which will lift the retention policy from the content, allowing it to be deleted by users, once the retention policy time period has passed.",
  "created_at" : "The time that the retention policy was created.",
  "modified_at" : "The time that the retention policy was last modified.",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "status" : "The status of a retention policy. The status of a policy will be active, unless explicitly retired by an administrator, in which case the status will be retired. Once a policyhas been retired, it cannot become active again."


Returns a list of all retention policy assignments associated with a specified retention policy.



Request object to create a new Retention Policy Assignment

Type: object

  "policy_id" : "ID of Policy to create Assignment for.",
  "assign_to" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session"


Used to create a single task for single user on a single file.



Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "item" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file."
  "action" : "The action the task assignee will be prompted to do. Must be review",
  "task_assignment_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "resolution_state" : "State of this assignment (complete/incomplete)",
      "completed_at" : "The date at which this task assignment was completed",
      "item" : {
        "id" : "string",
        "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
        "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
        "name" : "The name of the folder.",
        "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
        "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file."
      "assigned_at" : "The date at which this task assignment was assigned",
      "assigned_by" : {
        "name" : "Name of this user",
        "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
        "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
        "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
      "message" : "A message that will be included with this task assignment",
      "reminded_at" : "The date at which this task assignment was reminded",
      "assigned_to" : {
        "name" : "Name of this user",
        "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
        "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
        "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
    } ]
  "created_at" : "When this task was created",
  "due_at" : "The date at which this task is due",
  "message" : "A message that will be included with this task",
  "is_completed" : "Whether or not this task has been completed",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."


Used to assign a task to a single user. There can be multiple assignments on a given task.



Type: object

  "task" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "item" : {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file."
    "action" : "The action the task assignee will be prompted to do. Must be review",
    "task_assignment_collection" : {
      "offset" : "integer",
      "total_count" : "integer",
      "limit" : "integer",
      "order" : [ {
        "by" : "string",
        "direction" : "string"
      } ],
      "entries" : [ {
        "id" : "string",
        "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
        "resolution_state" : "State of this assignment (complete/incomplete)",
        "completed_at" : "The date at which this task assignment was completed",
        "item" : {
          "id" : "string",
          "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
          "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
          "name" : "The name of the folder.",
          "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
          "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file."
        "assigned_at" : "The date at which this task assignment was assigned",
        "assigned_by" : {
          "name" : "Name of this user",
          "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
          "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
          "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
        "message" : "A message that will be included with this task assignment",
        "reminded_at" : "The date at which this task assignment was reminded",
        "assigned_to" : {
          "name" : "Name of this user",
          "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
          "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
          "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
      } ]
    "created_at" : "When this task was created",
    "due_at" : "The date at which this task is due",
    "message" : "A message that will be included with this task",
    "is_completed" : "Whether or not this task has been completed",
    "created_by" : {
      "name" : "Name of this user",
      "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
      "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "assign_to" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."


Used to provision a new user in an enterprise. This method only works for enterprise admins.



Type: object

  "name" : "Name of this user",
  "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
  "login" : "The email address this user uses to login.",
  "space_used" : "The amount of space in use by the user.",
  "can_see_managed_users" : "Whether this user can see other enterprise users in her contact list.",
  "max_upload_size" : "The maximum individual file size in bytes this user can have.",
  "address" : "The user’s address.",
  "role" : "This user’s enterprise role. Can be admin, coadmin, or user.",
  "timezone" : "The timezone of this user. (tz Database timezones)",
  "is_exempt_from_login_verification" : "Whether or not this user must use two-factor authentication.",
  "enterprise" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "name" : "string"
  "is_external_collab_restricted" : "Whether this user is allowed to collaborate with users outside her enterprise.",
  "created_at" : "The time this user was created.",
  "language" : "The language of this user. (ISO 639-1 Language Code)",
  "hostname" : "The root (protocol, subdomain, domain) of any links that need to be generated for this user",
  "avatar_url" : "URL of this user’s avatar image.",
  "is_exempt_from_device_limits" : "Whether to exempt this user from Enterprise device limits.",
  "phone" : "The user’s phone number.",
  "space_amount" : "The user’s total available space amount in bytes.",
  "is_sync_enabled" : "Whether or not this user can use Box Sync.",
  "modified_at" : "The time this user was last modified.",
  "job_title" : "The user’s job title.",
  "tracking_codes" : [ { } ],
  "my_tags" : [ "string" ],
  "status" : "Can be active, inactive, cannot_delete_edit, or cannot_delete_edit_upload."


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string

Creates a web link object within a given folder.



Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "name" : "The name of the folder.",
  "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "parent" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
  "description" : "The description accompanying the web link. This is visible within the Box web application.",
  "created_at" : "When this file was created on Box’s servers.",
  "owned_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "item_status" : "Whether this item is deleted or not.",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "url" : "The URL this web link points to.",
  "trashed_at" : "When this file was last moved to the trash.",
  "purged_at" : "When this file will be permanently deleted.",
  "modified_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "shared_link" : {
    "is_password_enabled" : "boolean",
    "password" : "string",
    "access" : "string",
    "permissions" : {
      "can_preview" : "boolean",
      "can_download" : "boolean"
    "download_url" : "string",
    "effective_access" : "string",
    "vanity_url" : "string",
    "unshared_at" : "string",
    "preview_count" : "integer",
    "url" : "string",
    "download_count" : "integer"
  "modified_at" : "When this file was last updated on the Box servers.",
  "path_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
    } ]


Create Webhook



Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "address" : "The notification URL of the webhook. The notification URL is the URL used by Box to send a notification when the webhook is triggered.",
  "created_at" : "An RFC-3339 timestamp identifying the time that the webhook was created.",
  "triggers" : [ "string" ],
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "target" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session"


Used to delete a single collaboration.


COLLAB_ID (required)

Type: string


Permanently deletes a comment.


COMMENT_ID (required)

Type: string


Delete individual device pin.


ID (required)

Type: string


Discards a file to the trash. The etag of the file can be included as an ‘If-Match’ header to prevent race conditions.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


The etag of the file. This is in the ‘etag’ field of the file object.

