Mailchimp (version v1.*.*)


Add a new cart to a store.


store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Information about a specific cart.

Type: object

  "checkout_url" : "The URL for the cart. This parameter is required for [Abandoned Cart]( automations.",
  "tax_total" : "The total tax for the cart.",
  "order_total" : "The order total for the cart.",
  "id" : "A unique identifier for the cart.",
  "lines" : [ {
    "quantity" : "The quantity of a cart line item.",
    "price" : "The price of a cart line item.",
    "product_id" : "A unique identifier for the product associated with the cart line item.",
    "id" : "A unique identifier for the cart line item.",
    "product_variant_id" : "A unique identifier for the product variant associated with the cart line item."
  } ],
  "campaign_id" : "A string that uniquely identifies the campaign for a cart.",
  "currency_code" : "The three-letter [ISO 4217]( code for the currency that the cart uses.",
  "customer" : {
    "total_spent" : "The total amount the customer has spent. [Learn More]( about using this data.",
    "orders_count" : "The customer's total order count. [Learn More]( about using this data.",
    "email_address" : "The customer's email address.",
    "address" : {
      "country" : "The customer's country.",
      "country_code" : "The two-letter code for the customer's country.",
      "province" : "The customer's state name or normalized province.",
      "address2" : "An additional field for the customer's mailing address.",
      "city" : "The city the customer is located in.",
      "address1" : "The mailing address of the customer.",
      "province_code" : "The two-letter code for the customer's province or state.",
      "postal_code" : "The customer's postal or zip code."
    "last_name" : "The customer's last name.",
    "opt_in_status" : "The customer's opt-in status. This value will never overwrite the opt-in status of a pre-existing MailChimp list member, but will apply to list members that are added through the e-commerce API endpoints. Customers who don't opt in to your MailChimp list [will be added as `Transactional` members](",
    "company" : "The customer's company.",
    "id" : "A unique identifier for the customer.",
    "first_name" : "The customer's first name."


Add a new customer to a store.


store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Information about a specific customer. Orders for existing customers should include only the id parameter in the customer object body.

Type: object

  "total_spent" : "The total amount the customer has spent. [Learn More]( about using this data.",
  "orders_count" : "The customer's total order count. [Learn More]( about using this data.",
  "email_address" : "The customer's email address.",
  "address" : {
    "country" : "The customer's country.",
    "country_code" : "The two-letter code for the customer's country.",
    "province" : "The customer's state name or normalized province.",
    "address2" : "An additional field for the customer's mailing address.",
    "city" : "The city the customer is located in.",
    "address1" : "The mailing address of the customer.",
    "province_code" : "The two-letter code for the customer's province or state.",
    "postal_code" : "The customer's postal or zip code."
  "last_name" : "The customer's last name.",
  "opt_in_status" : "The customer's opt-in status. This value will never overwrite the opt-in status of a pre-existing MailChimp list member, but will apply to list members that are added through the e-commerce API endpoints. Customers who don't opt in to your MailChimp list [will be added as `Transactional` members](",
  "company" : "The customer's company.",
  "id" : "A unique identifier for the customer.",
  "first_name" : "The customer's first name."


Add feedback on a specific campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A specific feedback message from a specific campaign.

Type: object

  "is_complete" : "The status of feedback.",
  "message" : "The content of the feedback.",
  "block_id" : "The block id for the editable block that the feedback addresses."


Create a new interest or 'group name' for a specific category.


interest_category_id (required)

The unique id for the interest category.

Type: string

list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Assign subscribers to interests to group them together. Interests are referred to as 'group names' in the MailChimp application.

Type: object

  "name" : "The name of the interest. This can be shown publicly on a subscription form.",
  "display_order" : "The display order for interests."


Add a new line item to an existing cart.


cart_id (required)

The id for the cart.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Information about a specific cart line item.

Type: object

  "quantity" : "The quantity of a cart line item.",
  "price" : "The price of a cart line item.",
  "product_id" : "A unique identifier for the product associated with the cart line item.",
  "id" : "A unique identifier for the cart line item.",
  "product_variant_id" : "A unique identifier for the product variant associated with the cart line item."


Add a new line item to an existing order.


order_id (required)

The id for the order in a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Information about a specific order line.

Type: object

  "quantity" : "The quantity of an order line item.",
  "price" : "The price of an order line item.",
  "product_id" : "A unique identifier for the product associated with the order line item.",
  "id" : "A unique identifier for the order line item.",
  "product_variant_id" : "A unique identifier for the product variant associated with the order line item."


Add a new member to the list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Individuals who are currently or have been previously subscribed to this list, including members who have bounced or unsubscribed.

Type: object

  "email_address" : "Email address for a subscriber.",
  "email_type" : "Type of email this member asked to get ('html' or 'text').",
  "timestamp_opt" : "The date and time the subscribe confirmed their opt-in status.",
  "merge_fields" : { },
  "timestamp_signup" : "The date and time the subscriber signed up for the list.",
  "ip_opt" : "The IP address the subscriber used to confirm their opt-in status.",
  "language" : "If set/detected, the [subscriber's language](",
  "location" : {
    "latitude" : "The location latitude.",
    "longitude" : "The location longitude."
  "ip_signup" : "IP address the subscriber signed up from.",
  "interests" : "The key of this object's properties is the ID of the interest in question.",
  "vip" : "[VIP status]( for subscriber.",
  "status" : "Subscriber's current status."


Add a member to a static segment.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

segment_id (required)

The unique id for the segment.

Type: string


Type: object

  "email_address" : "Email address for a subscriber."


Add a new merge field for a specific list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


A merge field (formerly merge vars) for a specific list. These correspond to merge fields in MailChimp's lists and subscriber profiles.

Type: object

  "public" : "Whether the merge field is displayed on the signup form.",
  "name" : "The name of the merge field.",
  "display_order" : "The order that the merge field displays on the list signup form.",
  "options" : {
    "size" : "In a text field, the default length of the text field.",
    "date_format" : "In a date or birthday field, the format of the date.",
    "choices" : [ "string" ],
    "default_country" : "In an address field, the default country code if none supplied.",
    "phone_format" : "In a phone field, the phone number type: US or International."
  "default_value" : "The default value for the merge field if `null`.",
  "tag" : "The tag used in MailChimp campaigns and for the /members endpoint.",
  "type" : "The type for the merge field.",
  "required" : "The boolean value if the merge field is required.",
  "help_text" : "Extra text to help the subscriber fill out the form."


Add a new order to a store.


store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Information about a specific order.

Type: object

  "fulfillment_status" : "The fulfillment status for the order. For example: `partial`, `fulfilled`, etc.",
  "tax_total" : "The tax total for the order.",
  "shipping_total" : "The shipping total for the order.",
  "processed_at_foreign" : "The date and time the order was processed.",
  "billing_address" : {
    "country" : "The country in the billing address.",
    "address2" : "An additional field for the billing address.",
    "city" : "The city in the billing address.",
    "address1" : "The billing address for the order.",
    "latitude" : "The latitude for the billing address location.",
    "province_code" : "The two-letter code for the province in the billing address.",
    "country_code" : "The two-letter code for the country in the billing address.",
    "province" : "The state or normalized province in the billing address.",
    "phone" : "The phone number for the billing address",
    "name" : "The name associated with the billing address.",
    "company" : "The company associated with the billing address.",
    "postal_code" : "The postal or zip code in the billing address.",
    "longitude" : "The longitude for the billing address location."
  "tracking_code" : "The MailChimp tracking code for the order. Uses the 'mc_tc' parameter in E-Commerce tracking URLs.",
  "currency_code" : "The three-letter [ISO 4217]( code for the currency that the store accepts.",
  "landing_site" : "The URL for the page where the buyer landed when entering the shop.",
  "financial_status" : "The order status. For example: `refunded`, `processing`, `cancelled`, etc.",
  "order_total" : "The total for the order.",
  "id" : "A unique identifier for the order.",
  "shipping_address" : {
    "country" : "The country in the shipping address.",
    "address2" : "An additional field for the shipping address.",
    "city" : "The city in the order's shipping address.",
    "address1" : "The shipping address for the order.",
    "latitude" : "The latitude for the shipping address location.",
    "province_code" : "The two-letter code for the province or state in the shipping address.",
    "country_code" : "The two-letter code for the country in the shipping address.",
    "province" : "The state or normalized province in the order's shipping address.",
    "phone" : "The phone number for the order's shipping address.",
    "name" : "The name associated with an order's shipping address.",
    "company" : "The company associated with the shipping address.",
    "postal_code" : "The postal or zip code in the shipping address.",
    "longitude" : "The longitude for the shipping address location."
  "updated_at_foreign" : "The date and time the order was updated.",
  "lines" : [ {
    "quantity" : "The quantity of an order line item.",
    "price" : "The price of an order line item.",
    "product_id" : "A unique identifier for the product associated with the order line item.",
    "id" : "A unique identifier for the order line item.",
    "product_variant_id" : "A unique identifier for the product variant associated with the order line item."
  } ],
  "campaign_id" : "A string that uniquely identifies the campaign for an order.",
  "customer" : {
    "total_spent" : "The total amount the customer has spent. [Learn More]( about using this data.",
    "orders_count" : "The customer's total order count. [Learn More]( about using this data.",
    "email_address" : "The customer's email address.",
    "address" : {
      "country" : "The customer's country.",
      "country_code" : "The two-letter code for the customer's country.",
      "province" : "The customer's state name or normalized province.",
      "address2" : "An additional field for the customer's mailing address.",
      "city" : "The city the customer is located in.",
      "address1" : "The mailing address of the customer.",
      "province_code" : "The two-letter code for the customer's province or state.",
      "postal_code" : "The customer's postal or zip code."
    "last_name" : "The customer's last name.",
    "opt_in_status" : "The customer's opt-in status. This value will never overwrite the opt-in status of a pre-existing MailChimp list member, but will apply to list members that are added through the e-commerce API endpoints. Customers who don't opt in to your MailChimp list [will be added as `Transactional` members](",
    "company" : "The customer's company.",
    "id" : "A unique identifier for the customer.",
    "first_name" : "The customer's first name."
  "cancelled_at_foreign" : "The date and time the order was cancelled."


