Splunk Cloud Services (version v1.*.*)

Splunk Cloud Services REST API


Activates an existing pipeline.


id (required)

id of the pipeline to activate

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "skipRestoreState" : "Set to true to start reading from the latest input rather than from where the pipeline's previous run left off, which can cause data loss. Defaults to false.",
  "activateLatestVersion" : "Set to true to activate the latest version of the pipeline. Set to false to use the previously activated version of the pipeline. Defaults to true.",
  "allowNonRestoredState" : "Set to true to allow the pipeline to ignore any unused progress states. In some cases, when a data pipeline is changed, the progress state will be stored for functions that no longer exist, so this must be set to activate a pipeline in this state. Defaults to false."


Adds a certificate to a vacant slot on a tenant.


tenant (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "pem" : "string"


Adds a member to a given group.


group (required)

The group name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The member to add to a group.

Type: object

  "name" : "Required string"


Adds a role to a given group.


group (required)

The group name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The role to add to a group.

Type: object

  "name" : "Required string"


Adds a member to a given tenant.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The member to associate with a tenant.

Type: object

  "name" : "Required string"


Adds permissions to a role in a given tenant.


role (required)

The role name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The permission to add to a role.

Type: string


Compiles the Streams DSL and returns Streams JSON.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "dsl" : "The Streams DSL representation of a pipeline."


Compiles SPL2 and returns Streams JSON.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "syntax" : "The parse parameters as arguments to this SPL2 command",
  "spl" : "The SPL2 representation of a pipeline or function parameters."


Creates an action template.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The action template to create.

Type: object

  "createdAt" : "The date and time this action template was created (ISO-8601 date/time with zone).",
  "updatedBy" : "The principal that updated this action template.",
  "createdBy" : "The principal that created this action template.",
  "kind" : "<type>",
  "name" : "The name of the action, as one or more identifier strings separated by periods. Each identifier string consists of lowercase letters, digits, and underscores, and cannot start with a digit.",
  "updatedAt" : "The date and time this action template was updated (ISO-8601 date/time with zone).",
  "addresses" : [ "email" ],
  "subject" : "The subject of the email. You can use a template in this field.",
  "members" : [ "string" ],
  "fromName" : "Optional text providing a human-friendly name for the sender. Must be less than or equal to 81 characters. You can use a template in this field.",
  "bodyPlainText" : "Optional text to send as the text/plain part of the email. If this field is not set for an email action, the Action service converts the value from the body field to text and sends that as the text/plain part when invoking the action. You can use a template in this field.",
  "body" : "HTML content to send as the body of the email. You can use a template in this field.",
  "title" : "A human-readable title for the action. Must be less than or equal to 128 characters."


Create a new action for a rule associated with a specific resource name.


ruleresourcename (required)

The resource name of a rule. For the default module, the resource name format is ruleName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.ruleName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The JSON representation of the action to be persisted.

Type: object

  "id" : "A unique action ID.",
  "ruleid" : "The rule that this action is part of.",
  "version" : "The catalog version.",
  "field" : "The name of the field to be aliased.",
  "kind" : "<type>",
  "alias" : "The alias name."


Create a new action for a specific rule.


ruleid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The JSON representation of the action to be persisted.

Type: object

  "id" : "A unique action ID.",
  "ruleid" : "The rule that this action is part of.",
  "version" : "The catalog version.",
  "field" : "The name of the field to be aliased.",
  "kind" : "<type>",
  "alias" : "The alias name."


Create a new annotation for a specific dashboard.


dashboardid (required)

ID of a dashboard.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The JSON representation of the annotation to be persisted.

Type: object

  "dashboardid" : "The dashboard ID.",
  "datasetid" : "The dataset ID. Null if not annotating a dataset.",
  "annotationtypeid" : "The annotation type ID.",
  "relationshipid" : "The relationship ID. Null if not annotating a relationship.",
  "fieldid" : "The field ID. Null if not annotating a field.",
  "annotationtyperesourcename" : "Resource name of the annotation type",
  "id" : "A unique annotation ID. If not specified, an auto generated ID is created."


Create a new annotation for a specific dataset.


dashboardresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dashvboard. The resource name format is module.dashboardname.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The JSON representation of the annotation to be persisted.

Type: object

  "dashboardid" : "The dashboard ID.",
  "datasetid" : "The dataset ID. Null if not annotating a dataset.",
  "annotationtypeid" : "The annotation type ID.",
  "relationshipid" : "The relationship ID. Null if not annotating a relationship.",
  "fieldid" : "The field ID. Null if not annotating a field.",
  "annotationtyperesourcename" : "Resource name of the annotation type",
  "id" : "A unique annotation ID. If not specified, an auto generated ID is created."


Create a new annotation for a specific dataset.


datasetid (required)

ID of a Dataset.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The JSON representation of the annotation to be persisted.

Type: object

  "dashboardid" : "The dashboard ID.",
  "datasetid" : "The dataset ID. Null if not annotating a dataset.",
  "annotationtypeid" : "The annotation type ID.",
  "relationshipid" : "The relationship ID. Null if not annotating a relationship.",
  "fieldid" : "The field ID. Null if not annotating a field.",
  "annotationtyperesourcename" : "Resource name of the annotation type",
  "id" : "A unique annotation ID. If not specified, an auto generated ID is created."


Create a new annotation for a specific dataset.


datasetresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dataset. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The JSON representation of the annotation to be persisted.

Type: object

  "dashboardid" : "The dashboard ID.",
  "datasetid" : "The dataset ID. Null if not annotating a dataset.",
  "annotationtypeid" : "The annotation type ID.",
  "relationshipid" : "The relationship ID. Null if not annotating a relationship.",
  "fieldid" : "The field ID. Null if not annotating a field.",
  "annotationtyperesourcename" : "Resource name of the annotation type",
  "id" : "A unique annotation ID. If not specified, an auto generated ID is created."


Creates an app.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Creates a new app.

Type: object

  "kind" : "Required string. Possible values: web | native | service",
  "name" : "App name that is unique within Splunk Cloud Platform.",
  "appPrincipalPermissions" : [ "string" ],
  "loginUrl" : "The URL used to log in to the app.",
  "description" : "Short paragraph describing the app.",
  "title" : "Human-readable title for the app.",
  "logoUrl" : "The URL used to display the app's logo.",
  "userPermissionsFilter" : [ "string" ],
  "setupUrl" : "URL to redirect to after a subscription is created.",
  "redirectUrls" : [ "uri" ],
  "webhookUrl" : "URL that webhook events are sent to."


Create a new DSP connection.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "data" : { },
  "connectorId" : "The ID of the parent connector.",
  "name" : "The name of the connection.",
  "description" : "The description of the connection."


Create a new dashboard.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The JSON representation of the Dashboard to be persisted.

Type: object

  "id" : "A unique dashboard ID. Random ID used if not provided.",
  "isactive" : "Whether the dashboard is active or not.",
  "module" : "The module that contains the dashboard.",
  "name" : "The dashboard name. Dashboard names must be unique within each tenant.",
  "definition" : "The JSON dashboard definition.",
  "version" : "The version of the dashboard."


Create a new dataset.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


JSON representation of the DatasetInfo to be persisted

Type: object

  "filter" : "A query that filters results out of the lookup before those results are returned.",
  "caseSensitiveMatch" : "Match case-sensitively against the lookup.",
  "kind" : "<type>",
  "externalName" : "The name of the external lookup.",
  "externalKind" : "The type of the external lookup.",
  "module" : "The name of the module to create the new dataset in.",
  "name" : "The dataset name. Dataset names must be unique within each module.",
  "id" : "A unique dataset ID. Random ID used if not provided.",
  "fields" : [ {
    "summary" : "The field summary.",
    "prevalence" : "How frequent the field appears in the dataset. Must be one of the valid values.",
    "datatype" : "The type of data in the field. Must be one of the valid values.",
    "indexed" : "Whether or not the field has been indexed.",
    "name" : "The field name.",
    "description" : "The field description.",
    "fieldtype" : "The type of field. Must be one of the valid values.",
    "title" : "The field title."
  } ]


Create a new dataset import.


datasetresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dataset. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "owner" : "The dataset owner.",
  "module" : "The module that is importing the dataset.",
  "name" : "The dataset name."