Type: string


Used to delete the template instance. To delete custom key:value pairs within a template instance, you should refer to the updating metadata section.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string

SCOPE (required)

Type: string

TEMPLATE (required)

Type: string


Discards a specific file version to the trash. (Depending on the enterprise settings for this user, the item will either be actually deleted from Box or moved to the trash.)


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string

VERSION_ID (required)

Type: string


The etag of the file. This is in the ‘etag’ field of the file object.

Type: string


Used to remove the watermark for a corresponding Box file.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Used to delete a folder. A recursive parameter must be included in order to delete folders that have items inside of them. An optional If-Match header can be included to ensure that client only deletes the folder if it knows about the latest version.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string


This is in the ‘etag’ field of the folder object.

Type: string


Type: boolean


Used to delete the template instance. To delete custom key:value pairs within a template instance, you should refer to the updating metadata section.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string

SCOPE (required)

Type: string

TEMPLATE (required)

Type: string


Used to remove the watermark for a corresponding Box Folder.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string


Permanently deletes a specific group.


GROUP_ID (required)

Type: string


Deletes a specific group membership.



Type: string

Sends request to delete an existing Legal Hold Policy. Note that this is an asynchronous process - the Policy will not be fully deleted yet when the response comes back.


ID (required)

Type: string

Sends request to delete an existing Assignment. Note that this is an asynchronous process - the Assignment will not be fully deleted yet when the response comes back.


ASSIGNMENT_ID (required)

Type: string


Permanently deletes a specific task.


TASK_ID (required)

Type: string


Deletes a specific task assignment.



Type: string


Permanently deletes an item that is in the trash. The item will no longer exist in Box. This action cannot be undone.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Permanently deletes an folder that is in the trash. The item will no longer exist in Box. This action cannot be undone.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string


Deletes a user in an enterprise account.


USER_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: boolean


Type: boolean


Removes an email alias from a user.


EMAIL_ALIAS_ID (required)

Type: string

USER_ID (required)

Type: string

Deletes a web link and moves it to the trash


Type: string


Permanently deletes a webhook


WEBHOOK_ID (required)

Type: string


Used to retrieve all metadata associated with a given file


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Used to retrieve all metadata associated with a given folder


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string


Used to get information about a single collaboration. All collaborations for a single folder can be retrieved through GET /folders/{id}/collaborations. A complete list of the user’s pending collaborations can also be retrieved.


COLLAB_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Can only be pending

Type: string

Potential values: pending


Retrieves the files and/or folders contained within this collection. Collection item lists behave a lot like getting a folder’s items. Paginated results can be retrieved using the limit and offset parameters. Sub-object fields can be requested via the ?fields parameter


COLLECTION_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


The maximum number of items to return in a page.

Type: integer


The offset at which to begin the response. An offset of value of 0 will start at the beginning of the folder-listing. Offset of 2 would start at the 2nd record, not the second page. Note: If there are hidden items in your previous response, your next offset should be = offset + limit, not the # of records you received back.

Type: string


This operation has no parameters


Used to retrieve the message and metadata about a specific comment. Information about the user who created the comment is also included.


COMMENT_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response.

Type: string


Retrieves information about the user who is currently logged in i.e. the user for whom this auth token was generated.



Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Gets information about an individual device pin.


ID (required)

Type: string


Retrieves all email aliases for this user. The collection of email aliases does not include the primary login for the user; use GET /users/USER_ID to retrieve the login email address.


USER_ID (required)

Type: string


Gets all the device pins within a given enterprise. Must be an enterprise admin with the manage enterprise scope to make this call.


ENTERPRISE_ID (required)

Type: string


Default is "asc". Valid values are asc, desc. Case in-sensitive, ASC/DESC works just fine.

Type: string


Default value is 100. Max value is 10000

Type: string


Needs not be passed or can be empty for first invocation of the API. Use the one returned in response for each subsequent call.

Type: string


Retrieves all of the groups for given enterprise. Must have permissions to see an enterprise's groups.



Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


The maximum number of items to return in a page. The default is 100 and the max is 1000.

Type: integer


The item at which to begin the response.

Type: integer


Used to retrieve all metadata templates within a user's enterprise. Currently only the enterprise scope is supported.


SCOPE (required)

Type: string


Returns a list of all users for the Enterprise along with their user_id, public_name, and login.



Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


A string used to filter the results to only users starting with the filter_term in either the name or the login.

Type: string


The number of records to return. The default is 100 and the max is 1000.

Type: integer


The record at which to start. The default is 0.

Type: integer


The type of user to search for. Valid values are all, external or managed. If nothing is provided, the default behavior will be managed only

Type: string

Potential values: all, external, managed


Used to retrieve the metadata about a file.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response.

Type: string


Use this to get a list of all the collaborations on a file


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


The maximum number of items to return in a page

Type: integer


The item at which to begin the response

Type: integer


Retrieves the comments on a particular file, if any exist.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Retrieves the actual data of the file. An optional version parameter can be set to download a previous version of the file.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


The shared link for this item. Format should be shared_link=SHARED_LINK

Type: string


The range value in bytes. Format should be bytes={start_range}-{end_range}

Type: string


The ID specific version of this file to download.

Type: string


Used to retrieve the metadata template instance for a corresponding Box file.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string

SCOPE (required)

Type: string

TEMPLATE (required)

Type: string


Retrieves all of the tasks for given file.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Retrieves a thumbnail, or smaller image representation, of this file. Sizes of 32x32,64x64, 128x128, and 256x256 can be returned in the .png format and sizes of 32x32, 94x94, 160x160, and 320x320 can be returned in the .jpg format. Thumbnails can be generated for the image and video file formats listed here.


EXTENSION (required)

The preview format, e.g. png or jpg

Type: string

FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


The maximum height of the thumbnail

Type: integer


The maximum width of the thumbnail

Type: integer


The minimum height of the thumbnail

Type: integer


The minimum width of the thumbnail

Type: integer

Get list of non-deleted Holds for a single Policy.


policy_id (required)

Type: string

Get details of a single File Version Legal Hold.


ID (required)

Type: string


Used to retrieve information about a file version retention



Type: string


Retrieves all file version retentions for the given enterprise.



The disposition action of the retention policy. This action can be permanently_delete, which will cause the content retained by the policy to be permanently deleted, or remove_retention, which will lift the retention policy from the content, allowing it to be deleted by users, once the retention policy time period has passed.