Add a new product to a store.


store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Information about a specific product.

Type: object

  "vendor" : "The vendor for a product.",
  "image_url" : "The image URL for a product.",
  "description" : "The description of a product.",
  "handle" : "The handle of a product.",
  "published_at_foreign" : "The date and time the product was published.",
  "id" : "A unique identifier for the product.",
  "variants" : [ {
    "inventory_quantity" : "The inventory quantity of a product variant.",
    "visibility" : "The visibility of a product variant.",
    "backorders" : "The backorders of a product variant.",
    "price" : "The price of a product variant.",
    "image_url" : "The image URL for a product variant.",
    "id" : "A unique identifier for the product variant.",
    "title" : "The title of a product variant.",
    "sku" : "The stock keeping unit (SKU) of a product variant.",
    "url" : "The URL for a product variant."
  } ],
  "title" : "The title of a product.",
  "type" : "The type of product.",
  "url" : "The URL for a product."


Manually add a subscriber to a workflow, bypassing the default trigger settings. You can also use this endpoint to trigger a series of automated emails in an API 3.0 workflow type or add subscribers to an automated email queue that uses the API request delay type.


workflow_email_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow email.

Type: string

workflow_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow.

Type: string


Information about subscribers in an Automation email queue.

Type: object

  "email_address" : "The list member's email address."


Add a new variant to the product.


product_id (required)

The id for the product of a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Information about a specific product variant.

Type: object

  "inventory_quantity" : "The inventory quantity of a product variant.",
  "visibility" : "The visibility of a product variant.",
  "backorders" : "The backorders of a product variant.",
  "price" : "The price of a product variant.",
  "image_url" : "The image URL for a product variant.",
  "id" : "A unique identifier for the product variant.",
  "title" : "The title of a product variant.",
  "sku" : "The stock keeping unit (SKU) of a product variant.",
  "url" : "The URL for a product variant."


Batch subscribe or unsubscribe list members.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Members to subscribe to or unsubscribe from a list.

Type: object

  "members" : [ {
    "email_address" : "Email address for a subscriber.",
    "email_type" : "Type of email this member asked to get ('html' or 'text').",
    "timestamp_opt" : "The date and time the subscribe confirmed their opt-in status.",
    "merge_fields" : { },
    "timestamp_signup" : "The date and time the subscriber signed up for the list.",
    "ip_opt" : "The IP address the subscriber used to confirm their opt-in status.",
    "language" : "If set/detected, the [subscriber's language](",
    "location" : {
      "country_code" : "The unique code for the location country.",
      "dstoff" : "The offset for timezones where daylight saving time is observed.",
      "timezone" : "The timezone for the location.",
      "latitude" : "The location latitude.",
      "gmtoff" : "The time difference in hours from GMT.",
      "longitude" : "The location longitude."
    "ip_signup" : "IP address the subscriber signed up from.",
    "interests" : "The key of this object's properties is the ID of the interest in question.",
    "vip" : "[VIP status]( for subscriber.",
    "status" : "Subscriber's current status."
  } ],
  "update_existing" : "Whether this batch operation will change existing members' subscription status."


Batch add/remove list members to static segment


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

segment_id (required)

The unique id for the segment.

Type: string


Members to add/remove to/from a static segment

Type: object

  "members_to_add" : [ "string" ],
  "members_to_remove" : [ "string" ]


Cancel a Regular or Plain-Text Campaign after you send, before all of your recipients receive it. This feature is included with MailChimp Pro.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


Create a new MailChimp campaign.



A summary of an individual campaign's settings and content.

Type: object

  "settings" : {
    "auto_footer" : "Automatically append MailChimp's [default footer]( to the campaign.",
    "subject_line" : "The subject line for the campaign.",
    "use_conversation" : "Use MailChimp Conversation feature to manage out-of-office replies.",
    "authenticate" : "Whether MailChimp [authenticated]( the campaign. Defaults to `true`.",
    "to_name" : "The campaign's custom 'To' name. Typically the first name [merge field](",
    "title" : "The title of the campaign.",
    "from_name" : "The 'from' name on the campaign (not an email address).",
    "auto_tweet" : "Automatically tweet a link to the [campaign archive]( page when the campaign is sent.",
    "auto_fb_post" : [ "string" ],
    "fb_comments" : "Allows Facebook comments on the campaign (also force-enables the Campaign Archive toolbar). Defaults to `true`.",
    "reply_to" : "The reply-to email address for the campaign.",
    "inline_css" : "Automatically inline the CSS included with the campaign content.",
    "folder_id" : "If the campaign is listed in a folder, the id for that folder."
  "variate_settings" : {
    "send_times" : [ "date-time" ],
    "wait_time" : "The number of minutes to wait before choosing the winning campaign. The value of wait_time must be greater than 0 and in whole hours, specified in minutes.",
    "subject_lines" : [ "string" ],
    "test_size" : "The percentage of recipients to send the test combinations to, must be a value between 10 and 100.",
    "reply_to_addresses" : [ "string" ],
    "winner_criteria" : "The combination that performs the best. This may be determined automatically by click rate, open rate, or total revenue—or you may choose manually based on the reporting data you find the most valuable. For Multivariate Campaigns testing send_time, winner_criteria is ignored. For Multivariate Campaigns with 'manual' as the winner_criteria, the winner must be chosen in the MailChimp web application.",
    "from_names" : [ "string" ]
  "ab_split_opts" : {
    "pick_winner" : "How we should evaluate a winner. Based on 'opens', 'clicks', or 'manual'.",
    "wait_time" : "The amount of time to wait before picking a winner. This cannot be changed after a campaign is sent.",
    "wait_units" : "How unit of time for measuring the winner ('hours' or 'days'). This cannot be changed after a campaign is sent.",
    "subject_b" : "For campaigns split on 'Subject Line', the subject line for Group B.",
    "subject_a" : "For campaigns split on 'Subject Line', the subject line for Group A.",
    "split_test" : "The type of AB split to run.",
    "from_name_a" : "For campaigns split on 'From Name', the name for Group A.",
    "from_name_b" : "For campaigns split on 'From Name', the name for Group B.",
    "send_time_winner" : "The send time for the winning version.",
    "reply_email_b" : "For campaigns split on 'From Name', the reply-to address for Group B.",
    "reply_email_a" : "For campaigns split on 'From Name', the reply-to address for Group A.",
    "send_time_a" : "The send time for Group A.",
    "send_time_b" : "The send time for Group B.",
    "split_size" : "The size of the split groups. Campaigns split based on 'schedule' are forced to have a 50/50 split. Valid split integers are between 1-50."
  "rss_opts" : {
    "schedule" : {
      "hour" : "The hour to send the campaign in local time. Acceptable hours are 0-23. For example, '4' would be 4am in [your account's default time zone](",
      "weekly_send_day" : "The day of the week to send a weekly RSS Campaign.",
      "daily_send" : {
        "sunday" : "Sends the daily RSS Campaign on Sundays.",
        "saturday" : "Sends the daily RSS Campaign on Saturdays.",
        "tuesday" : "Sends the daily RSS Campaign on Tuesdays.",
        "wednesday" : "Sends the daily RSS Campaign on Wednesdays.",
        "thursday" : "Sends the daily RSS Campaign on Thursdays.",
        "friday" : "Sends the daily RSS Campaign on Fridays.",
        "monday" : "Sends the daily RSS Campaign on Mondays."
      "monthly_send_date" : "The day of the month to send a monthly RSS Campaign. Acceptable days are 0-31, where '0' is always the last day of a month. Months with fewer than the selected number of days will not have an RSS campaign sent out that day. For example, RSS Campaigns set to send on the 30th will not go out in February."
    "constrain_rss_img" : "Whether to add CSS to images in the RSS feed to constrain their width in campaigns.",
    "feed_url" : "The URL for the RSS feed.",
    "frequency" : "The frequency of the RSS Campaign."
  "social_card" : {
    "image_url" : "The url for the header image for the card.",
    "description" : "A short summary of the campaign to display.",
    "title" : "The title for the card. Typically the subject line of the campaign."
  "recipients" : {
    "segment_opts" : {
      "match" : "Segment match type.",
      "saved_segment_id" : "The id for an existing saved segment.",
      "conditions" : [ {
        "op" : "The segment operator.",
        "field" : "The field to segment on.",
        "condition_type" : "The type of segment, for example: date, language, Mandrill, static, and more."
      } ]
    "list_id" : "The unique list id."
  "type" : "There are four types of [campaigns]( you can create in MailChimp. A/B Split campaigns have been deprecated and variate campaigns should be used instead.",
  "tracking" : {
    "salesforce" : {
      "notes" : "Update contact notes for a campaign based on subscriber email addresses.",
      "campaign" : "Create a campaign in a connected Salesforce account."
    "highrise" : {
      "notes" : "Update contact notes for a campaign based on subscriber email addresses.",
      "campaign" : "Create a campaign in a connected Highrise account."
    "goal_tracking" : "Whether to enable [Goal]( tracking.",
    "capsule" : {
      "notes" : "Update contact notes for a campaign based on subscriber email addresses."
    "clicktale" : "The custom slug for [ClickTale]( tracking (max of 50 bytes).",
    "text_clicks" : "Whether to [track clicks]( in the plain-text version of the campaign. Defaults to `true`. Cannot be set to false for variate campaigns.",
    "ecomm360" : "Whether to enable [eCommerce360]( tracking.",
    "opens" : "Whether to [track opens]( Defaults to `true`. Cannot be set to false for variate campaigns.",
    "google_analytics" : "The custom slug for [Google Analytics]( tracking (max of 50 bytes).",
    "html_clicks" : "Whether to [track clicks]( in the HTML version of the campaign. Defaults to `true`. Cannot be set to false for variate campaigns."