Create a new dataset import.


datasetid (required)

ID of a Dataset.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "owner" : "The dataset owner.",
  "module" : "The module that is importing the dataset.",
  "name" : "The dataset name."


Create a new dataset import.


datasetid (required)

ID of a Dataset.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "owner" : "The dataset owner.",
  "module" : "The module that is importing the dataset.",
  "name" : "The dataset name."


Create a new dataset import.


datasetresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dataset. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "owner" : "The dataset owner.",
  "module" : "The module that is importing the dataset.",
  "name" : "The dataset name."


Create a new field on a specific dataset.


datasetresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dataset. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The JSON representation of the field to be persisted.

Type: object

  "summary" : "The field summary.",
  "prevalence" : "How frequent the field appears in the dataset. Must be one of the valid values.",
  "datatype" : "The type of data in the field. Must be one of the valid values.",
  "indexed" : "Whether or not the field has been indexed.",
  "name" : "The field name.",
  "description" : "The field description.",
  "fieldtype" : "The type of field. Must be one of the valid values.",
  "title" : "The field title."


Add a new field to a dataset.


datasetid (required)

ID of a Dataset.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The JSON representation of the field to be persisted.

Type: object

  "summary" : "The field summary.",
  "prevalence" : "How frequent the field appears in the dataset. Must be one of the valid values.",
  "datatype" : "The type of data in the field. Must be one of the valid values.",
  "indexed" : "Whether or not the field has been indexed.",
  "name" : "The field name.",
  "description" : "The field description.",
  "fieldtype" : "The type of field. Must be one of the valid values.",
  "title" : "The field title."


Creates a new group in a given tenant.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The group definition.

Type: object

  "name" : "Required string"


Create a new group function by combining the Streams JSON of two or more functions.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "mappings" : [ {
    "functionId" : "The function id to map to a group function argument.",
    "arguments" : [ {
      "functionArg" : "Function argument name.",
      "groupArg" : "The argument name for your group function."
    } ]
  } ],
  "scalar" : "boolean",
  "ast" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
      "attributes" : { },
      "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
      "resolvedId" : "string"
    } ],
    "edges" : [ {
      "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
      "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
      "attributes" : { },
      "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
      "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
    } ],
    "rootNode" : [ "string" ]
  "name" : "The group function name.",
  "outputType" : "The data type of the function's output.",
  "arguments" : [ {
    "groupArg" : "The argument name for your group function.",
    "position" : "Group function argument position number.",
    "type" : "The group function's data type."
  } ],
  "attributes" : { },
  "categories" : [ "integer" ],
  "variadic" : "boolean"


Creates an index on a collection.


collection (required)

The name of the collection.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant id.

Type: string


Type: object

  "name" : "The name of the index.",
  "fields" : [ {
    "field" : "The name of the field to index.",
    "direction" : "The sort direction for the indexed field."
  } ]


Creates an invitation for a person to join the tenant using their email address.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "groups" : [ "string" ],
  "comment" : "string",
  "email" : "Required email"


Creates a search job.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


A fully-constructed search job, including read-only fields.

Type: object

  "maxTime" : "The number of seconds to run the search before finalizing the search. The maximum value is 21600 seconds (6 hours).\n",
  "enablePreview" : "Specified whether a search is allowed to collect preview results during the run time.\n",
  "module" : "The module to run the search in. The default module is used if a module is not specified.",
  "query" : "The SPL search string.",
  "extractAllFields" : "Specifies whether the Search service should extract all of the available fields in the data, including fields not mentioned in the SPL for the search job. Set to 'false' for better search peformance.\n",
  "allowSideEffects" : { },
  "resolvedLatest" : "The latest time specified as an absolute value in GMT. The time is computed based on the values you specify for the 'timezone' and 'earliest' queryParameters.\n",
  "resolvedEarliest" : "The earliest time speciifed as an absolute value in GMT. The time is computed based on the values you specify for the 'timezone' and 'earliest' queryParameters.\n",
  "percentComplete" : "An estimate of the percent of time remaining before the job completes.",
  "collectFieldSummary" : "Specified whether a search is allowed to collect Fields summary during the run time.\n",
  "requiredFreshness" : "Specifies a maximum time interval, in seconds, between identical existing searches. The 'requiredFreshness' parameter is used to determine if an existing search with the same query and the same time boundaries can be reused, instead of running the same search again. Freshness is applied to the resolvedEarliest and resolvedLatest parameters. If an existing search has the same exact criteria as this search and the resolvedEarliest and resolvedLatest values are within the freshness interval, the existing search metadata is returned instead of initiating a new search job. By default, the requiredFreshness parameter is set to 0 which means that the platform does not attempt to use an existing search.\n",
  "sid" : "The ID assigned to the search job.",
  "collectTimeBuckets" : "Specified whether a search is allowed to collect Timeline Buckets summary during the run time.\n",
  "completionTime" : "The time, in GMT, that the search job is finished. Empty if the search job has not completed.\n",
  "dispatchTime" : "The time, in GMT, that the search job is dispatched.\n",
  "queryParameters" : {
    "timezone" : { },
    "relativeTimeAnchor" : "Relative values for the 'earliest' and 'latest' parameters snap to the unit that you specify.  For example, if 'earliest' is set to -d@d, the unit is day. If the 'relativeTimeAnchor' is is set to '1994-11-05T13:15:30Z'  then 'resolvedEarliest' is snapped to '1994-11-05T00:00:00Z', which is the day. Hours, minutes, and seconds are dropped.  If no 'relativeTimeAnchor' is specified, the default value is set to the time the search job was created.\n",
    "earliest" : "The earliest time, in absolute or relative format, to retrieve events.  When specifying an absolute time specify either UNIX time, or UTC in seconds using the ISO-8601 (%FT%T.%Q) format.  For example 2019-01-25T13:15:30Z. GMT is the default timezone. You must specify GMT when you specify UTC. Any offset specified is ignored.\n",
    "latest" : "The latest time, in absolute or relative format, to retrieve events.  When specifying an absolute time specify either UNIX time, or UTC in seconds using the ISO-8601 (%FT%T.%Q) format.  For example 2019-01-25T13:15:30Z. GMT is the default timezone. You must specify GMT when you specify UTC. Any offset specified is ignored.\n"
  "collectEventSummary" : "Specified whether a search is allowed to collect events summary during the run time.\n",
  "name" : "The name of the created search job.",
  "resultsPreviewAvailable" : "The number of the preview search results for the job with the specified search ID (SID)",
  "messages" : [ {
    "text" : "string",
    "type" : "string. Possible values: INFO | DEBUG | FATAL | ERROR"
  } ],
  "previewAvailable" : "Specifies if preview results for the search job are available. The valid status values are 'unknown', 'true', and 'false'.",
  "resultsAvailable" : "The number of results produced so far for the search job.",
  "status" : "The current status of the search job. The valid status values are 'running', 'done', 'canceled', and 'failed'.\n"


Creates a workflow run.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Input data used to build the workflow.

Type: object

  "owner" : "The name of the workflow run's owner.",
  "created" : "The date and time the workflow run was created.",
  "description" : "The description of the workflow run.",
  "started" : "The date and time the workflow build started.",
  "workflowbuildversion" : "The version of the workflow build that is associated with the workflow run.",
  "timeoutsecs" : "The timeout in seconds of the workflow.",
  "inputdata" : [ "string" ],
  "outputdata" : [ "string" ],
  "workflowbuildid" : "A unique workflow build ID that is associated with the workflow run.",
  "createdby" : "The name of the user who created the workflow run. This value is obtained from the bearer token and may not be changed.",
  "ended" : "The date and time the workflow build ended.",
  "name" : "The workflow run name.",
  "failuremessage" : "The failure message of the workflow run.",
  "id" : "A unique workflow Run ID.",
  "status" : "The status of the workflow run."


Creates a workflow configuration.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Workflow configuration to be created.

