Authentication Keys

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The following documentation is related only to the Transposit Developer Platform. Mission Control handles authentication differently than if you are only developing on the Developer Platform.

Transposit stores authentication in the form of Keys. For a high-level explanation, read about how we've designed managed authentication in Transposit.

Transposit supports several authorization mechanisms including OAuth, auth via headers, username/password, and a few less common options such as WSDL auth and OAuth v1. When you enter credentials or complete an OAuth flow, Transposit securely stores them for future use as a key. Each Transposit application has its own keys that are not shared across applications or any other contexts.

Development keys

When first adding a data connection to your application, Transposit will ask you to authorize the connection. After adding a data connection, keys for that dependency can be added or removed from the Code > Auth & settings section of the Transposit operations console.

Production keys

Transposit keeps separate sets of development and production keys. The keys shown in the Transposit operation console are for development. Adding or removing production keys is done via Deploy > Production Keys.

From Users > User Configuration, you can also require the user to provide the credentials for a data connection.