Create a new campaign folder.



A folder used to organize campaigns.

Type: object

  "name" : "Name to associate with the folder."


Create a new interest category.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Interest categories organize interests, which are used to group subscribers based on their preferences. These correspond to Group Titles the application.

Type: object

  "display_order" : "The order that the categories are displayed in the list. Lower numbers display first.",
  "title" : "The text description of this category. This field appears on signup forms and is often phrased as a question.",
  "type" : "Determines how this category’s interests appear on signup forms."


Create a new list in your MailChimp account.



Information about a specific list.

Type: object

  "notify_on_subscribe" : "The email address to send [subscribe notifications]( to.",
  "email_type_option" : "Whether the list supports [multiple formats for emails]( When set to `true`, subscribers can choose whether they want to receive HTML or plain-text emails. When set to `false`, subscribers will receive HTML emails, with a plain-text alternative backup.",
  "permission_reminder" : "The [permission reminder]( for the list.",
  "use_archive_bar" : "Whether campaigns for this list use the [Archive Bar]( in archives by default.",
  "notify_on_unsubscribe" : "The email address to send [unsubscribe notifications]( to.",
  "visibility" : "Whether this list is [public or private](",
  "contact" : {
    "zip" : "The postal or zip code for the list contact.",
    "country" : "A two-character ISO3166 country code. Defaults to US if invalid.",
    "address2" : "The street address for the list contact.",
    "city" : "The city for the list contact.",
    "phone" : "The phone number for the list contact.",
    "address1" : "The street address for the list contact.",
    "company" : "The company name for the list.",
    "state" : "The state for the list contact."
  "name" : "The name of the list.",
  "campaign_defaults" : {
    "from_email" : "The default from email for campaigns sent to this list.",
    "subject" : "The default subject line for campaigns sent to this list.",
    "language" : "The default language for this lists's forms.",
    "from_name" : "The default from name for campaigns sent to this list."


Add a new note for a specific subscriber.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


A specific note for a specific member.

Type: object

  "email_id" : "The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.",
  "note" : "The content of the note.",
  "updated_at" : "The date and time the note was last updated.",
  "list_id" : "The unique id for the list.",
  "created_at" : "The date and time the note was created.",
  "id" : "The note id.",
  "created_by" : "The author of the note."


Create a new segment in a specific list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Information about a specific list segment.

Type: object

  "name" : "The name of the segment.",
  "options" : {
    "match" : "Match type.",
    "conditions" : [ {
      "op" : "The segment operator.",
      "field" : "The field to segment on.",
      "condition_type" : "The type of segment, for example: date, language, Mandrill, static, and more."
    } ]
  "static_segment" : [ "string" ]


Add a new store to your MailChimp account.



An individual store in an account.

Type: object

  "is_syncing" : "Whether the e-commerce store is currently [syncing](",
  "address" : {
    "country" : "The store's country.",
    "country_code" : "The two-letter code for to the store's country.",
    "province" : "The store's state name or normalized province.",
    "address2" : "An additional field for the store's mailing address.",
    "city" : "The city the store is located in.",
    "address1" : "The store's mailing address.",
    "latitude" : "The latitude of the store location.",
    "province_code" : "The two-letter code for the store's province or state.",
    "postal_code" : "The store's postal or zip code.",
    "longitude" : "The longitude of the store location."
  "list_id" : "The unique identifier for the [MailChimp List]( associated with the store. The `list_id` for a specific store cannot change.",
  "timezone" : "The timezone for the store.",
  "primary_locale" : "The primary locale for the store. For example: `en`, `de`, etc.",
  "platform" : "The e-commerce platform of the store.",
  "currency_code" : "The three-letter [ISO 4217]( code for the currency that the store accepts.",
  "money_format" : "The currency format for the store. For example: `$`, `£`, etc.",
  "email_address" : "The email address for the store.",
  "phone" : "The store phone number.",
  "domain" : "The store domain.",
  "name" : "The name of the store.",
  "id" : "The unique identifier for the store."


Create a new template for the account. Only Classic templates are supported.



Information about a specific template.

Type: object

  "name" : "The name of the template.",
  "html" : "The raw HTML for the template. We support the MailChimp [Template Language]( in any HTML code passed via the API.",
  "folder_id" : "The id of the folder the template is currently in."


Create a new template folder.



A folder used to organize templates.

Type: object

  "name" : "The name of the folder."


Create a new Twitter Lead Generation Card for a specific list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Twitter Lead Generation Card.

Type: object

  "privacy_policy_url" : "Your site's privacy policy URL. If you don’t have a privacy policy, link to your website’s homepage instead.",
  "twitter_account_id" : "The [Twitter Ads]( account ID.",
  "cta_text" : "Text (up to the 20-character limit) to display on the card's Call-to-Action button.",
  "list_id" : "The unique identifier for the MailChimp list.",
  "image_url" : "A URL for the header image. The image size must be 800 x 200px.",
  "preview_url" : "The Twitter Lead Generation Card Preview URL.",
  "twitter_card_id" : "The Twitter-assigned Lead Generation Card ID.",
  "name" : "The name of the Twitter Lead Generation Card.",
  "custom_key_name" : "A custom key name used to store the Twitter display name of a subscriber.",
  "id" : "The unique MailChimp ID for the Twitter Lead Generation Card.",
  "title" : "The Twitter Lead Generation Card title."


Create a new webhook for a specific list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Configure a webhook for the given list.

Type: object

  "sources" : {
    "admin" : "Whether the webhook is triggered by admin-initiated actions in the web interface.",
    "api" : "Whether the webhook is triggered by actions initiated via the API.",
    "user" : "Whether the webhook is triggered by subscriber-initiated actions."
  "url" : "A valid URL for the Webhook.",
  "events" : {
    "subscribe" : "Whether the webhook is triggered when a list subscriber is added.",
    "unsubscribe" : "Whether the webhook is triggered when a list member unsubscribes.",
    "profile" : "Whether the webhook is triggered when a subscriber's profile is updated.",
    "cleaned" : "Whether the webhook is triggered when a subscriber's email address is cleaned from the list.",
    "campaign" : "Whether the webhook is triggered when a campaign is sent or cancelled.",
    "upemail" : "Whether the webhook is triggered when a subscriber's email address is changed."


Customize the signup form settings for a specific list


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


List signup form.

Type: object

  "contents" : [ {
    "section" : "The content section name.",
    "value" : "The content section text."
  } ],
  "header" : {
    "image_height" : "Image height, in pixels.",
    "image_link" : "The URL that the header image will link to.",
    "image_align" : "Image alignment.",
    "image_border_color" : "Image border color.",
    "image_url" : "Header image URL.",
    "image_border_style" : "Image border style.",
    "image_alt" : "Alt text for the image.",
    "text" : "Header text.",
    "image_width" : "Image width, in pixels.",
    "image_target" : "Image link target.",
    "image_border_width" : "Image border width."
  "styles" : [ {
    "options" : [ {
      "property" : "A string that identifies the property.",
      "value" : "A string that identifies value of the property."
    } ],
    "selector" : "A string that identifies the element selector."
  } ]


Stops a batch request from running. Since only one batch request is run at a time, this can be used to cancel a long running request. The results of any completed operations will not be available after this call.


batch_id (required)

The unique id for the batch operation.