Type: object

  "created" : "The date and time object was created.",
  "modified" : "The date and time object was modified.",
  "owner" : "The name of the object's owner.",
  "createdby" : "The name of the user who created the object. This value is obtained from the bearer token and may not be changed.",
  "modifiedby" : "The name of the user who most recently modified the object.",
  "name" : "The workflow name. Workflow names must be unique within each tenant.",
  "description" : "The workflow description.",
  "experimentid" : "A unique experiment ID that is associated with the workflow.",
  "id" : "A unique workflow ID.",
  "version" : "The version of the workflow.",
  "tasks" : [ {
    "created" : "The date and time object was created.",
    "modified" : "The date and time object was modified.",
    "owner" : "The name of the object's owner.",
    "createdby" : "The name of the user who created the object. This value is obtained from the bearer token and may not be changed.",
    "modifiedby" : "The name of the user who most recently modified the object.",
    "outputtransformer" : "The output transformer of the task.",
    "tasktype" : "The task type.",
    "timeoutsecs" : "The timeout secs of the task.",
    "evaluation" : [ "string" ],
    "workflowversion" : "The version of the workflow that is associated with the task.",
    "features" : [ "string" ],
    "children" : [ "A unique task ID." ],
    "name" : "The task name.",
    "targetfeature" : "The target feature of the task.",
    "id" : "A unique task ID.",
    "parameters" : "The task parameters.",
    "workflowid" : "A unique workflow ID that is associatd with the task.",
    "algorithm" : "The task algorithm name.",
    "parents" : [ "A unique task ID." ]
  } ]


Creates a workflow build.


id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Input data used to build the workflow.

Type: object

  "created" : "The date and time object was created.",
  "modified" : "The date and time object was modified.",
  "owner" : "The name of the object's owner.",
  "createdby" : "The name of the user who created the object. This value is obtained from the bearer token and may not be changed.",
  "modifiedby" : "The name of the user who most recently modified the object.",
  "traintestsplit" : "The train test split of the workflow build.",
  "evaluationresults" : [ "string" ],
  "description" : "The description of the workflow build.",
  "randomstate" : "The random state of the workflow build.",
  "started" : "The date and time the workflow build started.",
  "stratified" : "Whether data is stratified.",
  "version" : "The version of the workflow.",
  "timeoutsecs" : "The timeout in seconds of the workflow.",
  "workflowversion" : "The version of the workflow that is associated with the workflow build.",
  "inputdata" : [ "string" ],
  "outputdata" : [ "string" ],
  "validationkind" : "The type of validation.",
  "ended" : "The date and time the workflow build ended.",
  "name" : "The workflow build name.",
  "failuremessage" : "The failure message of the workflow build.",
  "id" : "A unique workflow build ID.",
  "workflowid" : "A unique workflow ID that is associated with the workflow build.",
  "kfold" : "The number of kfold when the validation type if CrossValidation.",
  "status" : "The status of the workflow build."


Creates a pipeline.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "data" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
      "attributes" : { },
      "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
      "resolvedId" : "string"
    } ],
    "edges" : [ {
      "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
      "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
      "attributes" : { },
      "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
      "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
    } ],
    "rootNode" : [ "string" ]
  "name" : "The name of the pipeline.",
  "description" : "The description of the pipeline. Defaults to null.",
  "bypassValidation" : "Set to true to bypass initial pipeline validation upon creation. The pipeline still needs to be validated before activation. Defaults to false."


Creates a new job that provisions a new tenant and subscribes apps to the tenant.



Type: object

  "tenant" : "string",
  "apps" : [ "string" ]


Create a new relationship.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The JSON representation of the relationship to persist.

Type: object

  "sourceid" : "A unique source dataset ID. Either the sourceid or sourceresourcename property must be specified.",
  "targetid" : "A unique target dataset ID. Either the targetid or targetresourcename property must be specified.",
  "kind" : "The relationship type. Must be one of the valid values.",
  "module" : "The module that contains the relationship.",
  "name" : "The relationship name.",
  "sourceresourcename" : "The source dataset name qualified by module name. Either the sourceid or sourceresourcename property must be specified.",
  "targetresourcename" : "The target dataset name qualified by module name. Either the targetid or targetresourcename property must be specified.",
  "version" : "The Catalog version.",
  "id" : "A unique relationship ID. If not specified, an auto generated ID is created.",
  "fields" : [ {
    "sourceid" : "A unique source dataset ID.",
    "targetid" : "A unique target dataset ID.",
    "kind" : "The type of match between the fields. Must be one of the valid values. The LATEST_BEFORE match type specifies that the datetime field in one dataset binds to the latest time before the datetime field in another dataset.",
    "relationshipid" : "A unique relationship ID."
  } ]


Creates a new authorization role in a given tenant.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Role definition

Type: object

  "name" : "Required string"


Create a new rule.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The JSON representation of the rule to be persisted.

Type: object

  "module" : "The module containing the rule.",
  "match" : "The rule match type.",
  "name" : "The rule name.",
  "version" : "The catalog version.",
  "id" : "A unique rule ID. The newly created rule object will use this ID value if provided.",
  "actions" : [ {
    "id" : "A unique action ID.",
    "ruleid" : "The rule that this action is part of.",
    "version" : "The catalog version.",
    "field" : "The name of the field to be aliased.",
    "kind" : "<type>",
    "alias" : "The alias name."
  } ]


Creates a subscription.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Creates a subscription between a tenant and an app.

Type: object

  "appName" : "Required string"


Creates a template for a tenant.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "data" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
      "attributes" : { },
      "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
      "resolvedId" : "string"
    } ],
    "edges" : [ {
      "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
      "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
      "attributes" : { },
      "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
      "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
    } ],
    "rootNode" : [ "string" ]
  "name" : "Template name",
  "description" : "Template description"


Create a new workflow configuration.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The JSON representation of the workflow to be persisted.

Type: object

  "name" : "The dataset name. Dataset names must be unique within each module.",
  "description" : "The workflow description.",
  "experimentid" : "A unique experiment ID that is associate with the workflow.",
  "id" : "A unique workflow ID. Random ID used if not provided.",
  "version" : "The version of the workflow.",
  "tasks" : [ {
    "created" : "The date and time object was created.",
    "modified" : "The date and time object was modified.",
    "owner" : "The name of the object's owner.",
    "createdby" : "The name of the user who created the object. This value is obtained from the bearer token and may not be changed.",
    "modifiedby" : "The name of the user who most recently modified the object.",
    "outputtransformer" : "The output transformer of the task.",
    "tasktype" : "The task type.",
    "timeoutsecs" : "The timeout secs of the task.",
    "evaluation" : [ "string" ],
    "workflowversion" : "The version of the workflow that is associated with the task.",
    "features" : [ "string" ],
    "children" : [ "A unique task ID." ],
    "name" : "The task name.",
    "targetfeature" : "The target feature of the task.",
    "id" : "A unique task ID.",
    "parameters" : "The task parameters.",
    "workflowid" : "A unique workflow ID that is associated with the task.",
    "algorithm" : "The task algorithm name.",
    "parents" : [ "A unique task ID." ]
  } ]


Create a new workflow build.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string

workflowid (required)

ID of a workflow.

Type: mongo-object-id


The JSON representation of the workflow build to be persisted.

Type: object

  "traintestsplit" : "The train test split of the workflow build.",
  "evaluationresults" : [ "string" ],
  "description" : "The description of the workflow build.",
  "randomstate" : "The random state of the workflow build.",
  "started" : "The date and time the workflow build started.",
  "version" : "The version of the workflow.",
  "timeoutsecs" : "The timeout in seconds of the workflow.",
  "workflowversion" : "The version of the workflow that is associated with the workflow build.",
  "inputdata" : [ "string" ],
  "outputdata" : [ "string" ],
  "ended" : "The date and time the workflow build ended.",
  "name" : "The workflow build name.",
  "failuremessage" : "The failure message of the workflow build.",
  "id" : "A unique workflow build ID.",
  "workflowid" : "A unique workflow ID that is associated with the workflow build.",
  "status" : "The status of the workflow build."


Creates a workflow deployment.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Input data used to build the workflow deployment.