Type: string

Potential values: permanently_delete, remove_retention


See content times for formatting

Type: string


See content times for formatting

Type: string


A file id to filter the file version retentions by.

Type: string


A file version id to filter the file version retentions by.

Type: string


The maximum number of items to return in a page

Type: integer


Base 64 encoded string that represents where the paging should being. It should be left blank to begin paging.

Type: string


A policy id to filter the file version retentions by.

Type: string


If there are previous versions of this file, this method can be used to retrieve information about the older versions. (Versions are only tracked for Box users with premium accounts.)


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Used to retrieve the watermark for a corresponding Box file.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Retrieves the full metadata about a folder, including information about when it was last updated as well as the files and folders contained in it. The root folder of a Box account is always represented by the id “0”.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Use this to get a list of all the collaborations on a folder i.e. all of the users that have access to that folder.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


The maximum number of items to return in a page. The default is 100 and the max is 1000.

Type: integer


The item at which to begin the response

Type: integer


Retrieves the files and/or folders contained within this folder without any other metadata about the folder. Any attribute in the full files or folders objects can be passed in with the fields parameter to get specific attributes, and only those specific attributes back; otherwise, the mini format is returned for each item by default. Multiple attributes can be passed in separated by commas e.g. fields=name,created_at. Paginated results can be retrieved using the limit and offset parameters.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


The maximum number of items to return in a page. The default is 100 and the max is 1000.

Type: integer


The offset at which to begin the response. An offset of value of 0 will start at the beginning of the folder-listing. Note: If there are hidden items in your previous response, your next offset should be = offset + limit, not the # of records you received back. The default is 0.

Type: string


Used to retrieve the metadata template instance for a corresponding Box folder.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string

SCOPE (required)

Type: string

TEMPLATE (required)

Type: string


Used to retrieve the watermark for a corresponding Box folder.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string


Used to get information about a group.


GROUP_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Retrieves all of the group collaborations for a given group. Note this is only available to group admins.


GROUP_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


The maximum number of items to return in a page. The default is 100 and the max is 1000.

Type: integer


The item at which to begin the response.

Type: integer


Fetches a specific group membership entry.



Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Retrieves all of the members for a given group if the requesting user has access (see Group Object member_viewability_level).


GROUP_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


The maximum number of items to return in a page. The default is 100 and the max is 1000.

Type: integer


The item at which to begin the response.

Type: integer


Get status of the invite


INVITE_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string

Get a list of Legal Hold Policies that belong to your Enterprise.



Limit result size to this number. Defaults to 100, maximum is 1,000.

Type: integer


Take from next_marker column of a prior call to get the next page

Type: string


Case insensitive prefix-match filter on Policy name.

Type: string

Get details of a single Legal Hold Policy


ID (required)

Type: string

Get details of a single assignment.


ASSIGNMENT_ID (required)

Type: string

Get list of assignments for a single Policy.


ID (required)

Type: string


Used to retrieve the schema for a given metadata template.


SCOPE (required)

Type: string

TEMPLATE (required)

Type: string


Used to retrieve all pending collaboration invites for this user.


status (required)

Must be 'pending'

Type: string

Potential values: pending


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Retrieves all of the retention policies for the given enterprise.



A user id to filter the retention policies by.

Type: string


A name to filter the retention policies by. A trailing partial match search is performed.

Type: string


A policy type to filter the retention policies by.

Type: string

Potential values: finite, indefinite


Used to retrieve information about a retention policy


POLICY_ID (required)

Type: string


Used to retrieve information about a retention policy assignment.



Type: string


Returns a list of all retention policy assignments associated with a specified retention policy.


POLICY_ID (required)

Type: string


The type of the retention policy assignment to retrieve. Can either be folder or enterprise.

Type: string

Potential values: folder, enterprise


Shared items are any files or folders that are represented by a shared link. Shared items are different from other API resources in that a shared resource doesn’t necessarily have to be in the account of the user accessing it. The actual shared link itself is used along with a normal access token. Used to retrieve the metadata about a shared item when only given a shared link. Because of varying permission for shared links, a password may be required to retrieve the shared item. Once the item has been retrieved, you can make API requests against the actual resource /files/{id} or /folders/{id} as long as the shared link and optional password are in the header.


BoxApi (required)

The usage is 'BoxApi: shared_link=SHARED_LINK&shared_link_password=SHARED_LINK_PASSWORD'

Type: string


Fetches a specific task.


TASK_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Fetches a specific task assignment.



Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Retrieves all of the assignments for a given task.


TASK_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Retrieves an item that has been moved to the trash.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Retrieves an folder that has been moved to the trash.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Retrieves the files and/or folders that have been moved to the trash. Any attribute in the full files or folders objects can be passed in with the fields parameter to get specific attributes, and only those specific attributes back; otherwise, the mini format is returned for each item by default. Multiple attributes can be passed in separated by commas e.g. fields=name,created_at. Paginated results can be retrieved using the limit and offset parameters.



Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


The maximum number of items to return

Type: integer


The item at which to begin the response

Type: integer


Retrieves information about a user in the enterprise. Requires enterprise administration authorization.


USER_ID (required)

Either the unique user ID, or "me" for the currently authenticated user.

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Use this to get events for a given user. A chunk of event objects is returned for the user based on the parameters passed in. Parameters indicating how many chunks are left as well as the next stream_position are also returned.

To retrieve Enterprise Events specify 'stream_type=admin_logs'. Retrieves up to a year' events for all users in an enterprise. Upper and lower bounds as well as filters can be applied to the results.



A lower bound on the timestamp of the events returned

Type: date-time


An upper bound on the timestamp of the events returned

Type: date-time


A comma-separated list of events to filter by

Type: string


Limits the number of events returned

Type: integer


The location in the event stream at which you want to start receiving events. Can specify special case ‘now’ to get 0 events and the latest stream position for initialization.

Type: string


Limits the type of events returned: all: returns everything, changes: returns tree changes, sync: returns tree changes only for sync folders

Type: string

Potential values: all, changes, sync, admin_logs


Retrieves all of the group memberships for a given user. Note this is only available to group admins. To retrieve group memberships for the user making the API request, use the users/me/memberships endpoint.


USER_ID (required)

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Default is 100. Max is 1000

Type: integer


The item at which to begin the response

Type: integer

Use to get information about the web link.


Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Get a Webhook


WEBHOOK_ID (required)

Type: string


Returns all defined webhooks for the requesting application and user, up to the limit. If no limit is supplied then Box uses the default limit of 100. If more than limit webhooks are defined then Box returns the webhooks in batches. When the results are batched, Box sends limit webhooks along with a next_marker field in the response object. The value of the next_marker field is a marker string that you can use in later requests to tell Box which batch to send next. When you send a request that includes a marker string, Box sends the next batch of webhooks, beginning after the last webhook of the previous batch. When the response contains the last of the defined webhooks, Box omits the next_marker field from its response. You can use limit and marker together with the marker string returned in the next_marker field to paginate lists of webhooks.



The maximum number of webhooks to return per page

Type: integer


A marker string returned by Box if the result contains less than the full number of webhooks that are defined

Type: string


If there are previous versions of this file, this method can be used to promote one of the older versions to the top of the stack. This actually mints a copy of the old version and puts it on the top of the versions stack. The file will have the exact same contents, the same SHA1/etag, and the same name as the original. Other properties such as comments do not get updated to their former values.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session"


Restores an item that has been moved to the trash. Default behavior is to restore the item to the folder it was in before it was moved to the trash. If that parent folder no longer exists or if there is now an item with the same name in that parent folder, the new parent folder and/or new name will need to be included in the request.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "name" : "The name of the folder.",
  "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file.",
  "file_version" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file."
  "comment_count" : "The number of comments on a file.",
  "parent" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
  "extension" : "Indicates the suffix, when available, on the file. By default, set to an empty string. The suffix usually indicates the encoding (file format) of the file contents or usage.",
  "watermark_info" : [ {
    "is_watermarked" : "boolean"
  } ],
  "description" : "The description of this file.",
  "created_at" : "When this file was created on Box’s servers.",
  "content_created_at" : "When the content of this file was created (more info).",
  "version_number" : "The version number of the file.",
  "collections" : [ {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "name" : "The name of this collection. The only collection currently available is named “Favorites”",
    "collection_type" : "The type of the collection. This is used to determine the proper visual treatment for Box-internally created collections. Initially only “favorites” collection-type will be supported."
  } ],
  "permissions" : {
    "can_invite_collaborator" : "boolean",
    "can_set_share_access" : "boolean",
    "can_share" : "boolean",
    "can_upload" : "boolean",
    "can_preview" : "boolean",
    "can_rename" : "boolean",
    "can_download" : "boolean",
    "cand_delete" : "boolean"
  "lock" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "is_download_prevented" : "boolean",
    "created_at" : "date-time",
    "expired_at" : "date-time",
    "created_by" : {
      "name" : "Name of this user",
      "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
      "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "modified_at" : "When this file was last updated on the Box servers.",
  "path_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
    } ]
  "is_package" : "Whether the file is a package. Used for Mac Packages used by iWorks.",
  "owned_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "expiring_embed_link" : "An expiring URL for an embedded preview session in an iframe. This URL will expire after 60 seconds and the session will expire after 60 minutes.",
  "item_status" : "Whether this item is deleted or not.",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "trashed_at" : "When this file was last moved to the trash.",
  "tags" : [ "string" ],
  "size" : "Size of this file in bytes.",
  "purged_at" : "When this file will be permanently deleted.",
  "modified_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "shared_link" : {
    "is_password_enabled" : "boolean",
    "password" : "string",
    "access" : "string",
    "permissions" : {
      "can_preview" : "boolean",
      "can_download" : "boolean"
    "download_url" : "string",
    "effective_access" : "string",
    "vanity_url" : "string",
    "unshared_at" : "string",
    "preview_count" : "integer",
    "url" : "string",
    "download_count" : "integer"
  "content_modified_at" : "When the content of this file was last modified (more info)."


Restores an item that has been moved to the trash. Default behavior is to restore the item to the folder it was in before it was moved to the trash. If that parent folder no longer exists or if there is now an item with the same name in that parent folder, the new parent folder and/or new name will need to be included in the request.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "name" : "The name of the folder.",
  "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "parent" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
  "watermark_info" : [ {
    "is_watermarked" : "boolean"
  } ],
  "created_at" : "The time the folder was created.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "description" : "The description of the folder.",
  "content_created_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were originally created (according to the uploader).May be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "allowed_shared_link_access_levels" : [ "string" ],
  "has_collaborations" : "Whether this folder has any collaborators.",
  "folder_upload_email" : {
    "access" : "string",
    "email" : "string"
  "collections" : [ {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "name" : "The name of this collection. The only collection currently available is named “Favorites”",
    "collection_type" : "The type of the collection. This is used to determine the proper visual treatment for Box-internally created collections. Initially only “favorites” collection-type will be supported."
  } ],
  "permissions" : {
    "can_invite_collaborator" : "boolean",
    "can_set_share_access" : "boolean",
    "can_share" : "boolean",
    "can_upload" : "boolean",
    "can_rename" : "boolean",
    "can_download" : "boolean",
    "cand_delete" : "boolean"
  "path_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
    } ]
  "allowed_invitee_roles" : [ "string" ],
  "owned_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "sync_state" : "Whether this folder will be synced by the Box sync clients or not. Can be synced, not_synced, or partially_synced.",
  "item_status" : "Whether this item is deleted or not.",
  "item_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file."
    } ]
  "is_externally_owned" : "Whether this folder is owned by a user outside of the enterprise",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "trashed_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were put in the trash.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "can_non_owners_invite" : "Whether non-owners can invite collaborators to this folder.",
  "tags" : [ "string" ],
  "size" : "The folder size in bytes. Be careful parsing this integer, it can easily go into EE notation: see IEEE754 format.",
  "modified_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "purged_at" : "The time the folder or its contents will be purged from the trash.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "shared_link" : {
    "is_password_enabled" : "boolean",
    "password" : "string",
    "access" : "string",
    "permissions" : {
      "can_preview" : "boolean",
      "can_download" : "boolean"
    "download_url" : "string",
    "effective_access" : "string",
    "vanity_url" : "string",
    "unshared_at" : "string",
    "preview_count" : "integer",
    "url" : "string",
    "download_count" : "integer"
  "content_modified_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were last modified (according to the uploader).\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string

The search endpoint provides a powerful way of finding items that are accessible by a single user or an entire enterprise. Leverage the parameters listed below to generate targeted advanced searches.


query (required)

The string to search for; can be matched against item names, descriptions, text content of a file, and other fields of the different item types.