Type: string


Remove a campaign from your MailChimp account.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


Delete a specific campaign folder, and mark all the campaigns in the folder as 'unfiled'.


folder_id (required)

The unique folder id.

Type: string


Delete a cart.


cart_id (required)

The id for the cart.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Delete a customer from a store.


customer_id (required)

The id for the customer of a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Remove a specific feedback message for a campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string

feedback_id (required)

The unique id for the feedback message.

Type: string


Remove a specific file from the File Manager.


file_id (required)

The unique id for the File Manager file.

Type: string


Delete a specific folder in the File Manager.


folder_id (required)

The unique folder id.

Type: string


Delete a specific interest category.


interest_category_id (required)

The unique id for the interest category.

Type: string

list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Delete interests or group names in a specific category.


interest_category_id (required)

The unique id for the interest category.

Type: string

interest_id (required)

The specific interest or 'group name'.

Type: string

list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Delete a specific cart line item.


cart_id (required)

The id for the cart.

Type: string

line_id (required)

The id for the line item.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Delete a specific order line item.


line_id (required)

The id for the line item.

Type: string

order_id (required)

The id for the order in a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Delete a list from your MailChimp account. If you delete a list, you'll lose the list history—including subscriber activity, unsubscribes, complaints, and bounces. You’ll also lose subscribers’ email addresses, unless you exported and backed up your list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Delete a member from a list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


Remove a member from the specified static segment.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

segment_id (required)

The unique id for the segment.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


Delete a specific merge field in a list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

merge_id (required)

The id for the merge field.

Type: string


Delete a specific note for a specific list member.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

note_id (required)

The id for the note.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


Delete an order.


order_id (required)

The id for the order in a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Delete a product.


product_id (required)

The id for the product of a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Delete a specific segment in a list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

segment_id (required)

The unique id for the segment.

Type: string


Delete a store. Deleting a store will also delete any associated subresources, including Customers, Orders, Products, and Carts.


store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Remove a subscriber from a specific Automation workflow. You can remove a subscriber at any point in an Automation workflow, regardless of how many emails they've been sent from that workflow. Once they're removed, they can never be added back to the same workflow.


workflow_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow.

Type: string


Information about subscribers in an Automation email queue.

Type: object

  "email_address" : "The list member's email address."


Delete a specific template.


template_id (required)

The unique id for the template.

Type: string


Delete a specific template folder, and mark all the templates in the folder as 'unfiled'.


folder_id (required)

The unique folder id.

Type: string


Delete a product variant.


product_id (required)

The id for the product of a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string

variant_id (required)

The id for the product variant.

Type: string


Delete a specific webhook in a list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

webhook_id (required)

The unique ID for the webhook.

Type: string


Get information about a specific abuse report for a campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string

report_id (required)

The id for the abuse report.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get details about a specific abuse report.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

report_id (required)

The id for the abuse report.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get all the audiences info for the mobile dashboard



A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific authorized application.


app_id (required)

The unique id for the connected authorized application.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get the status of a batch operation request


batch_id (required)

The unique id for the batch operation.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific folder used to organize campaigns.


folder_id (required)

The unique folder id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific cart.


cart_id (required)

The id for the cart.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about clicks on specific links in your MailChimp campaigns.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]

Get click details for a specific link in a campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string

The id for the link.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get the the HTML and plain-text content for a campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get details about an individual conversation.


conversation_id (required)

The unique id for the conversation.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific customer.


customer_id (required)

The id for the customer of a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get the sections that you can edit in a template, including each section's default content.


template_id (required)

The unique id for the template.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get statistics for the top-performing email domains in a campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get all the ecommerce info for the mobile dashboard



A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


This operation has no parameters


Get a summary of social activity for the campaign, tracked by EepURL.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get a specific list member's activity in a campaign including opens, clicks, and bounces.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about an individual Automation workflow email.


workflow_email_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow email.

Type: string

workflow_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow.

Type: string


Get all the engagement info for the mobile dashboard



A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get a specific feedback message from a campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string

feedback_id (required)

The unique id for the feedback message.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get feedback based on a campaign's statistics. Advice feedback is based on campaign stats like opens, clicks, unsubscribes, bounces, and more.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific file in the File Manager.


file_id (required)

The unique id for the File Manager file.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


This operation has no parameters


Get information about a specific folder in the File Manager.


folder_id (required)

The unique folder id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get a summary of a specific list's growth activity for a specific month and year.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

month (required)

A specific month of list growth history.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get a month-by-month summary of a specific list's growth activity.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific interest category.


interest_category_id (required)

The unique id for the interest category.

Type: string

list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get interests or 'group names' for a specific category.


interest_category_id (required)

The unique id for the interest category.

Type: string

interest_id (required)

The specific interest or 'group name'.

Type: string

list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific cart line item.


cart_id (required)

The id for the cart.

Type: string

line_id (required)

The id for the line item.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific order line item.


line_id (required)

The id for the line item.

Type: string

order_id (required)

The id for the order in a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific list in your MailChimp account. Results include list members who have signed up but haven't confirmed their subscription yet and unsubscribed or cleaned.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get the last 50 Goal events for a member on a specific list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific subscriber who clicked a link in a specific campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string

The id for the link.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific list member, including a currently subscribed, unsubscribed, or bounced member.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific merge field in a list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

merge_id (required)

The id for the merge field.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get an individual message in a conversation.


conversation_id (required)

The unique id for the conversation.

Type: string

message_id (required)

The unique id for the conversation message.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get a specific note for a specific list member.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

note_id (required)

The id for the note.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get all the onboarding ads info for the mobile dashboard



A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Restrict results to this number of ads (if we have that many. Default is 3.

Type: integer


Restrict results to ads compatible with the given platform. Default is ios

Type: string


Get information about a specific order.


order_id (required)

The id for the order in a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific product.


product_id (required)

The id for the product of a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific campaign recipient.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific subscriber who was removed from an Automation workflow.


subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string

workflow_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow.

Type: string


Get report details for a specific sent campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific segment.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

segment_id (required)

The unique id for the segment.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Review the send checklist for a campaign, and resolve any issues before sending.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific store.


store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific subscriber in an Automation email queue.


subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string

workflow_email_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow email.

Type: string

workflow_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow.

Type: string


Get information about a specific template.


template_id (required)

The unique id for the template.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific folder used to organize templates.


folder_id (required)

The unique folder id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific Twitter Lead Generation Card.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

twitter_card_id (required)

The unique ID for the Twitter Lead Generation Card.

Type: string


Get information about a specific list member who unsubscribed from a campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific product variant.


product_id (required)

The id for the product of a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string

variant_id (required)

The id for the product variant.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a specific webhook.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

webhook_id (required)

The unique ID for the webhook.

Type: string


Get a summary of an individual Automation workflow's settings and content. The trigger_settings object returns information for the first email in the workflow.


workflow_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow.

Type: string

Retrieve OAuth2-based credentials to associate API calls with your application.



Use this endpoint to link your application and retrieve OAuth2-based credentials. This is useful if you can't implement the OAuth2 flow but still want to associate calls with your application.

Type: object

  "client_secret" : "The client password for authorization.",
  "client_id" : "The client's unique id/username for authorization."


Get a list of abuse complaints for a specific campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get all abuse reports for a specific list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get up to the previous 180 days of daily detailed aggregated activity stats for a list, not including Automation activity.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get the last 50 events of a member's activity on a specific list, including opens, clicks, and unsubscribes.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get links to all other resources available in the API.



A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get a list of an account's registered, connected applications.



A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get a summary of an account's Automations.



Restrict the response to automations created before the set time. We recommend ISO 8601 time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.

Type: date-time


Restrict the response to automations sent before the set time. We recommend ISO 8601 time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.

Type: date-time


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Restrict the response to automations created after the set time. We recommend ISO 8601 time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.

Type: date-time


Restrict the response to automations sent after the set time. We recommend ISO 8601 time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.

Type: date-time


Restrict the results to automations with the specified status.

Type: string

Potential values: save, paused, sending


Get a summary of batch requests that have been made.



A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get all folders used to organize campaigns.



A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get all campaigns in an account.



Restrict the response to campaigns created before the set time. We recommend ISO 8601 time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.

Type: date-time


Restrict the response to campaigns sent before the set time. We recommend ISO 8601 time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.

Type: date-time


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


The unique folder id.

Type: string


The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Restrict the response to campaigns created after the set time. We recommend ISO 8601 time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.

Type: date-time


Restrict the response to campaigns sent after the set time. We recommend ISO 8601 time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.

Type: date-time


The status of the campaign.

Type: string

Potential values: save, paused, schedule, sending, sent


The campaign type.

Type: string

Potential values: regular, plaintext, absplit, rss, variate


Get information about a store's carts.


store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get a list of conversations for the account.



The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Whether the conversation has any unread messages.