Type: object

  "creationTime" : "date-time",
  "workflowBuild" : {
    "created" : "The date and time object was created.",
    "modified" : "The date and time object was modified.",
    "owner" : "The name of the object's owner.",
    "createdby" : "The name of the user who created the object. This value is obtained from the bearer token and may not be changed.",
    "modifiedby" : "The name of the user who most recently modified the object.",
    "traintestsplit" : "The train test split of the workflow build.",
    "evaluationresults" : [ "string" ],
    "description" : "The description of the workflow build.",
    "randomstate" : "The random state of the workflow build.",
    "started" : "The date and time the workflow build started.",
    "stratified" : "Whether data is stratified.",
    "version" : "The version of the workflow.",
    "timeoutsecs" : "The timeout in seconds of the workflow.",
    "workflowversion" : "The version of the workflow that is associated with the workflow build.",
    "inputdata" : [ "string" ],
    "outputdata" : [ "string" ],
    "validationkind" : "The type of validation.",
    "ended" : "The date and time the workflow build ended.",
    "name" : "The workflow build name.",
    "failuremessage" : "The failure message of the workflow build.",
    "id" : "A unique workflow build ID.",
    "workflowid" : "A unique workflow ID that is associated with the workflow build.",
    "kfold" : "The number of kfold when the validation type if CrossValidation.",
    "status" : "The status of the workflow build."
  "name" : "string",
  "startTime" : "date-time",
  "endTime" : "date-time",
  "id" : "string",
  "spec" : {
    "cpuLimit" : "CPU Resource limit for each container in a deployment.",
    "replicas" : "Create replicated pods in a deployment.",
    "memoryRequest" : "Memory Resource limit for serving requests.",
    "memoryLimit" : "Memory Resource limit for each container in a deployment.",
    "cpuRequest" : "CPU Resource limit for serving requests."
  "status" : { }


Creates a workflow inference request.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

deploymentId (required)

The workflow deployment ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Input data to the inference request.

Type: object

  "output" : "string",
  "input" : "Required string"


Create a new workflow run for the specified workflow build ID.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string

workflowbuildid (required)

ID of a workflow build.

Type: mongo-object-id

workflowid (required)

ID of a workflow.

Type: mongo-object-id


The JSON representation of the workflow run to be persisted.

Type: object

  "inputdata" : [ "string" ],
  "outputdata" : [ "string" ],
  "workflowbuildid" : "A unique workflow build ID that is associated with the workflow run.",
  "ended" : "The date and time the workflow run ended for specified workflow build ID.",
  "name" : "The workflow run name.",
  "description" : "The description of the workflow run.",
  "failuremessage" : "The failure message of the workflow run for specified workflow build ID.",
  "started" : "The date and time the workflow run started for specified workflow build ID.",
  "workflowbuildversion" : "The version of the workflow build that is assocaited with the workflow run.",
  "id" : "A unique workflow Run ID.",
  "timeoutsecs" : "The timeout in seconds of the workflow run for specified workflow build ID.",
  "status" : "The status of the workflow run for specified workflow build ID."


Creates a workflow streaming deployment.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Configuration for the workflow streaming deployment.

Type: object

  "output" : {
    "kind" : { },
    "destination" : {
      "topic" : "Required string"
  "input" : {
    "kind" : { },
    "source" : {
      "topic" : "Required string",
      "offsetReset" : "string. Possible values: earliest | latest"
  "creationTime" : "date-time",
  "workflowBuild" : {
    "created" : "The date and time object was created.",
    "modified" : "The date and time object was modified.",
    "owner" : "The name of the object's owner.",
    "createdby" : "The name of the user who created the object. This value is obtained from the bearer token and may not be changed.",
    "modifiedby" : "The name of the user who most recently modified the object.",
    "traintestsplit" : "The train test split of the workflow build.",
    "evaluationresults" : [ "string" ],
    "description" : "The description of the workflow build.",
    "randomstate" : "The random state of the workflow build.",
    "started" : "The date and time the workflow build started.",
    "stratified" : "Whether data is stratified.",
    "version" : "The version of the workflow.",
    "timeoutsecs" : "The timeout in seconds of the workflow.",
    "workflowversion" : "The version of the workflow that is associated with the workflow build.",
    "inputdata" : [ "string" ],
    "outputdata" : [ "string" ],
    "validationkind" : "The type of validation.",
    "ended" : "The date and time the workflow build ended.",
    "name" : "The workflow build name.",
    "failuremessage" : "The failure message of the workflow build.",
    "id" : "A unique workflow build ID.",
    "workflowid" : "A unique workflow ID that is associated with the workflow build.",
    "kfold" : "The number of kfold when the validation type if CrossValidation.",
    "status" : "The status of the workflow build."
  "name" : "string",
  "startTime" : "date-time",
  "endTime" : "date-time",
  "id" : "string",
  "spec" : {
    "cpuLimit" : "CPU Resource limit for each container in a deployment.",
    "replicas" : "Create replicated pods in a deployment.",
    "memoryRequest" : "Memory Resource limit for serving requests.",
    "memoryLimit" : "Memory Resource limit for each container in a deployment.",
    "cpuRequest" : "CPU Resource limit for serving requests."
  "status" : { }


Deactivates an existing pipeline.


id (required)

id of the pipeline to deactivate

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "skipSavepoint" : "Set to true to skip saving the state of a deactivated pipeline. When the pipeline is later activated, it will start with the newest data and skip any data that arrived after this deactivation, which can cause data loss. Defaults to false."


Removes an action template.


action_name (required)

The name of the action as one or more identifier strings separated by periods. Each identifier string consists of lowercase letters, digits, and underscores, and cannot start with a digit.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete an action on a rule.


actionid (required)

ID of an Action.

Type: mongo-object-id

ruleresourcename (required)

The resource name of a rule. For the default module, the resource name format is ruleName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.ruleName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete an action that is part of a specific rule.


actionid (required)

ID of an Action.

Type: mongo-object-id

ruleid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete a specific annotation of a dashboard.


annotationid (required)

ID of a annotation.

Type: mongo-object-id

dashboardid (required)

ID of a dashboard.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete a specific annotation of a dashboard.


annotationid (required)

ID of a annotation.

Type: mongo-object-id

dashboardresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dashvboard. The resource name format is module.dashboardname.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete a specific annotation of a dataset.


annotationid (required)

ID of a annotation.

Type: mongo-object-id

datasetid (required)

ID of a Dataset.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete a specific annotation of a dataset.


annotationid (required)

ID of a annotation.

Type: mongo-object-id

datasetresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dataset. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Removes an app.


appName (required)

App name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Removes a certificate on a particular slot on a tenant.


slot (required)

Type: string

tenant (required)

Type: string


Removes all certificates on a tenant.


tenant (required)

Type: string


Delete all versions of a connection by its id.


connectionId (required)

ID of the connection

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete the dashboard with the specified ID.


dashboardid (required)

ID of a dashboard.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete the dashboard with the specified resource name.


dashboardresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dashvboard. The resource name format is module.dashboardname.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete the dataset with the specified resource name, along with its dependencies. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.


datasetresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dataset. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete a specific dataset. Deleting a dataset also deletes its dependent objects, such as fields.


datasetid (required)

ID of a Dataset.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete a field that is part of a specific dataset.


datasetresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dataset. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.

Type: string

fieldid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete a field that is part of a specific dataset.


datasetid (required)

ID of a Dataset.

Type: mongo-object-id

fieldid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Deletes a group in a given tenant.


group (required)

The group name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Removes an existing group.


groupId (required)

The group function's ID from the function registry

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Removes an index from a collection.


collection (required)

The name of the collection.

Type: string

index (required)

The name of the index.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant id.

Type: string


Removes an invitation in the given tenant.


inviteId (required)

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Removes a pipeline.


id (required)

id of the pipeline to delete

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Deletes a record with a given key.


collection (required)

The name of the collection.

Type: string

key (required)

The key of the record.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant id.

Type: string


Removes records in a collection that match the query.


collection (required)

The name of the collection.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant id.

Type: string


Query JSON expression.