Type: string


Limit searches to specific parent folders. Requires one or a set of comma delimited folder_ids: folder_id_1,folder_id_2,.... Parent folder results will also include items within subfolders.

Type: string


Limit searches to specific Box designated content types. Can be name, description, file_content, comments, or tags. Requires one or a set of comma delimited content_types: content_type_1,content_type_2,....

Type: string


The date for when the item was created. Specify the date range by using RFC3339 timestamp variables separated by a comma: from_date,to_date (e.g 2014-05-15T13:35:01-07:00,2014-05-17T13:35:01-07:00). Trailing from_date, and leading ,to_date commas are also accepted, where the current date and earliest known date will be designated respectively.

Type: date-time


Limit searches to specific file extensions like pdf,png,doc. Requires one or a set of comma delimited file extensions: file_extension_1,file_extension_2,....

Type: string


Number of search results to return. The default is 30 and the max is 200.

Type: integer


Filters for a specific metadata template for files with metadata object associations. The filters are to be placed in a single JSON object. Please refer the MDFilters object in the definitions section of the swagger.json

Type: string


The search result at which to start the response. The default is 0.

Type: integer


Search by item owners. Requires one or a set of comma delimited user_ids: user_id_1,user_id_2,...

Type: string


The scope for which you want to limit your search to. Can be user_content for a search limited to only the current user or enterprise_content for the entire enterprise. To enable the enterprise_content scope for an administrator, please contact us.

Type: string


Filter by a file size range. Specify the file size range in bytes separated by a comma:lower_bound_size,upper_bound_size, where 1MB is equivalent to 1000000 bytes. Trailing lower_bound_size, and leading ,upper_bound_size commas are also accepted as parameters.

Type: integer


Allows you to search within the trash. Can be trashed_only or non_trashed_only. Searches without this parameter default to non_trashed_only.

Type: string


The type you want to return in your search. Can be file, folder, or web_link.

Type: string

Potential values: file, folder, web_link


The date for when the item was last updated. Specify the date range by using RFC3339 variables separated by a comma: from_date,to_date(e.g 2014-05-15T13:35:01-07:00,2014-05-17T13:35:01-07:00). Trailing from_date, and leading ,to_date commas are also accepted, where the current date and earliest known date will be designated respectively.

Type: date-time


Used to edit an existing collaboration. Descriptions of the various roles can be found here.


COLLAB_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "accessible_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "item" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
  "expires_at" : "The time this collaboration will expire",
  "role" : "The level of access this user or group has. Can be editor, viewer, previewer, uploader, previewer uploader, viewer uploader, co-owner, or owner",
  "created_at" : "The time this collaboration was created",
  "modified_at" : "The time this collaboration was last modified",
  "can_view_path" : "Whether view path collaboration feature is enabled or not. View path collaborations allow the invitee to see the entire ancestral path to the associated folder. The user will not gain privileges in any ancestral folder",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "acknowledged_at" : "When the status of this collab was changed",
  "status" : "The status of this collab. Can be accepted, pending, or rejected"


Used to update the message of the comment.


COMMENT_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "item" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
  "tagged_message" : "The string representing the comment text with @mentions included. @mention format is @[id:username]. Field is not included by default.",
  "created_at" : "The time this comment was created",
  "is_reply_comment" : "Whether or not this comment is a reply to another comment",
  "message" : "The comment text that the user typed",
  "modified_at" : "The time this comment was last modified",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."


Attribute(s) to include in the response.

Type: string


Used to update individual or multiple fields in the file object, including renaming the file, changing its description, and creating a shared link for the file. To move a file, change the ID of its parent folder. An optional If-Match header can be included to prevent race conditions.

To lock and unlock files, you execute a PUT operation on the /files/{file id} endpoint and set or clear the lock properties on the file.

Used to create a shared link for this particular file. Please see here for more information on the permissions available for shared links. In order to get default shared link status, set it to an empty access level, i.e. {"shared_link": {}}. In order to disable a shared link, send this same type of PUT request with the value of shared_link set to null, i.e. {"shared_link": null}


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "name" : "The name of the folder.",
  "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file.",
  "file_version" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file."
  "comment_count" : "The number of comments on a file.",
  "parent" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
  "extension" : "Indicates the suffix, when available, on the file. By default, set to an empty string. The suffix usually indicates the encoding (file format) of the file contents or usage.",
  "watermark_info" : [ {
    "is_watermarked" : "boolean"
  } ],
  "description" : "The description of this file.",
  "created_at" : "When this file was created on Box’s servers.",
  "content_created_at" : "When the content of this file was created (more info).",
  "version_number" : "The version number of the file.",
  "collections" : [ {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "name" : "The name of this collection. The only collection currently available is named “Favorites”",
    "collection_type" : "The type of the collection. This is used to determine the proper visual treatment for Box-internally created collections. Initially only “favorites” collection-type will be supported."
  } ],
  "permissions" : {
    "can_invite_collaborator" : "boolean",
    "can_set_share_access" : "boolean",
    "can_share" : "boolean",
    "can_upload" : "boolean",
    "can_preview" : "boolean",
    "can_rename" : "boolean",
    "can_download" : "boolean",
    "cand_delete" : "boolean"
  "lock" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "is_download_prevented" : "boolean",
    "created_at" : "date-time",
    "expired_at" : "date-time",
    "created_by" : {
      "name" : "Name of this user",
      "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
      "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "modified_at" : "When this file was last updated on the Box servers.",
  "path_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
    } ]
  "is_package" : "Whether the file is a package. Used for Mac Packages used by iWorks.",
  "owned_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "expiring_embed_link" : "An expiring URL for an embedded preview session in an iframe. This URL will expire after 60 seconds and the session will expire after 60 minutes.",
  "item_status" : "Whether this item is deleted or not.",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "trashed_at" : "When this file was last moved to the trash.",
  "tags" : [ "string" ],
  "size" : "Size of this file in bytes.",
  "purged_at" : "When this file will be permanently deleted.",
  "modified_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "shared_link" : {
    "is_password_enabled" : "boolean",
    "password" : "string",
    "access" : "string",
    "permissions" : {
      "can_preview" : "boolean",
      "can_download" : "boolean"
    "download_url" : "string",
    "effective_access" : "string",
    "vanity_url" : "string",
    "unshared_at" : "string",
    "preview_count" : "integer",
    "url" : "string",
    "download_count" : "integer"
  "content_modified_at" : "When the content of this file was last modified (more info)."