Type: string

Potential values: true, false


The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Get information about a store's customers.


store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Restrict the response to customers with the email address.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get info about which dashboard charts to show for this user



A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get a list of member's subscriber activity in a specific campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get a summary of the emails in an Automation workflow.


workflow_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow.

Type: string


Get team feedback while you're working together on a MailChimp campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get a list of available images and files stored in the File Manager for the account.



Restrict the response to files created before the set date.

Type: string


The MailChimp account user who created the File Manager file.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Restrict the response to files created after the set date.

Type: string


Determines the order direction for sorted results.

Type: string

Potential values: ASC, DESC


Returns files sorted by the specified field.

Type: string

Potential values: added_date


The file type for the File Manager file.

Type: string


Get a list of all folders in the File Manager.



Restrict the response to files created before the set date.

Type: string


The MailChimp account user who created the File Manager file.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Restrict the response to files created after the set date.

Type: string


Get information about a list's interest categories.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Restrict results a type of interest group

Type: string


Get a list of this category's interests.


interest_category_id (required)

The unique id for the interest category.

Type: string

list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a cart's line items.


cart_id (required)

The id for the cart.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about an order's line items.


order_id (required)

The id for the order in a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about all lists in the account.



Restrict results to lists created before the last campaign send date.

Type: string


Restrict response to lists created before the set date.

Type: string


Restrict results to lists that include a specific subscriber's email address.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Restrict results to lists created after the last campaign send date.

Type: string


Restrict results to lists created after the set date.

Type: string


Get information about list members who clicked on a specific link in a campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string

The id for the link.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about members in a specific MailChimp list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Restrict results to subscribers whose information changed before the set timeframe.

Type: string


Restrict results to subscribers who opted-in before the set timeframe.

Type: string


The email type.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


The unique id for the interest category.

Type: string


Used to filter list members by interests. Must be accompanied by interest_category_id and interest_match. The value must be a comma separated list of interest ids present for the given interest category.

Type: string


Used to filter list members by interests. Must be accompanied by interest_category_id and interest_ids. "any" will match a member with any of the interest supplied, "all" will only match members with every interest supplied, and "none" will match members without any of the interest supplied.

Type: string

Potential values: any, all, none


Restrict results to subscribers whose information changed after the set timeframe.

Type: string


Restrict results to subscribers who opted-in after the set timeframe.

Type: string


The subscriber's status.

Type: string


A unique identifier for the email address across all MailChimp lists. This parameter can be found in any links with Ecommerce Tracking enabled.

Type: string


A filter to return only the list's VIP members. Passing true will restrict results to VIP list members, passing false will return all list members.

Type: boolean


Get information about members in a saved segment.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

segment_id (required)

The unique id for the segment.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get a list of all merge fields (formerly merge vars) for a list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


The boolean value if the merge field is required.

Type: boolean


The merge field type.

Type: string


Get messages from a specific conversation.


conversation_id (required)

The unique id for the conversation.

Type: string


Restrict the response to messages created before the set time. We recommend ISO 8601 time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.

Type: date-time


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Whether a conversation message has been marked as read.

Type: string

Potential values: true, false


Restrict the response to messages created after the set time. We recommend ISO 8601 time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.

Type: date-time


Get recent notes for a specific list member.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a store's orders.


store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Restrict results to orders with a specific campaign_id value.

Type: string


Restrict results to orders made by a specific customer.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a store's products.


store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about an Automation email queue.


workflow_email_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow email.

Type: string

workflow_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow.

Type: string


Get information about campaign recipients.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about subscribers who were removed from an Automation workflow.


workflow_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow.

Type: string


Get campaign reports.



Restrict the response to campaigns sent before the set time. We recommend ISO 8601 time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.

Type: date-time


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Restrict the response to campaigns sent after the set time. We recommend ISO 8601 time format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36+00:00.

Type: date-time


The campaign type.

Type: string

Potential values: regular, plaintext, absplit, rss, variate


Get information about all available segments for a specific list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Restrict results to segments created before the set time.

Type: string


Restrict results to segments update before the set time.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Restrict results to segments created after the set time.

Type: string


Restrict results to segments update after the set time.

Type: string


Limit results based on segment type.

Type: string


Get signup forms for a specific list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Get information about all stores in the account.



A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get a list of reports with child campaigns for a specific parent campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get all folders used to organize templates.



A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get a list of an account's available templates.



Restrict the response to templates created before the set date.

Type: string


The MailChimp account user who created the template.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


The unique folder id.

Type: string


Restrict the response to templates created after the set date.

Type: string


Limit results based on template type.

Type: string


Get a list of the top email clients based on user-agent strings.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get top open locations for a specific campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about all Twitter Lead Generation Cards for a specific list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Get information about members who have unsubscribed from a specific campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about a product's variants.


product_id (required)

The id for the product of a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get information about all webhooks for a specific list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Update a customer.


customer_id (required)

The id for the customer of a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Information about a specific customer. Orders for existing customers should include only the id parameter in the customer object body.

Type: object

  "total_spent" : "The total amount the customer has spent. [Learn More]( about using this data.",
  "orders_count" : "The customer's total order count. [Learn More]( about using this data.",
  "email_address" : "The customer's email address.",
  "address" : {
    "country" : "The customer's country.",
    "country_code" : "The two-letter code for the customer's country.",
    "province" : "The customer's state name or normalized province.",
    "address2" : "An additional field for the customer's mailing address.",
    "city" : "The city the customer is located in.",
    "address1" : "The mailing address of the customer.",
    "province_code" : "The two-letter code for the customer's province or state.",
    "postal_code" : "The customer's postal or zip code."
  "last_name" : "The customer's last name.",
  "opt_in_status" : "The customer's opt-in status. This value will never overwrite the opt-in status of a pre-existing MailChimp list member, but will apply to list members that are added through the e-commerce API endpoints. Customers who don't opt in to your MailChimp list [will be added as `Transactional` members](",
  "company" : "The customer's company.",
  "first_name" : "The customer's first name."


Update information for a specific list member.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


Individuals who are currently or have been previously subscribed to this list, including members who have bounced or unsubscribed.

Type: object

  "email_address" : "Email address for a subscriber.",
  "email_type" : "Type of email this member asked to get ('html' or 'text').",
  "timestamp_opt" : "The date and time the subscribe confirmed their opt-in status.",
  "merge_fields" : { },
  "timestamp_signup" : "The date and time the subscriber signed up for the list.",
  "ip_opt" : "The IP address the subscriber used to confirm their opt-in status.",
  "language" : "If set/detected, the [subscriber's language](",
  "location" : {
    "latitude" : "The location latitude.",
    "longitude" : "The location longitude."
  "ip_signup" : "IP address the subscriber signed up from.",
  "interests" : "The key of this object's properties is the ID of the interest in question.",
  "vip" : "[VIP status]( for subscriber.",
  "status" : "Subscriber's current status."


Update a product variant.


product_id (required)

The id for the product of a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string

variant_id (required)

The id for the product variant.

Type: string


Information about a specific product variant.

Type: object

  "inventory_quantity" : "The inventory quantity of a product variant.",
  "visibility" : "The visibility of a product variant.",
  "backorders" : "The backorders of a product variant.",
  "price" : "The price of a product variant.",
  "image_url" : "The image URL for a product variant.",
  "title" : "The title of a product variant.",
  "sku" : "The stock keeping unit (SKU) of a product variant.",
  "url" : "The URL for a product variant."


Pause an automated email.


workflow_email_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow email.

Type: string

workflow_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow.

Type: string


Pause all emails in a specific Automation workflow.


workflow_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow.

Type: string


Resume an RSS-Driven campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


Create a new folder in the File Manager.



An individual folder listed in the File Manager.

Type: object

  "name" : "The name of the folder."


Post a new message to a conversation.


conversation_id (required)

The unique id for the conversation.

Type: string


An individual message in a conversation. Conversation tracking is a feature available to paid accounts that lets you view replies to your campaigns in your MailChimp account.

Type: object

  "from_email" : "A label representing the email of the sender of this message",
  "read" : "Whether this message has been marked as read",
  "subject" : "The subject of this message",
  "message" : "The plain-text content of the message"


Pause an RSS-Driven campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


Replicate a campaign in saved or send status.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


Schedule a campaign for delivery. If you're using Multivariate Campaigns to test send times or sending RSS Campaigns, use the send action instead.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


Type: object

  "schedule_time" : "The date and time in UTC to schedule the campaign for delivery. Campaigns may only be scheduled to send on the quarter-hour (:00, :15, :30, :45).",
  "batch_delivery" : {
    "batch_delay" : "The delay, in minutes, between batches.",
    "batch_count" : "The number of batches for the campaign send."
  "timewarp" : "Choose whether the campaign should use [Timewarp]( when sending. Campaigns scheduled with Timewarp are localized based on the recipients' time zones. For example, a Timewarp campaign with a `schedule_time` of 13:00 will be sent to each recipient at 1:00pm in their local time. Cannot be set to `true` for campaigns using [Batch Delivery]("


Search all campaigns for the specified query terms.


query (required)

The search query used to filter results.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Search for list members. This search can be restricted to a specific list, or can be used to search across all lists in an account.


query (required)

The search query used to filter results.