Type: string


Delete a specific relationship. Deleting a relationship also deleletes any objects that are dependents of that relationship, such as relationship fields.


relationshipid (required)

ID of a relationship.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Deletes a defined role for a given tenant.


role (required)

The role name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete the rule with the specified resource name and its dependencies.


ruleresourcename (required)

The resource name of a rule. For the default module, the resource name format is ruleName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.ruleName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete a specific rule. Deleting a rule also deleletes any objects that are dependents of that rule, such as rule actions.


ruleid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Removes a subscription.


appName (required)

App name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Removes a template with a specific ID.


templateId (required)

ID of the template to delete

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Removes a workflow configuration.


id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Removes a workflow build.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete the workflow build with the specified workflow build ID.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string

workflowbuildid (required)

ID of a workflow build.

Type: mongo-object-id

workflowid (required)

ID of a workflow.

Type: mongo-object-id


Delete the workflow with the specified workflow ID.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string

workflowid (required)

ID of a workflow.

Type: mongo-object-id


Removes a workflow deployment.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

deploymentId (required)

The workflow deployment ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Removes a workflow run.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

runId (required)

The workflow run ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Delete the workflow run with the specified workflow run ID.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string

workflowbuildid (required)

ID of a workflow build.

Type: mongo-object-id

workflowid (required)

ID of a workflow.

Type: mongo-object-id

workflowrunid (required)

ID of a workflow run.

Type: mongo-object-id


Removes a workflow streaming deployment.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

streamDeploymentId (required)

The workflow streaming deployment ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Creates and returns the expanded version of a group.


groupId (required)

The group function's ID from the function registry

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "arguments" : { },
  "id" : "The ID associated with your group function in the pipeline Streams JSON"


Returns the entire Streams JSON, including the expanded Streams JSON of any group functions in the pipeline.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "nodes" : [ {
    "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
    "attributes" : { },
    "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
    "resolvedId" : "string"
  } ],
  "edges" : [ {
    "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
    "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
    "attributes" : { },
    "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
    "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
  } ],
  "rootNode" : [ "string" ]


Returns a specific action template.


action_name (required)

The name of the action as one or more identifier strings separated by periods. Each identifier string consists of lowercase letters, digits, and underscores, and cannot start with a digit.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return an action that is part of a specified rule.


actionid (required)

ID of an Action.

Type: mongo-object-id

ruleresourcename (required)

The resource name of a rule. For the default module, the resource name format is ruleName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.ruleName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return information about an action that is part of a specific rule.


actionid (required)

ID of an Action.

Type: mongo-object-id

ruleid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the status of an action that was invoked. The status is available for 4 days after the last status change.


action_name (required)

The name of the action as one or more identifier strings separated by periods. Each identifier string consists of lowercase letters, digits, and underscores, and cannot start with a digit.

Type: string

status_id (required)

The ID of the action status.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the status details of the invoked email action. The status is available for 4 days after the last status change.


action_name (required)

The name of the action as one or more identifier strings separated by periods. Each identifier string consists of lowercase letters, digits, and underscores, and cannot start with a digit.

Type: string

status_id (required)

The ID of the action status.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the metadata of an app.


appName (required)

App name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return information about a dashboard with the specified ID.


dashboardid (required)

ID of a dashboard.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return information about a dashboard with the specified resource name.


dashboardresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dashvboard. The resource name format is module.dashboardname.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return the dataset with the specified resource name. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.


datasetresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dataset. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The number of seconds beyond which we will refresh index metadata.

Type: integer


Return information about the dataset with the specified ID.


datasetid (required)

ID of a Dataset.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The number of seconds beyond which we will refresh index metadata.

Type: integer


Get a field that corresponds to a specific field ID.


fieldid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return a field that is part of a specific dataset.


datasetresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dataset. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.

Type: string

fieldid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return a field that is part of a specific dataset.


datasetid (required)

ID of a Dataset.

Type: mongo-object-id

fieldid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns information about a given group within a tenant.


group (required)

The group name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the full Streams JSON of a group.


groupId (required)

The group function's ID from the function registry

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns information about a given member within a given group.


group (required)

The group name.

Type: string

member (required)

The member name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns information about a given role within a given group.


group (required)

The group name.

Type: string

role (required)

The role name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the input schema for a function in a pipeline.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "uplJson" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
      "attributes" : { },
      "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
      "resolvedId" : "string"
    } ],
    "edges" : [ {
      "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
      "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
      "attributes" : { },
      "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
      "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
    } ],
    "rootNode" : [ "string" ]
  "nodeUuid" : "The function ID.",
  "targetPortName" : "The name of the input port."


Returns an invitation in the given tenant.


inviteId (required)

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return the search job with the specified search ID (SID).


sid (required)

The search ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns a list of the public keys used for verifying signed webhook requests.

This operation has no parameters


Returns a member of a given tenant.


member (required)

The member name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the output schema for a specified function in a pipeline. If no function ID is specified, the request returns the output schema for all functions in a pipeline.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "uplJson" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
      "attributes" : { },
      "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
      "resolvedId" : "string"
    } ],
    "edges" : [ {
      "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
      "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
      "attributes" : { },
      "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
      "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
    } ],
    "rootNode" : [ "string" ]
  "sourcePortName" : "The name of the output port. Deprecated.",
  "nodeUuid" : "The function ID. If omitted, returns the output schema for all functions."


Returns an individual pipeline by version.


id (required)

id of the pipeline to get

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string



Type: string


Returns the latest metrics for a single pipeline.


id (required)

ID of the pipeline to get metrics for

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the status of pipelines from the underlying streaming system.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string



Type: boolean



Type: string



Type: string



Type: string



Type: string


Returns the preview data for a session.


previewSessionId (required)

ID of the preview session

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns information from a preview session.


previewSessionId (required)

ID of the preview session

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the latest metrics for a preview session.


previewSessionId (required)

ID of the preview session

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the details of a principal, including its tenant membership.


principal (required)

The principal name.

Type: string


Returns details of a specific provision job.


jobId (required)

Type: string


Returns an array of one or two webhook keys. The first key is active. The second key, if present, is expired.

This operation has no parameters


Returns a record with a given key.


collection (required)

The name of the collection.

Type: string

key (required)

The key of the record.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant id.

Type: string


Returns all functions in JSON format.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string



Type: boolean


Get a specific relationship.


relationshipid (required)

ID of a relationship.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns a role for a given tenant.


role (required)

The role name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Gets a permission for the specified role.


permission (required)

The permission string.

Type: string

role (required)

The role name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Get a rule with a specified resource name.


ruleresourcename (required)

The resource name of a rule. For the default module, the resource name format is ruleName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.ruleName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Get information about a specific rule.


ruleid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns or validates a subscription.


appName (required)

App name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns an individual template by version.


templateId (required)

ID of the template

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


version of the template

Type: integer


Returns a specific tenant.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns a workflow configuration.


id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the status of a workflow build.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return information about the workflow build with the specified workflow build ID.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string

workflowbuildid (required)

ID of a workflow build.

Type: mongo-object-id

workflowid (required)

ID of a workflow.

Type: mongo-object-id


Returns a list of workflow errors.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the logs from a workflow build.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return information about a workflow with the specified workflow ID.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string

workflowid (required)

ID of a workflow.

Type: mongo-object-id


Returns the status of a workflow deployment.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

deploymentId (required)

The workflow deployment ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns a list of workflow deployment errors.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

deploymentId (required)

The workflow deployment ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the logs from a workflow deployment.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

deploymentId (required)

The workflow deployment ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the status of a workflow run.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

runId (required)

The workflow run ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return information about the workflow run with the specified workflow build ID.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string

workflowbuildid (required)

ID of a workflow build.

Type: mongo-object-id

workflowid (required)

ID of a workflow.

Type: mongo-object-id

workflowrunid (required)

ID of a workflow run.

Type: mongo-object-id


Returns the errors for a workflow run.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

runId (required)

The workflow run ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the logs for a workflow run.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

runId (required)

The workflow run ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns the status of a workflow streaming deployment.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

streamDeploymentId (required)

The workflow streaming deployment ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Inserts a record into a collection.


collection (required)

The name of the collection.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant id.

Type: string


Record to add to the collection, formatted as a JSON object.

Type: object

{ }


Inserts multiple records in a single request.


collection (required)

The name of the collection.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant id.

Type: string


Array of records to insert.