The etag of the file can be included as an ‘If-Match’ header to prevent race conditions.

Type: string


Used to update the template instance. The request body must follow the JSON-Patch specification, which is represented as a JSON array of operation objects (see examples for more details). Updates can be either add, replace, remove , test, move, or copy. The template instance can only be updated if the template instance already exists. When editing metadata, only values that adhere to the metadata template schema will be accepted. The update is applied atomically. If any errors occur during the application of the update operations, the metadata instance remains unchanged.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string

SCOPE (required)

Type: string

TEMPLATE (required)

Type: string


Type: array

[ {
  "op" : "The operation type. Must be add, replace, remove , test, move, or copy.",
  "path" : "The path that designates the key, in the format of a JSON-Pointer. Since all keys are located at the root of the metadata instance, the key must be prefixed with a /. Special characters ~ and / in the key must be escaped according to JSON-Pointer specification. The value at the path must exist for the operation to be successful.",
  "from" : "Required for move or copy. The path that designates the source key, in the format of a JSON-Pointer, formatted in the same way as path. Used in conjunction with path: from specifies the source, path specifies the destination.",
  "value" : "The value to be set or tested. Required for add, replace, and test operations. For add, if value already exists, then previous value will be overwritten by the new value. For replace, the metadata value must exist before replacing.For test, the value of the existing metadata instance must match the specified value."
} ]


Used to apply or update the watermark for a corresponding Box file. The endpoint accepts a JSON body describing the watermark to apply.


FILE_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "watermark" : {
    "imprint" : "string. Possible values: default",
    "created_at" : "When this watermark was created",
    "modified_at" : "When this task was modified"


Used to update information about the folder. To move a folder, update the ID of its parent. To enable an email address that can be used to upload files to this folder, update the folder_upload_email attribute. An optional If-Match header can be included to ensure that client only updates the folder if it knows about the latest version.

Used to create a shared link for this particular folder. Please see here for more information on the permissions available for shared links. In order to get default shared link status, set it to an empty access level, i.e. {"shared_link": {}}. In order to disable a shared link, send this same type of PUT request with the value of shared_link set to null, i.e. {"shared_link": null}

To add or remove an item from a collection, you do a PUT on that item and change the list of collections it belongs to. Philosophically, this is similar to the way “move” operations work on files and folders: you do a PUT on the item and change its parent. It’s the same idea with collections, except you’re changing which collection(s) the item belongs to instead of the folder it belongs to. Currently the only collection available is the favorites collection, and you’ll need to know it’s ID for the user that is making the API call, since every user has a different favorites collection_id. The Add/Remove API handling will check all ids passed in before performing any add/removal operations. If any collection ids are malformed or do not exist in the user’s account, the API call will throw a 400. Only if all of the collection ids are valid will the adds and removals be carried out.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "name" : "The name of the folder.",
  "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "parent" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
  "watermark_info" : [ {
    "is_watermarked" : "boolean"
  } ],
  "created_at" : "The time the folder was created.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "description" : "The description of the folder.",
  "content_created_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were originally created (according to the uploader).May be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "allowed_shared_link_access_levels" : [ "string" ],
  "has_collaborations" : "Whether this folder has any collaborators.",
  "folder_upload_email" : {
    "access" : "string",
    "email" : "string"
  "collections" : [ {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "name" : "The name of this collection. The only collection currently available is named “Favorites”",
    "collection_type" : "The type of the collection. This is used to determine the proper visual treatment for Box-internally created collections. Initially only “favorites” collection-type will be supported."
  } ],
  "permissions" : {
    "can_invite_collaborator" : "boolean",
    "can_set_share_access" : "boolean",
    "can_share" : "boolean",
    "can_upload" : "boolean",
    "can_rename" : "boolean",
    "can_download" : "boolean",
    "cand_delete" : "boolean"
  "path_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
    } ]
  "allowed_invitee_roles" : [ "string" ],
  "owned_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "sync_state" : "Whether this folder will be synced by the Box sync clients or not. Can be synced, not_synced, or partially_synced.",
  "item_status" : "Whether this item is deleted or not.",
  "item_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file."
    } ]
  "is_externally_owned" : "Whether this folder is owned by a user outside of the enterprise",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "trashed_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were put in the trash.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "can_non_owners_invite" : "Whether non-owners can invite collaborators to this folder.",
  "tags" : [ "string" ],
  "size" : "The folder size in bytes. Be careful parsing this integer, it can easily go into EE notation: see IEEE754 format.",
  "modified_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "purged_at" : "The time the folder or its contents will be purged from the trash.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "shared_link" : {
    "is_password_enabled" : "boolean",
    "password" : "string",
    "access" : "string",
    "permissions" : {
      "can_preview" : "boolean",
      "can_download" : "boolean"
    "download_url" : "string",
    "effective_access" : "string",
    "vanity_url" : "string",
    "unshared_at" : "string",
    "preview_count" : "integer",
    "url" : "string",
    "download_count" : "integer"
  "content_modified_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were last modified (according to the uploader).\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."


This is in the ‘etag’ field of the folder object.

Type: string


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Used to update the template instance. Updates can be either add, replace, remove , or test. The template instance can only be updated if the template instance already exists. When editing metadata, only values that adhere to the metadata template schema will be accepted.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string

SCOPE (required)

Type: string

TEMPLATE (required)

Type: string


Type: array

[ {
  "op" : "The operation type. Must be add, replace, remove , test, move, or copy.",
  "path" : "The path that designates the key, in the format of a JSON-Pointer. Since all keys are located at the root of the metadata instance, the key must be prefixed with a /. Special characters ~ and / in the key must be escaped according to JSON-Pointer specification. The value at the path must exist for the operation to be successful.",
  "from" : "Required for move or copy. The path that designates the source key, in the format of a JSON-Pointer, formatted in the same way as path. Used in conjunction with path: from specifies the source, path specifies the destination.",
  "value" : "The value to be set or tested. Required for add, replace, and test operations. For add, if value already exists, then previous value will be overwritten by the new value. For replace, the metadata value must exist before replacing.For test, the value of the existing metadata instance must match the specified value."
} ]


Used to apply or update the watermark for a corresponding Box folder. The endpoints accepts a JSON body describing the watermark to apply.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "watermark" : {
    "imprint" : "string. Possible values: default",
    "created_at" : "When this watermark was created",
    "modified_at" : "When this task was modified"


Updates a specific group.