Type: string


A comma-separated list of fields to exclude. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


A comma-separated list of fields to return. Reference parameters of sub-objects with dot notation.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Send a MailChimp campaign. For RSS Campaigns, the campaign will send according to its schedule. All other campaigns will send immediately.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


Send a test email.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


Type: object

  "test_emails" : [ "string" ],
  "send_type" : "Choose the type of test email to send."


Set the content for a campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


The HTML and plain-text content for a campaign

Type: object

  "template" : {
    "id" : "The id of the template to use.",
    "sections" : { }
  "plain_text" : "The plain-text portion of the campaign. If left unspecified, we'll generate this automatically.",
  "variate_contents" : [ {
    "content_label" : "The label used to identify the content option.",
    "template" : {
      "id" : "The id of the template to use.",
      "sections" : { }
    "plain_text" : "The plain-text portion of the campaign. If left unspecified, we'll generate this automatically.",
    "html" : "The raw HTML for the campaign.",
    "archive" : {
      "archive_content" : "The base64-encoded representation of the archive file.",
      "archive_type" : "The type of encoded file. Defaults to zip."
    "url" : "When importing a campaign, the URL for the HTML."
  } ],
  "html" : "The raw HTML for the campaign.",
  "archive" : {
    "archive_content" : "The base64-encoded representation of the archive file.",
    "archive_type" : "The type of encoded file. Defaults to zip."
  "url" : "When importing a campaign, the URL where the HTML lives."


Start all emails in an Automation workflow.


workflow_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow.

Type: string


Begin processing a batch operations request.



Type: object

  "operations" : [ {
    "path" : "The relative path to use for the operation.",
    "method" : "The HTTP method to use for the operation.",
    "operation_id" : "An optional client-supplied id returned with the operation results.",
    "params" : { },
    "body" : "A string containing the JSON body to use with the request."
  } ]


Start an automated email.


workflow_email_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow email.

Type: string

workflow_id (required)

The unique id for the Automation workflow.

Type: string


Unschedule a scheduled campaign that hasn't started sending.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


Update some or all of the settings for a specific campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string


A summary of an individual campaign's settings and content.

Type: object

  "settings" : {
    "auto_footer" : "Automatically append MailChimp's [default footer]( to the campaign.",
    "subject_line" : "The subject line for the campaign.",
    "use_conversation" : "Use MailChimp Conversation feature to manage out-of-office replies.",
    "authenticate" : "Whether MailChimp [authenticated]( the campaign. Defaults to `true`.",
    "to_name" : "The campaign's custom 'To' name. Typically the first name [merge field](",
    "title" : "The title of the campaign.",
    "from_name" : "The 'from' name on the campaign (not an email address).",
    "auto_tweet" : "Automatically tweet a link to the [campaign archive]( page when the campaign is sent.",
    "auto_fb_post" : [ "string" ],
    "fb_comments" : "Allows Facebook comments on the campaign (also force-enables the Campaign Archive toolbar). Defaults to `true`.",
    "reply_to" : "The reply-to email address for the campaign.",
    "inline_css" : "Automatically inline the CSS included with the campaign content.",
    "folder_id" : "If the campaign is listed in a folder, the id for that folder."
  "variate_settings" : {
    "send_times" : [ "date-time" ],
    "combinations" : [ {
      "subject_line" : "The index of `variate_settings.subject_lines` used.",
      "send_time" : "The index of `variate_settings.send_times` used.",
      "reply_to" : "The index of `variate_settings.reply_to_addresses` used.",
      "recipients" : "The number of recipients for this combination.",
      "id" : "Unique ID for the combination.",
      "from_name" : "The index of `variate_settings.from_names` used.",
      "content_description" : "The index of `variate_settings.contents` used."
    } ],
    "wait_time" : "The number of minutes to wait before choosing the winning campaign. The value of wait_time must be greater than 0 and in whole hours, specified in minutes.",
    "subject_lines" : [ "string" ],
    "test_size" : "The percentage of recipients to send the test combinations to, must be a value between 10 and 100.",
    "reply_to_addresses" : [ "string" ],
    "winner_criteria" : "The combination that performs the best. This may be determined automatically by click rate, open rate, or total revenue—or you may choose manually based on the reporting data you find the most valuable. For Multivariate Campaigns testing send_time, winner_criteria is ignored. For Multivariate Campaigns with 'manual' as the winner_criteria, the winner must be chosen in the MailChimp web application.",
    "from_names" : [ "string" ]
  "ab_split_opts" : {
    "pick_winner" : "How we should evaluate a winner. Based on 'opens', 'clicks', or 'manual'.",
    "wait_time" : "The amount of time to wait before picking a winner. This cannot be changed after a campaign is sent.",
    "wait_units" : "How unit of time for measuring the winner ('hours' or 'days'). This cannot be changed after a campaign is sent.",
    "subject_b" : "For campaigns split on 'Subject Line', the subject line for Group B.",
    "subject_a" : "For campaigns split on 'Subject Line', the subject line for Group A.",
    "split_test" : "The type of AB split to run.",
    "from_name_a" : "For campaigns split on 'From Name', the name for Group A.",
    "from_name_b" : "For campaigns split on 'From Name', the name for Group B.",
    "send_time_winner" : "The send time for the winning version.",
    "reply_email_b" : "For campaigns split on 'From Name', the reply-to address for Group B.",
    "reply_email_a" : "For campaigns split on 'From Name', the reply-to address for Group A.",
    "send_time_a" : "The send time for Group A.",
    "send_time_b" : "The send time for Group B.",
    "split_size" : "The size of the split groups. Campaigns split based on 'schedule' are forced to have a 50/50 split. Valid split integers are between 1-50."
  "rss_opts" : {
    "schedule" : {
      "hour" : "The hour to send the campaign in local time. Acceptable hours are 0-23. For example, '4' would be 4am in [your account's default time zone](",
      "weekly_send_day" : "The day of the week to send a weekly RSS Campaign.",
      "daily_send" : {
        "sunday" : "Sends the daily RSS Campaign on Sundays.",
        "saturday" : "Sends the daily RSS Campaign on Saturdays.",
        "tuesday" : "Sends the daily RSS Campaign on Tuesdays.",
        "wednesday" : "Sends the daily RSS Campaign on Wednesdays.",
        "thursday" : "Sends the daily RSS Campaign on Thursdays.",
        "friday" : "Sends the daily RSS Campaign on Fridays.",
        "monday" : "Sends the daily RSS Campaign on Mondays."
      "monthly_send_date" : "The day of the month to send a monthly RSS Campaign. Acceptable days are 0-31, where '0' is always the last day of a month. Months with fewer than the selected number of days will not have an RSS campaign sent out that day. For example, RSS Campaigns set to send on the 30th will not go out in February."
    "constrain_rss_img" : "Whether to add CSS to images in the RSS feed to constrain their width in campaigns.",
    "feed_url" : "The URL for the RSS feed.",
    "frequency" : "The frequency of the RSS Campaign."
  "social_card" : {
    "image_url" : "The url for the header image for the card.",
    "description" : "A short summary of the campaign to display.",
    "title" : "The title for the card. Typically the subject line of the campaign."
  "recipients" : {
    "segment_opts" : {
      "match" : "Segment match type.",
      "saved_segment_id" : "The id for an existing saved segment.",
      "conditions" : [ {
        "op" : "The segment operator.",
        "field" : "The field to segment on.",
        "condition_type" : "The type of segment, for example: date, language, Mandrill, static, and more."
      } ]
    "list_id" : "The unique list id."
  "tracking" : {
    "salesforce" : {
      "notes" : "Update contact notes for a campaign based on subscriber email addresses.",
      "campaign" : "Create a campaign in a connected Salesforce account."
    "highrise" : {
      "notes" : "Update contact notes for a campaign based on subscriber email addresses.",
      "campaign" : "Create a campaign in a connected Highrise account."
    "goal_tracking" : "Whether to enable [Goal]( tracking.",
    "capsule" : {
      "notes" : "Update contact notes for a campaign based on subscriber email addresses."
    "clicktale" : "The custom slug for [ClickTale]( tracking (max of 50 bytes).",
    "text_clicks" : "Whether to [track clicks]( in the plain-text version of the campaign. Defaults to `true`. Cannot be set to false for variate campaigns.",
    "ecomm360" : "Whether to enable [eCommerce360]( tracking.",
    "opens" : "Whether to [track opens]( Defaults to `true`. Cannot be set to false for variate campaigns.",
    "google_analytics" : "The custom slug for [Google Analytics]( tracking (max of 50 bytes).",
    "html_clicks" : "Whether to [track clicks]( in the HTML version of the campaign. Defaults to `true`. Cannot be set to false for variate campaigns."


Update a specific folder used to organize campaigns.


folder_id (required)

The unique folder id.

Type: string


A folder used to organize campaigns.