Type: array

[ { } ]


Returns the list of action templates.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return the list of actions that are part of a specified rule.


ruleresourcename (required)

The resource name of a rule. For the default module, the resource name format is ruleName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.ruleName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Return the set of actions that are part of a rule.


ruleid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Return the set of annotations across all objects.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Return the set of annotations that are part of a dashboard.


dashboardid (required)

ID of a dashboard.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


A filter query to apply to the annotations.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


Return the set of annotations that are part of a dashboard.


dashboardresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dashvboard. The resource name format is module.dashboardname.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


A filter query to apply to the annotations.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


Return the set of annotations that are part of a dataset.


datasetid (required)

ID of a Dataset.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Return the set of annotations that are part of a dataset.


datasetresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dataset. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Returns the collection of subscriptions to an app.


appName (required)

App name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns a list of apps.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns a list of all certificates for a tenant.


tenant (required)

Type: string


Returns a list of connections (latest versions only) by tenant ID.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: string


Type: string


Type: string


Type: string


Type: string


Specify either ascending ('asc') or descending ('desc') sort order for a given field (sortField), which must be set for sortDir to apply. Defaults to 'asc'.

Type: string


Type: string


Returns a list of the available connectors.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return a list of Dashboards.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Returns a list of all datasets, unless you specify a filter. Use a filter to return a specific list of datasets.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of seconds beyond which we will refresh index metadata.

Type: integer


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Return events summary, for search ID (SID) search.


sid (required)

The search ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of entries to return. Set to 0 to return all available entries.

Type: number


The earliest time filter, in absolute time. When specifying an absolute time specify either UNIX time, or UTC in seconds using the ISO-8601 (%FT%T.%Q) format. For example 2019-01-25T13:15:30Z. GMT is the default timezone. You must specify GMT when you specify UTC. Any offset specified is ignored.

Type: string


A field to return for the result set. You can specify multiple fields of comma-separated values if multiple fields are required.

Type: string


The latest time filter in absolute time. When specifying an absolute time specify either UNIX time, or UTC in seconds using the ISO-8601 (%FT%T.%Q) format. For example 2019-01-25T13:15:30Z. GMT is the default timezone. You must specify GMT when you specify UTC. Any offset specified is ignored.

Type: string


Index of first item to return.

Type: number


Get a list of all fields in the Catalog.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Return the list of fields that are part of a specified dataset.


datasetresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dataset. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Return the set of fields for the specified dataset.


datasetid (required)

ID of a Dataset.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Return fields stats summary of the events to-date, for search ID (SID) search.


sid (required)

The search ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The earliest time filter, in absolute time. When specifying an absolute time specify either UNIX time, or UTC in seconds using the ISO-8601 (%FT%T.%Q) format. For example 2019-01-25T13:15:30Z. GMT is the default timezone. You must specify GMT when you specify UTC. Any offset specified is ignored.

Type: string


The latest time filter in absolute time. When specifying an absolute time specify either UNIX time, or UTC in seconds using the ISO-8601 (%FT%T.%Q) format. For example 2019-01-25T13:15:30Z. GMT is the default timezone. You must specify GMT when you specify UTC. Any offset specified is ignored.

Type: string


Returns a list of the members within a given group.


group (required)

The group name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns a list of the roles that are attached to a group within a given tenant.


group (required)

The group name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


List the groups that exist in a given tenant.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns a list of all indexes on a collection.


collection (required)

The name of the collection.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant id.

Type: string


Returns a list of invitations in a given tenant.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return the matching list of search jobs.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of jobs that you want to return the status entries for.

Type: number


The current status of the search job. The valid status values are 'running', 'done', 'canceled', and 'failed'.

Type: string

Potential values: running, done, canceled, failed


Returns a list of workflow runs.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns a list of groups that a member belongs to within a tenant.


member (required)

The member name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns a set of permissions granted to the member within the tenant.


member (required)

The member name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns a set of roles that a given member holds within the tenant.


member (required)

The member name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns a list of members in a given tenant.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns a list of workflow builds.


id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns a list of workflow configurations.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return a list of all modules, unless you specify a filter. Use a filter to return a specific list of modules.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


A filter to apply to the modules.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


Returns all pipelines.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string



Type: boolean



Type: string



Type: boolean



Type: string



Type: string



Type: string


Return the preview search results for the job with the specified search ID (SID). Can be used when a job is running to return interim results.


sid (required)

The search ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of entries to return. Set to 0 to return all available entries.

Type: number


Index of first item to return.

Type: number


Returns the list of principals that the Identity service knows about.

This operation has no parameters


Returns a list of all provision jobs created by the user.

This operation has no parameters


Use key-value query parameters to filter fields. Fields are implicitly ANDed and values for the same field are implicitly ORed.


collection (required)

The name of the collection.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant id.

Type: string


Maximum number of records to return.

Type: integer


Comma-separated list of fields to include or exclude.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Type: object

{ }


Number of records to skip from the start.

Type: integer


Sort order. Format is :. Valid sort orders are 1 for ascending, -1 for descending.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Returns a list of all relationships, unless you specify a filter. Use a filter to return a specific list of relationships.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Return the search results for the job with the specified search ID (SID).


sid (required)

The search ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of entries to return. Set to 0 to return all available entries.

Type: number


A field to return for the result set. You can specify multiple fields of comma-separated values if multiple fields are required.

Type: string


Index of first item to return.

Type: number


Gets a list of groups for a role in a given tenant.


role (required)

The role name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Gets the permissions for a role in a given tenant.


role (required)

The role name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Returns all roles for a given tenant.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return a list of rules that match a filter query if it is given, otherwise return all rules.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Returns the tenant subscriptions.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The kind of application.

Type: string

Potential values: web, native, service


Returns a list of all templates.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string



Type: string



Type: string


Returns all tenants that the user can read.

This operation has no parameters


Return event distribution over time of the untransformed events read to-date, for search ID(SID) search.


sid (required)

The search ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return a list of Machine Learning workflow builds.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string

workflowid (required)

ID of a workflow.

Type: mongo-object-id


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Returns a list of workflow deployments.


buildId (required)

The workflow build ID.

Type: string

id (required)

The workflow ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Return a list of Machine Learning workflow runs for specified workflow build ID.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string

workflowbuildid (required)

ID of a workflow build.

Type: mongo-object-id

workflowid (required)

ID of a workflow.

Type: mongo-object-id


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Return a list of Machine Learning workflow configurations.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The maximum number of results to return.

Type: integer


A filter to apply to the results list. The filter must be a SPL predicate expression.

Type: spl-predicate-expression


The number of results to skip before the first one returned.

Type: integer


A list of fields to order the results by. You can specify either ascending or descending order using " asc" or " desc. Ascending order is the default.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Combines two Streams JSON programs.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "inputTree" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
      "attributes" : { },
      "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
      "resolvedId" : "string"
    } ],
    "edges" : [ {
      "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
      "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
      "attributes" : { },
      "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
      "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
    } ],
    "rootNode" : [ "string" ]
  "mainTree" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
      "attributes" : { },
      "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
      "resolvedId" : "string"
    } ],
    "edges" : [ {
      "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
      "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
      "attributes" : { },
      "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
      "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
    } ],
    "rootNode" : [ "string" ]
  "targetNode" : "The function ID of the merge target in the main pipeline.",
  "targetPort" : "The input port of the merge target in the main pipeline."


Returns the health status from the database.


tenant (required)

The tenant id.