GROUP_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "name" : "The name of this group",
  "provenance" : "Keeps track of which external source this group is coming from (e.g. \"Active Directory\", \"Google Groups\", \"Facebook Groups\"). This should be a human-readable identifier up to 255 characters long. Setting this will also prevent Box users from editing this group directly through Box. This is desirable for one-way syncing of groups. Needs to be accessed via the fields parameter.",
  "invitability_level" : "Specifies who can invite this group to collaborate on folders (Create Collaboration).\nadmins_only Master Admin, Coadmins, group's Group Admin.\nadmins_and_members Admins listed above and group members.\nall_managed_users All managed users in the enterprise.",
  "created_at" : "When this groups was created on Box’s servers",
  "description" : "Human readable description of this Group. This can be up to 255 characters long. Needs to be accessed via the fields parameter.",
  "external_sync_identifier" : "An arbitrary identifier that can be used by external group sync tools to link this Box Group to an external group. Example values of this field could be an Active Directory Object ID or a Google Group ID. We recommend use of this field in order to avoid issues when group names are updated in either Box or external systems. Needs to be accessed via the fields parameter.",
  "modified_at" : "When this group was last updated on the Box servers",
  "member_viewability_level" : "Specifies who can view the members of this group (Get Memberships for Group).\nadmins_only Master Admin, Coadmins, group's Group Admin.\nadmins_and_members Admins and group members.\nall_managed_users All managed users in the enterprise."


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Used to update a group membership.



Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "role" : "The role of the user in the group.",
  "created_at" : "The time this membership was created.",
  "modified_at" : "The time this membership was last modified.",
  "user" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "group" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "name" : "The name of this group"


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string

Update existing Legal Hold Policy. Only name and description can be modified.


ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "release_notes" : "Notes around why the policy was released. Optional property with a 500 character limit.",
  "policy_name" : "Name of the Policy. This is limited to 254 characters.",
  "description" : "The type and id of the content that is under retention. The type can either be folder or enterprise.",
  "created_at" : "Time the Policy was created.",
  "filter_ended_at" : "User-specified, optional date filter applies to Custodian assignments only.",
  "modified_at" : "Time that the Policy itself was modified. Does not update when assignments are added or removed.",
  "assignment_count" : {
    "file_version" : "integer",
    "folder" : "integer",
    "file" : "integer",
    "user" : "integer"
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "deleted_at" : "Time that the policy release request was sent.",
  "status" : "string. Possible values: active | applying | releasing | released",
  "filter_started_at" : "User-specified, optional date filter applies to Custodian assignments only."


Used to update the schema of an existing template.


SCOPE (required)

Type: string

TEMPLATE (required)

Type: string


Type: array

[ {
  "enumOptionKeys" : [ "string" ],
  "op" : "The operation name.",
  "data" : { },
  "fieldKey" : "For operations that affect a specific field, the key of the field to be affected.",
  "fieldKeys" : [ "string" ]
} ]


Used to update a retention policy.


POLICY_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "policy_name" : "The name given to the retention policy",
  "retention_length" : "The length of the retention policy. This length specifies the duration in days that the retention policy will beactive for after being assigned to content.",
  "policy_type" : "The type of the retention policy. A retention policy type can either be finite, where a specific amount of time to retain the content is known upfront, or indefinite, where the amount of time to retain the content is still unknown.",
  "disposition_action" : "The disposition action of the retention policy. This actioncan be permanently_delete, which will cause the content retained by the policy to be permanently deleted, or remove_retention, which will lift the retention policy from the content, allowing it to be deleted by users, once the retention policy time period has passed.",
  "created_at" : "The time that the retention policy was created.",
  "modified_at" : "The time that the retention policy was last modified.",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "status" : "The status of a retention policy. The status of a policy will be active, unless explicitly retired by an administrator, in which case the status will be retired. Once a policyhas been retired, it cannot become active again."


Updates a specific task.


TASK_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "item" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file."
  "action" : "The action the task assignee will be prompted to do. Must be review",
  "task_assignment_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "resolution_state" : "State of this assignment (complete/incomplete)",
      "completed_at" : "The date at which this task assignment was completed",
      "item" : {
        "id" : "string",
        "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
        "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
        "name" : "The name of the folder.",
        "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
        "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file."
      "assigned_at" : "The date at which this task assignment was assigned",
      "assigned_by" : {
        "name" : "Name of this user",
        "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
        "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
        "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
      "message" : "A message that will be included with this task assignment",
      "reminded_at" : "The date at which this task assignment was reminded",
      "assigned_to" : {
        "name" : "Name of this user",
        "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
        "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
        "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
    } ]
  "created_at" : "When this task was created",
  "due_at" : "The date at which this task is due",
  "message" : "A message that will be included with this task",
  "is_completed" : "Whether or not this task has been completed",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Used to update a task assignment.



Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "resolution_state" : "State of this assignment (complete/incomplete)",
  "completed_at" : "The date at which this task assignment was completed",
  "item" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file."
  "assigned_at" : "The date at which this task assignment was assigned",
  "assigned_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "message" : "A message that will be included with this task assignment",
  "reminded_at" : "The date at which this task assignment was reminded",
  "assigned_to" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."


Used to edit the settings and information about a user. This method only works for enterprise admins. To roll a user out of the enterprise (and convert them to a standalone free user), update the special enterprise attribute to be null.

Used to convert one of the user’s confirmed email aliases into the user’s primary login.