Type: object

  "name" : "Name to associate with the folder."


Update a specific cart.


cart_id (required)

The id for the cart.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Information about a specific cart.

Type: object

  "checkout_url" : "The URL for the cart. This parameter is required for [Abandoned Cart]( automations.",
  "tax_total" : "The total tax for the cart.",
  "order_total" : "The order total for the cart.",
  "lines" : [ {
    "quantity" : "The quantity of a cart line item.",
    "price" : "The price of a cart line item.",
    "product_id" : "A unique identifier for the product associated with the cart line item.",
    "product_variant_id" : "A unique identifier for the product variant associated with the cart line item."
  } ],
  "campaign_id" : "A string that uniquely identifies the campaign associated with a cart.",
  "currency_code" : "The three-letter [ISO 4217]( code for the currency that the cart uses.",
  "customer" : {
    "total_spent" : "The total amount the customer has spent. [Learn More]( about using this data.",
    "orders_count" : "The customer's total order count. [Learn More]( about using this data.",
    "email_address" : "The customer's email address.",
    "address" : {
      "country" : "The customer's country.",
      "country_code" : "The two-letter code for the customer's country.",
      "province" : "The customer's state name or normalized province.",
      "address2" : "An additional field for the customer's mailing address.",
      "city" : "The city the customer is located in.",
      "address1" : "The mailing address of the customer.",
      "province_code" : "The two-letter code for the customer's province or state.",
      "postal_code" : "The customer's postal or zip code."
    "last_name" : "The customer's last name.",
    "opt_in_status" : "The customer's opt-in status. This value will never overwrite the opt-in status of a pre-existing MailChimp list member, but will apply to list members that are added through the e-commerce API endpoints. Customers who don't opt in to your MailChimp list [will be added as `Transactional` members](",
    "company" : "The customer's company.",
    "first_name" : "The customer's first name."


Add or update a customer.


customer_id (required)

The id for the customer of a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Information about a specific customer. Orders for existing customers should include only the id parameter in the customer object body.

Type: object

  "total_spent" : "The total amount the customer has spent. [Learn More]( about using this data.",
  "orders_count" : "The customer's total order count. [Learn More]( about using this data.",
  "email_address" : "The customer's email address.",
  "address" : {
    "country" : "The customer's country.",
    "country_code" : "The two-letter code for the customer's country.",
    "province" : "The customer's state name or normalized province.",
    "address2" : "An additional field for the customer's mailing address.",
    "city" : "The city the customer is located in.",
    "address1" : "The mailing address of the customer.",
    "province_code" : "The two-letter code for the customer's province or state.",
    "postal_code" : "The customer's postal or zip code."
  "last_name" : "The customer's last name.",
  "opt_in_status" : "The customer's opt-in status. This value will never overwrite the opt-in status of a pre-existing MailChimp list member, but will apply to list members that are added through the e-commerce API endpoints. Customers who don't opt in to your MailChimp list [will be added as `Transactional` members](",
  "company" : "The customer's company.",
  "id" : "A unique identifier for the customer.",
  "first_name" : "The customer's first name."


Update a specific feedback message for a campaign.


campaign_id (required)

The unique id for the campaign.

Type: string

feedback_id (required)

The unique id for the feedback message.

Type: string


A specific feedback message from a specific campaign.

Type: object

  "is_complete" : "The status of feedback.",
  "message" : "The content of the feedback.",
  "block_id" : "The block id for the editable block that the feedback addresses."


Update a file in the File Manager.


file_id (required)

The unique id for the File Manager file.

Type: string


An individual file listed in the File Manager.

Type: object

  "name" : "The name of the file.",
  "folder_id" : "The id of the folder.",
  "file_data" : "The base64-encoded contents of the file."


Update a specific File Manager folder.


folder_id (required)

The unique folder id.

Type: string


An individual folder listed in the File Manager.

Type: object

  "name" : "The name of the folder."


Update a specific interest category.


interest_category_id (required)

The unique id for the interest category.

Type: string

list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Interest categories organize interests, which are used to group subscribers based on their preferences. These correspond to Group Titles the application.

Type: object

  "display_order" : "The order that the categories are displayed in the list. Lower numbers display first.",
  "title" : "The text description of this category. This field appears on signup forms and is often phrased as a question.",
  "type" : "Determines how this category’s interests appear on signup forms."


Update interests or 'group names' for a specific category.


interest_category_id (required)

The unique id for the interest category.

Type: string

interest_id (required)

The specific interest or 'group name'.

Type: string

list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Assign subscribers to interests to group them together. Interests are referred to as 'group names' in the MailChimp application.

Type: object

  "name" : "The name of the interest. This can be shown publicly on a subscription form.",
  "display_order" : "The display order for interests."


Update a specific order line item.


line_id (required)

The id for the line item.

Type: string

order_id (required)

The id for the order in a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Information about a specific order line.

Type: object

  "quantity" : "The quantity of an order line item.",
  "price" : "The price of an order line item.",
  "product_id" : "A unique identifier for the product associated with the order line item.",
  "product_variant_id" : "A unique identifier for the product variant associated with the order line item."


Update a specific cart line item.


cart_id (required)

The id for the cart.

Type: string

line_id (required)

The id for the line item.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Information about a specific cart line item.

Type: object

  "quantity" : "The quantity of a cart line item.",
  "price" : "The price of a cart line item.",
  "product_id" : "A unique identifier for the product associated with the cart line item.",
  "product_variant_id" : "A unique identifier for the product variant associated with the cart line item."


Update the settings for a specific list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string


Information about a specific list.

Type: object

  "notify_on_subscribe" : "The email address to send [subscribe notifications]( to.",
  "email_type_option" : "Whether the list supports [multiple formats for emails]( When set to `true`, subscribers can choose whether they want to receive HTML or plain-text emails. When set to `false`, subscribers will receive HTML emails, with a plain-text alternative backup.",
  "permission_reminder" : "The [permission reminder]( for the list.",
  "use_archive_bar" : "Whether campaigns for this list use the [Archive Bar]( in archives by default.",
  "notify_on_unsubscribe" : "The email address to send [unsubscribe notifications]( to.",
  "visibility" : "Whether this list is [public or private](",
  "contact" : {
    "zip" : "The postal or zip code for the list contact.",
    "country" : "A two-character ISO3166 country code. Defaults to US if invalid.",
    "address2" : "The street address for the list contact.",
    "city" : "The city for the list contact.",
    "phone" : "The phone number for the list contact.",
    "address1" : "The street address for the list contact.",
    "company" : "The company name for the list.",
    "state" : "The state for the list contact."
  "name" : "The name of the list.",
  "campaign_defaults" : {
    "from_email" : "The default from email for campaigns sent to this list.",
    "subject" : "The default subject line for campaigns sent to this list.",
    "language" : "The default language for this lists's forms.",
    "from_name" : "The default from name for campaigns sent to this list."


Add or update a list member.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


Individuals who are currently or have been previously subscribed to this list, including members who have bounced or unsubscribed.

Type: object

  "email_type" : "Type of email this member asked to get ('html' or 'text').",
  "timestamp_opt" : "The date and time the subscribe confirmed their opt-in status.",
  "merge_fields" : { },
  "timestamp_signup" : "The date and time the subscriber signed up for the list.",
  "language" : "If set/detected, the [subscriber's language](",
  "ip_signup" : "IP address the subscriber signed up from.",
  "email_address" : "Email address for a subscriber. This value is required only if the email address is not already present on the list.",
  "status_if_new" : "Subscriber's status. This value is required only if the email address is not already present on the list.",
  "ip_opt" : "The IP address the subscriber used to confirm their opt-in status.",
  "location" : {
    "latitude" : "The location latitude.",
    "longitude" : "The location longitude."
  "interests" : "The key of this object's properties is the ID of the interest in question.",
  "vip" : "[VIP status]( for subscriber.",
  "status" : "Subscriber's current status."


Update a specific merge field in a list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

merge_id (required)

The id for the merge field.

Type: string


A merge field (formerly merge vars) for a specific list. These correspond to merge fields in MailChimp's lists and subscriber profiles.

Type: object

  "public" : "Whether the merge field is displayed on the signup form.",
  "name" : "The name of the merge field.",
  "display_order" : "The order that the merge field displays on the list signup form.",
  "options" : {
    "date_format" : "In a date or birthday field, the format of the date.",
    "choices" : [ "string" ],
    "default_country" : "In an address field, the default country code if none supplied.",
    "phone_format" : "In a phone field, the phone number type: US or International."
  "default_value" : "The default value for the merge field if `null`.",
  "tag" : "The tag used in MailChimp campaigns and for the /members endpoint.",
  "required" : "The boolean value if the merge field is required.",
  "help_text" : "Extra text to help the subscriber fill out the form."


Update a specific note for a specific list member.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

note_id (required)

The id for the note.

Type: string

subscriber_hash (required)

The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.

Type: string


A specific note for a specific member.