Type: string


Sends events.


tenant (required)

Type: string


Type: array

[ {
  "nanos" : "Optional nanoseconds part of the timestamp.",
  "host" : "The host value assigned to the event data. Typically, this is the hostname of the client from which you are sending data.",
  "attributes" : { },
  "sourcetype" : "The sourcetype value assigned to the event data.",
  "id" : "An optional ID that uniquely identifies the event data. It is used to deduplicate the data if same data is set multiple times.\nIf ID is not specified, it will be assigned by the system.",
  "source" : "The source value to assign to the event data. For example, if you are sending data from an app that you are developing,\nset this key to the name of the app.",
  "body" : { },
  "timestamp" : "Epoch time in milliseconds."
} ]


Sends metric events.


tenant (required)

Type: string


Type: array

[ {
  "nanos" : "Optional nanoseconds part of the timestamp.",
  "host" : "The host value assigned to the event data. Typically, this is the hostname of the client from which you are sending data.",
  "attributes" : {
    "defaultUnit" : "Optional. If set, individual metrics inherit this unit and can optionally override.",
    "defaultDimensions" : "Optional. If set, individual metrics inherit these dimensions and can override any and/or all of them.",
    "defaultType" : "Optional. If set, individual metrics inherit this type and can optionally override."
  "sourcetype" : "The sourcetype value assigned to the event data.",
  "id" : "An optional ID that uniquely identifies the metric data. It is used to deduplicate the data if same data is set multiple times.\nIf ID is not specified, it will be assigned by the system.",
  "source" : "The source value to assign to the event data. For example, if you are sending data from an app that you are developing,\nset this key to the name of the app.",
  "body" : [ {
    "unit" : "Unit of the metric e.g. percent, megabytes, seconds etc.",
    "name" : "Name of the metric e.g. CPU, Memory etc.",
    "type" : "Type of metric. Default is g for gauge.",
    "value" : "Value of the metric. If not specified, it will be defaulted to 0.",
    "dimensions" : "Dimensions allow metrics to be classified e.g. {\"Server\":\"nginx\", \"Region\":\"us-west-1\", ...}"
  } ],
  "timestamp" : "Epoch time in milliseconds."
} ]


Modifies an existing DSP connection.


connectionId (required)

ID of the connection

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "data" : { },
  "name" : "The name of the connection.",
  "description" : "The description of the connection."


Update a group function combining the Streams JSON of two or more functions.


groupId (required)

The group function's ID from the function registry

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "mappings" : [ {
    "functionId" : "The function id to map to a group function argument.",
    "arguments" : [ {
      "functionArg" : "Function argument name.",
      "groupArg" : "The argument name for your group function."
    } ]
  } ],
  "scalar" : "boolean",
  "ast" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
      "attributes" : { },
      "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
      "resolvedId" : "string"
    } ],
    "edges" : [ {
      "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
      "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
      "attributes" : { },
      "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
      "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
    } ],
    "rootNode" : [ "string" ]
  "name" : "The group function name.",
  "outputType" : "The data type of the function's output.",
  "arguments" : [ {
    "groupArg" : "The argument name for your group function.",
    "position" : "Group function argument position number.",
    "type" : "The group function's data type."
  } ],
  "attributes" : { },
  "categories" : [ "integer" ],
  "variadic" : "boolean"


Updates the record with a given key, either by inserting or replacing the record.


collection (required)

The name of the collection.

Type: string

key (required)

The key of the record.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant id.

Type: string


Record to add to the collection, formatted as a JSON object.

Type: object

{ }


Record version identifier.

Type: string


Updates an existing template.


templateId (required)

ID of the template

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "data" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
      "attributes" : { },
      "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
      "resolvedId" : "string"
    } ],
    "edges" : [ {
      "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
      "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
      "attributes" : { },
      "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
      "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
    } ],
    "rootNode" : [ "string" ]
  "name" : "Template name",
  "description" : "Template description"


Returns a list of query records in a collection.


collection (required)

The name of the collection.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant id.

Type: string


Maximum number of records to return.

Type: integer


Comma-separated list of fields to include or exclude.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Number of records to skip from the start.

Type: integer


Sort order. Format is :. Valid sort orders are 1 for ascending, -1 for descending.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Query JSON expression.

Type: string


Reactivate a pipeline


id (required)

Pipeline UUID to reactivate

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Removes the member from a given group.


group (required)

The group name.

Type: string

member (required)

The member name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Removes a role from a given group.


group (required)

The group name.

Type: string

role (required)

The role name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Removes a member from a given tenant


member (required)

The member name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Removes a permission from the role.


permission (required)

The permission string.

Type: string

role (required)

The role name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Rotates the client secret for an app.


appName (required)

App name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Creates a preview session for a pipeline.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "upl" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
      "attributes" : { },
      "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
      "resolvedId" : "string"
    } ],
    "edges" : [ {
      "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
      "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
      "attributes" : { },
      "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
      "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
    } ],
    "rootNode" : [ "string" ]
  "useNewData" : "Deprecated. Must be true if set.",
  "recordsLimit" : "The maximum number of events per function. Defaults to 100.",
  "recordsPerPipeline" : "The maximum number of events per pipeline. Defaults to 10000.",
  "sessionLifetimeMs" : "The maximum lifetime of a session, in milliseconds. Defaults to 300,000.",
  "streamingConfigurationId" : "Deprecated. Must be null if set."


Stops a preview session.


previewSessionId (required)

ID of the preview session

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Invokes an action.


action_name (required)

The name of the action as one or more identifier strings separated by periods. Each identifier string consists of lowercase letters, digits, and underscores, and cannot start with a digit.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The action payload, which should include values for any templated fields.

Type: object

  "createdAt" : "string-ified ISO-8601 date/time with zone.",
  "triggerCondition" : "A description of the condition that caused the trigger event.",
  "createdBy" : "The principal that generated the trigger event.",
  "payload" : { },
  "triggerName" : "The name of the trigger for which this event was created.",
  "kind" : "string. Possible values: trigger",
  "id" : "A unique identifier for this trigger event. Generated from a hash of all recursively-sorted event field values.",
  "actionMetadata" : {
    "addresses" : [ "email" ],
    "members" : [ "string" ]
  "ttlSeconds" : "A time to live (TTL), expressed as seconds after createdAt, after which the trigger event will no longer be acted upon.",
  "tenant" : "The tenant within which the trigger event was generated."


Modifies an action template.


action_name (required)

The name of the action as one or more identifier strings separated by periods. Each identifier string consists of lowercase letters, digits, and underscores, and cannot start with a digit.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Updates to the action template.

Type: object

  "addresses" : [ "email" ],
  "subject" : "The subject of the email. You can use a template in this field.",
  "members" : [ "string" ],
  "fromName" : "Optional text providing a human-friendly name for the sender. Must be less than or equal to 81 characters. You can use a template in this field.",
  "bodyPlainText" : "Optional text to send as the text/plain part of the email. If this field is not set for an email action, the Action service converts the value from the body field to text and sends that as the text/plain part when invoking the action. You can use a template in this field.",
  "body" : "HTML content to send as the body of the email. You can use a template in this field.",
  "title" : "A human-readable title for the action. Must be less than or equal to 128 characters."


Update the Action with the specified id for the specified Rule


actionid (required)

ID of an Action.

Type: mongo-object-id

ruleresourcename (required)

The resource name of a rule. For the default module, the resource name format is ruleName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.ruleName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The fields to update in the specified action.

Type: object

  "owner" : "The name of the user who owns this action. This value is obtained from the bearer token if not present.",
  "version" : "The catalog version.",
  "field" : "The name of the field to be aliased.",
  "kind" : "The alias action kind.",
  "alias" : "The alias name."


Update an action for a specific rule.


actionid (required)

ID of an Action.

Type: mongo-object-id

ruleid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The properties to update in the specified action.

Type: object

  "owner" : "The name of the user who owns this action. This value is obtained from the bearer token if not present.",
  "version" : "The catalog version.",
  "field" : "The name of the field to be aliased.",
  "kind" : "The alias action kind.",
  "alias" : "The alias name."


Updates an app.


appName (required)

App name.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Updates app contents.

Type: object

  "appPrincipalPermissions" : [ "string" ],
  "loginUrl" : "The URL used to log in to the app.",
  "description" : "Short paragraph describing the app.",
  "title" : "Human-readable title for the app.",
  "logoUrl" : "The URL used to display the app's logo.",
  "userPermissionsFilter" : [ "string" ],
  "setupUrl" : "URL to redirect to after a subscription is created.",
  "redirectUrls" : [ "uri" ],
  "webhookUrl" : "URL that webhook events are sent to."


Partially modifies an existing DSP connection.


connectionId (required)

ID of the connection

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "data" : { },
  "name" : "The name of the connection.",
  "description" : "The description of the connection."


Update the dashboard with the specified ID.


dashboardid (required)

ID of a dashboard.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


An updated representation of the dashboard to be persisted.