USER_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "name" : "Name of this user",
  "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
  "login" : "The email address this user uses to login.",
  "space_used" : "The amount of space in use by the user.",
  "can_see_managed_users" : "Whether this user can see other enterprise users in her contact list.",
  "max_upload_size" : "The maximum individual file size in bytes this user can have.",
  "address" : "The user’s address.",
  "role" : "This user’s enterprise role. Can be admin, coadmin, or user.",
  "timezone" : "The timezone of this user. (tz Database timezones)",
  "is_exempt_from_login_verification" : "Whether or not this user must use two-factor authentication.",
  "enterprise" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "name" : "string"
  "is_external_collab_restricted" : "Whether this user is allowed to collaborate with users outside her enterprise.",
  "created_at" : "The time this user was created.",
  "language" : "The language of this user. (ISO 639-1 Language Code)",
  "hostname" : "The root (protocol, subdomain, domain) of any links that need to be generated for this user",
  "avatar_url" : "URL of this user’s avatar image.",
  "is_exempt_from_device_limits" : "Whether to exempt this user from Enterprise device limits.",
  "phone" : "The user’s phone number.",
  "space_amount" : "The user’s total available space amount in bytes.",
  "is_sync_enabled" : "Whether or not this user can use Box Sync.",
  "modified_at" : "The time this user was last modified.",
  "job_title" : "The user’s job title.",
  "tracking_codes" : [ { } ],
  "my_tags" : [ "string" ],
  "status" : "Can be active, inactive, cannot_delete_edit, or cannot_delete_edit_upload."


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Moves all of the owned content from within one user’s folder into a new folder in another user’s account. You can move folders across users as long as the you have administrative permissions and the ‘source’ user owns the folders. To move everything from the root folder, use “0” which always represents the root folder of a Box account.


FOLDER_ID (required)

Type: string

USER_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "name" : "The name of the folder.",
  "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "parent" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
  "watermark_info" : [ {
    "is_watermarked" : "boolean"
  } ],
  "created_at" : "The time the folder was created.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "description" : "The description of the folder.",
  "content_created_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were originally created (according to the uploader).May be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "allowed_shared_link_access_levels" : [ "string" ],
  "has_collaborations" : "Whether this folder has any collaborators.",
  "folder_upload_email" : {
    "access" : "string",
    "email" : "string"
  "collections" : [ {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "name" : "The name of this collection. The only collection currently available is named “Favorites”",
    "collection_type" : "The type of the collection. This is used to determine the proper visual treatment for Box-internally created collections. Initially only “favorites” collection-type will be supported."
  } ],
  "permissions" : {
    "can_invite_collaborator" : "boolean",
    "can_set_share_access" : "boolean",
    "can_share" : "boolean",
    "can_upload" : "boolean",
    "can_rename" : "boolean",
    "can_download" : "boolean",
    "cand_delete" : "boolean"
  "path_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
    } ]
  "allowed_invitee_roles" : [ "string" ],
  "owned_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "sync_state" : "Whether this folder will be synced by the Box sync clients or not. Can be synced, not_synced, or partially_synced.",
  "item_status" : "Whether this item is deleted or not.",
  "item_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "sha1" : "The sha1 hash of this file."
    } ]
  "is_externally_owned" : "Whether this folder is owned by a user outside of the enterprise",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "trashed_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were put in the trash.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "can_non_owners_invite" : "Whether non-owners can invite collaborators to this folder.",
  "tags" : [ "string" ],
  "size" : "The folder size in bytes. Be careful parsing this integer, it can easily go into EE notation: see IEEE754 format.",
  "modified_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "purged_at" : "The time the folder or its contents will be purged from the trash.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "shared_link" : {
    "is_password_enabled" : "boolean",
    "password" : "string",
    "access" : "string",
    "permissions" : {
      "can_preview" : "boolean",
      "can_download" : "boolean"
    "download_url" : "string",
    "effective_access" : "string",
    "vanity_url" : "string",
    "unshared_at" : "string",
    "preview_count" : "integer",
    "url" : "string",
    "download_count" : "integer"
  "content_modified_at" : "The time the folder or its contents were last modified (according to the uploader).\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Type: boolean

Updates information for a web link.


Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "name" : "The name of the folder.",
  "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
  "parent" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
    "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
    "name" : "The name of the folder.",
    "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
  "description" : "The description accompanying the web link. This is visible within the Box web application.",
  "created_at" : "When this file was created on Box’s servers.",
  "owned_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "item_status" : "Whether this item is deleted or not.",
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "url" : "The URL this web link points to.",
  "trashed_at" : "When this file was last moved to the trash.",
  "purged_at" : "When this file will be permanently deleted.",
  "modified_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "shared_link" : {
    "is_password_enabled" : "boolean",
    "password" : "string",
    "access" : "string",
    "permissions" : {
      "can_preview" : "boolean",
      "can_download" : "boolean"
    "download_url" : "string",
    "effective_access" : "string",
    "vanity_url" : "string",
    "unshared_at" : "string",
    "preview_count" : "integer",
    "url" : "string",
    "download_count" : "integer"
  "modified_at" : "When this file was last updated on the Box servers.",
  "path_collection" : {
    "offset" : "integer",
    "total_count" : "integer",
    "limit" : "integer",
    "order" : [ {
      "by" : "string",
      "direction" : "string"
    } ],
    "entries" : [ {
      "id" : "string",
      "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
      "sequence_id" : "A unique ID for use with the /events endpoint.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash.",
      "name" : "The name of the folder.",
      "etag" : "A unique string identifying the version of this folder.\nMay be null for some folders such as root or trash."
    } ]


Attribute(s) to include in the response

Type: string


Update a Webhook


WEBHOOK_ID (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "id" : "string",
  "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session",
  "address" : "The notification URL of the webhook. The notification URL is the URL used by Box to send a notification when the webhook is triggered.",
  "created_at" : "An RFC-3339 timestamp identifying the time that the webhook was created.",
  "triggers" : [ "string" ],
  "created_by" : {
    "name" : "Name of this user",
    "id" : "Unqiue string identifying this user.",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: user",
    "login" : "The email address this user uses to login."
  "target" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: folder | file | user | file_version | lock | collaboration | comment | task | web_link | collection | task_assignment | event | realtime_server | webhook_event | webhook | enterprise | invite | email_alias | group | group_membership | device_pinner | retention_policy | retention_policy_assignment | file_version_retention | legal_hold_policy | legal_hold_policy_assignment | legal_hold | upload_session"