Type: object

  "email_id" : "The MD5 hash of the lowercase version of the list member's email address.",
  "note" : "The content of the note.",
  "updated_at" : "The date and time the note was last updated.",
  "list_id" : "The unique id for the list.",
  "created_at" : "The date and time the note was created.",
  "id" : "The note id.",
  "created_by" : "The author of the note."


Update a specific order.


order_id (required)

The id for the order in a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Information about a specific order.

Type: object

  "fulfillment_status" : "The fulfillment status for the order. For example: `partial`, `fulfilled`, etc.",
  "tax_total" : "The tax total associated with an order.",
  "shipping_total" : "The shipping total for the order.",
  "processed_at_foreign" : "The date and time the order was processed.",
  "billing_address" : {
    "country" : "The country in the billing address.",
    "address2" : "An additional field for the billing address.",
    "city" : "The city in the billing address.",
    "address1" : "The billing address for the order.",
    "latitude" : "The latitude for the billing address location.",
    "province_code" : "The two-letter code for the province or state in the billing address.",
    "country_code" : "The two-letter code for the country in the billing address.",
    "province" : "The state or normalized province in the billing address.",
    "phone" : "The phone number for the billing address.",
    "name" : "The name associated with an order's billing address.",
    "company" : "The company associated with the billing address.",
    "postal_code" : "The postal or zip code in the billing address.",
    "longitude" : "The longitude for the billing address location."
  "tracking_code" : "The MailChimp tracking code for the order. Uses the 'mc_tc' parameter in E-Commerce tracking URLs.",
  "currency_code" : "The three-letter [ISO 4217]( code for the currency that the store accepts.",
  "landing_site" : "The URL for the page where the buyer landed when entering the shop.",
  "financial_status" : "The order status. For example: `refunded`, `processing`, `cancelled`, etc.",
  "order_total" : "The order total associated with an order.",
  "id" : "A unique identifier for the order.",
  "shipping_address" : {
    "country" : "The country in the order's shipping address.",
    "address2" : "An additional field for the shipping address.",
    "city" : "The city in the order's shipping address.",
    "address1" : "The shipping address for the order.",
    "latitude" : "The latitude for the shipping address location.",
    "province_code" : "The two-letter code for the province or state the order's shipping address is located in.",
    "country_code" : "The two-letter code for the country in the shipping address.",
    "province" : "The state or normalized province in the order's shipping address.",
    "phone" : "The phone number for the order's shipping address",
    "name" : "The name associated with an order's shipping address.",
    "company" : "The company associated with an order's shipping address.",
    "postal_code" : "The postal or zip code in the order's shipping address.",
    "longitude" : "The longitude for the shipping address location."
  "updated_at_foreign" : "The date and time the order was updated.",
  "lines" : [ {
    "quantity" : "The quantity of an order line item.",
    "price" : "The price of an order line item.",
    "product_id" : "A unique identifier for the product associated with the order line item.",
    "product_variant_id" : "A unique identifier for the product variant associated with the order line item."
  } ],
  "campaign_id" : "A string that uniquely identifies the campaign associated with an order.",
  "customer" : {
    "total_spent" : "The total amount the customer has spent. [Learn More]( about using this data.",
    "orders_count" : "The customer's total order count. [Learn More]( about using this data.",
    "email_address" : "The customer's email address.",
    "address" : {
      "country" : "The customer's country.",
      "country_code" : "The two-letter code for the customer's country.",
      "province" : "The customer's state name or normalized province.",
      "address2" : "An additional field for the customer's mailing address.",
      "city" : "The city the customer is located in.",
      "address1" : "The mailing address of the customer.",
      "province_code" : "The two-letter code for the customer's province or state.",
      "postal_code" : "The customer's postal or zip code."
    "last_name" : "The customer's last name.",
    "opt_in_status" : "The customer's opt-in status. This value will never overwrite the opt-in status of a pre-existing MailChimp list member, but will apply to list members that are added through the e-commerce API endpoints. Customers who don't opt in to your MailChimp list [will be added as `Transactional` members](",
    "company" : "The customer's company.",
    "first_name" : "The customer's first name."
  "cancelled_at_foreign" : "The date and time the order was cancelled."


Update a specific product.


product_id (required)

The id for the product of a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


Information about a specific product.

Type: object

  "vendor" : "The vendor for a product.",
  "image_url" : "The image URL for a product.",
  "description" : "The description of a product.",
  "handle" : "The handle of a product.",
  "published_at_foreign" : "The date and time the product was published.",
  "variants" : [ {
    "inventory_quantity" : "The inventory quantity of a product variant.",
    "visibility" : "The visibility of a product variant.",
    "backorders" : "The backorders of a product variant.",
    "price" : "The price of a product variant.",
    "image_url" : "The image URL for a product variant.",
    "title" : "The title of a product variant.",
    "sku" : "The stock keeping unit (SKU) of a product variant.",
    "url" : "The URL for a product variant."
  } ],
  "title" : "The title of a product.",
  "type" : "The type of product.",
  "url" : "The URL for a product."


Update a specific segment in a list.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

segment_id (required)

The unique id for the segment.

Type: string


Information about a specific list segment.

Type: object

  "name" : "The name of the segment.",
  "options" : {
    "match" : "Match type.",
    "conditions" : [ {
      "op" : "The segment operator.",
      "field" : "The field to segment on.",
      "condition_type" : "The type of segment, for example: date, language, Mandrill, static, and more."
    } ]
  "static_segment" : [ "string" ]


Update a store.


store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string


An individual store in an account.

Type: object

  "is_syncing" : "Whether the e-commerce store is currently [syncing](",
  "address" : {
    "country" : "The store's country.",
    "country_code" : "The two-letter code for to the store's country.",
    "province" : "The store's state name or normalized province.",
    "address2" : "An additional field for the store's mailing address.",
    "city" : "The city the store is located in.",
    "address1" : "The store's mailing address.",
    "latitude" : "The latitude of the store location.",
    "province_code" : "The two-letter code for the store's province or state.",
    "postal_code" : "The store's postal or zip code.",
    "longitude" : "The longitude of the store location."
  "list_id" : "The unique identifier for the [MailChimp List]( that's associated with the store. The `list_id` for a specific store can't change.",
  "timezone" : "The timezone for the store.",
  "primary_locale" : "The primary locale for the store. For example: `en`, `de`, etc.",
  "platform" : "The e-commerce platform of the store.",
  "currency_code" : "The three-letter [ISO 4217]( code for the currency that the store accepts.",
  "money_format" : "The currency format for the store. For example: `$`, `£`, etc.",
  "email_address" : "The email address for the store.",
  "phone" : "The store phone number.",
  "domain" : "The store domain.",
  "name" : "The name of the store.",
  "id" : "The unique identifier for the store."


Update the name, HTML, or folder_id of an existing template.


template_id (required)

The unique id for the template.

Type: string


Information about a specific template.

Type: object

  "name" : "The name of the template.",
  "html" : "The raw HTML for the template. We support the MailChimp [Template Language]( in any HTML code passed via the API.",
  "folder_id" : "The id of the folder the template is currently in."


Update a specific folder used to organize templates.


folder_id (required)

The unique folder id.

Type: string


A folder used to organize templates.

Type: object

  "name" : "The name of the folder."


Add or update a product variant.


product_id (required)

The id for the product of a store.

Type: string

store_id (required)

The store id.

Type: string

variant_id (required)

The id for the product variant.

Type: string


Information about a specific product variant.

Type: object

  "inventory_quantity" : "The inventory quantity of a product variant.",
  "visibility" : "The visibility of a product variant.",
  "backorders" : "The backorders of a product variant.",
  "price" : "The price of a product variant.",
  "image_url" : "The image URL for a product variant.",
  "id" : "A unique identifier for the product variant.",
  "title" : "The title of a product variant.",
  "sku" : "The stock keeping unit (SKU) of a product variant.",
  "url" : "The URL for a product variant."


Update the settings for an existing webhook.


list_id (required)

The unique id for the list.

Type: string

webhook_id (required)

The unique ID for the webhook.

Type: string


Configure a webhook for the given list.

Type: object

  "sources" : {
    "admin" : "Whether the webhook is triggered by admin-initiated actions in the web interface.",
    "api" : "Whether the webhook is triggered by actions initiated via the API.",
    "user" : "Whether the webhook is triggered by subscriber-initiated actions."
  "url" : "A valid URL for the Webhook.",
  "events" : {
    "subscribe" : "Whether the webhook is triggered when a list subscriber is added.",
    "unsubscribe" : "Whether the webhook is triggered when a list member unsubscribes.",
    "profile" : "Whether the webhook is triggered when a subscriber's profile is updated.",
    "cleaned" : "Whether the webhook is triggered when a subscriber's email address is cleaned from the list.",
    "campaign" : "Whether the webhook is triggered when a campaign is sent or cancelled.",
    "upemail" : "Whether the webhook is triggered when a subscriber's email address is changed."


Upload a new image or file to the File Manager.



An individual file listed in the File Manager.

Type: object

  "name" : "The name of the file.",
  "folder_id" : "The id of the folder.",
  "file_data" : "The base64-encoded contents of the file."