Type: object

  "isactive" : "Whether the dashboard is active or not.",
  "module" : "The module that contains the dashboard.",
  "name" : "The dashboard name. Dashboard names must be unique within each tenant.",
  "definition" : "The JSON dashboard definition.",
  "version" : "The version of the dashboard."


Update the dashboard with the specified resource name.


dashboardresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dashvboard. The resource name format is module.dashboardname.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


An updated representation of the dashboard to be persisted.

Type: object

  "isactive" : "Whether the dashboard is active or not.",
  "module" : "The module that contains the dashboard.",
  "name" : "The dashboard name. Dashboard names must be unique within each tenant.",
  "definition" : "The JSON dashboard definition.",
  "version" : "The version of the dashboard."


Update the dataset with the specified resource name. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.


datasetresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dataset. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


An updated representation of the dataset to be persisted.

Type: object

  "filter" : "A query that filters results out of the lookup before those results are returned.",
  "caseSensitiveMatch" : "Match case-sensitively against the lookup.",
  "kind" : "The dataset kind.",
  "externalName" : "The name of the external lookup.",
  "externalKind" : "The type of the external lookup.",
  "owner" : "The name of the dataset owner. This value is obtained from the bearer token.",
  "module" : "The name of module to reassign dataset into.",
  "name" : "The dataset name. Dataset names must be unique within each module."


Update a specific dataset.


datasetid (required)

ID of a Dataset.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


An updated representation of the dataset to be persisted.

Type: object

  "filter" : "A query that filters results out of the lookup before those results are returned.",
  "caseSensitiveMatch" : "Match case-sensitively against the lookup.",
  "kind" : "The dataset kind.",
  "externalName" : "The name of the external lookup.",
  "externalKind" : "The type of the external lookup.",
  "owner" : "The name of the dataset owner. This value is obtained from the bearer token.",
  "module" : "The name of module to reassign dataset into.",
  "name" : "The dataset name. Dataset names must be unique within each module."


Update a field with a specified ID for a specified dataset.


datasetresourcename (required)

The resource name of a dataset. For the default module, the resource name format is datasetName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.datasetName.

Type: string

fieldid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The properties to update in the specified field.

Type: object

  "summary" : "The field summary.",
  "prevalence" : "How frequent the field appears in the dataset. Must be one of the valid values.",
  "datatype" : "The type of data in the field. Must be one of the valid values.",
  "indexed" : "Whether or not the field has been indexed.",
  "name" : "The field name.",
  "description" : "The field description.",
  "fieldtype" : "The type of field. Must be one of the valid values.",
  "title" : "The field title."


Update a field for a specific dataset.


datasetid (required)

ID of a Dataset.

Type: mongo-object-id

fieldid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The properties to update in the specified field.

Type: object

  "summary" : "The field summary.",
  "prevalence" : "How frequent the field appears in the dataset. Must be one of the valid values.",
  "datatype" : "The type of data in the field. Must be one of the valid values.",
  "indexed" : "Whether or not the field has been indexed.",
  "name" : "The field name.",
  "description" : "The field description.",
  "fieldtype" : "The type of field. Must be one of the valid values.",
  "title" : "The field title."


Modify a group function by combining the Streams JSON of two or more functions.


groupId (required)

The group function's ID from the function registry

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "mappings" : [ {
    "functionId" : "The function id to map to a group function argument.",
    "arguments" : [ {
      "functionArg" : "Function argument name.",
      "groupArg" : "The argument name for your group function."
    } ]
  } ],
  "scalar" : "boolean",
  "ast" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
      "attributes" : { },
      "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
      "resolvedId" : "string"
    } ],
    "edges" : [ {
      "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
      "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
      "attributes" : { },
      "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
      "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
    } ],
    "rootNode" : [ "string" ]
  "name" : "The name for the group function.",
  "outputType" : "The data type of the output of your function.",
  "arguments" : [ {
    "groupArg" : "The argument name for your group function.",
    "position" : "Group function argument position number.",
    "type" : "The group function's data type."
  } ],
  "attributes" : { },
  "categories" : [ "integer" ],
  "variadic" : "boolean"


Modifies an invitation in the given tenant.


inviteId (required)

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "action" : "Required string. Possible values: accept | reject | resend"


Update the search job with the specified search ID (SID) with an action.


sid (required)

The search ID.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Update a search job with a status.

Type: object

  "status" : "The status to PATCH to an existing search job. The only status values you can PATCH are 'canceled' and 'finalized'. You can PATCH the 'canceled' status only to a search job that is running."


Partially modifies an existing pipeline.


id (required)

id of the pipeline to update

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "createUserId" : "The user that created the pipeline. Deprecated.",
  "data" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
      "attributes" : { },
      "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
      "resolvedId" : "string"
    } ],
    "edges" : [ {
      "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
      "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
      "attributes" : { },
      "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
      "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
    } ],
    "rootNode" : [ "string" ]
  "name" : "The name of the pipeline.",
  "description" : "The description of the pipeline. Defaults to null.",
  "bypassValidation" : "Set to true to bypass initial pipeline validation upon creation. The pipeline still needs to be validated before activation. Defaults to false."


Update a specific relationship.


relationshipid (required)

ID of a relationship.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The properties to update in the specified relationship.

Type: object

  "owner" : "The user who is the owner of the relationship.",
  "name" : "The name of the relationship."


Update the Rule with the specified resourcename


ruleresourcename (required)

The resource name of a rule. For the default module, the resource name format is ruleName. Otherwise, the resource name format is module.ruleName.

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The properties to update in the specified rule.

Type: object

  "module" : "The module containing the rule.",
  "match" : "The rule match type.",
  "name" : "The rule name.",
  "version" : "The catalog version."


Update a specific rule.


ruleid (required)

ID of a Field.

Type: mongo-object-id

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


The properties to update in the specified rule.

Type: object

  "module" : "The module containing the rule.",
  "match" : "The rule match type.",
  "name" : "The rule name.",
  "version" : "The catalog version."


Partially modifies an existing template.


templateId (required)

ID of the template

Type: string

tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "data" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
      "attributes" : { },
      "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
      "resolvedId" : "string"
    } ],
    "edges" : [ {
      "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
      "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
      "attributes" : { },
      "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
      "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
    } ],
    "rootNode" : [ "string" ]
  "name" : "Template name",
  "description" : "Template description"


Update the workflow build with the specified workflow build ID.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string

workflowbuildid (required)

ID of a workflow build.

Type: mongo-object-id

workflowid (required)

ID of a workflow.

Type: mongo-object-id


An updated representation of the workflow build to be persisted.

Type: object

  "name" : "The workflow build name.",
  "description" : "The workflow build description.",
  "status" : "The status of the workflow build."


Update the workflow with the specified workflow ID.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string

workflowid (required)

ID of a workflow.

Type: mongo-object-id


An updated representation of the workflow to be persisted.

Type: object

  "name" : "The workflow name.",
  "description" : "The workflow description."


Update the workflow run with the specified workflow run ID.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string

workflowbuildid (required)

ID of a workflow build.

Type: mongo-object-id

workflowid (required)

ID of a workflow.

Type: mongo-object-id

workflowrunid (required)

ID of a workflow run.

Type: mongo-object-id


An updated representation of the workflow run to be persisted.

Type: object

  "name" : "The workflow run name.",
  "description" : "The workflow run description.",
  "status" : "The status of the workflow run."


Verifies whether the Streams JSON is valid.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Type: object

  "upl" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "op" : "The function's ID or its API name",
      "attributes" : { },
      "id" : "The function's (node's) UUID",
      "resolvedId" : "string"
    } ],
    "edges" : [ {
      "sourcePort" : "The source function's (node's) port",
      "sourceNode" : "The source function's (node's) id",
      "attributes" : { },
      "targetNode" : "The target function's (node's) id",
      "targetPort" : "The target function's (node's) port"
    } ],
    "rootNode" : [ "string" ]


Validates the access token obtained from the authorization header and returns the principal name and tenant memberships.


tenant (required)

The tenant name.

Type: string


Include additional information to return when validating tenant membership. Valid parameters [tenant, principal]

Type: array

[ "string. Possible values: tenant | principal" ]