Wavefront (version v1.*.*)


Activates the given service account


id (required)

Type: string


Adds specific roles to the account (user or service account)


id (required)

Type: string


The list of roles that should be added to the account

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Adds specific user groups to the account (user or service account)


id (required)

Type: string


The list of user groups that should be added to the account

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Adds the specified ids to the given alerts' ACL



Type: array

[ {
  "viewAcl" : [ "string" ],
  "modifyAcl" : [ "string" ],
  "entityId" : "The entity Id"
} ]


Add a tag to a specific alert


id (required)

Type: string

tagValue (required)

Type: string


Add multiple users and user groups to a specific role


id (required)

Type: string


List of users and user groups thatshould be added to role

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Adds the specified ids to the given dashboards' ACL



Type: array

[ {
  "viewAcl" : [ "string" ],
  "modifyAcl" : [ "string" ],
  "entityId" : "The entity Id"
} ]


Add a tag to a specific dashboard


id (required)

Type: string

tagValue (required)

Type: string


Add a tag to a specific event


id (required)

Type: string

tagValue (required)

Type: string


Add a specific ingestion policy to multiple accounts



Example Body: { "ingestionPolicyId": "Ingestion policy identifier", "accounts": [ "account1", "account2", "account3" ], }

Type: object

  "accounts" : [ "string" ],
  "ingestionPolicyId" : "The unique identifier of the ingestion policy"


Add multiple roles to a specific user group


id (required)

Type: string


List of roles that should be added to user group

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Add a tag to a specific source


id (required)

Type: string

tagValue (required)

Type: string


Add a tag to a specific Derived Metric


id (required)

Type: string

tagValue (required)

Type: string


Adds specific user groups to the user or service account


id (required)

Type: string


The list of user groups that should be added to the account

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Add multiple users to a specific user group


id (required)

Type: string


List of users that should be added to user group

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Clones the specified alert


id (required)

Type: string


Type: string


Type: integer


Close a specific event


id (required)

Type: string


Create a specific alert



Example Classic Body: { "name": "Alert Name", "target": "success@simulator.amazonses.com", "condition": "ts(~sample.cpu.loadavg.1m) > 1", "displayExpression": "ts(~sample.cpu.loadavg.1m)", "minutes": 5, "resolveAfterMinutes": 2, "severity": "INFO", "additionalInformation": "Additional Info", "tags": { "customerTags": [ "alertTag1" ] } } Example Threshold Body: { "name": "Alert Name", "alertType": "THRESHOLD", "conditions": { "info": "ts(~sample.cpu.loadavg.1m) > 0", "warn": "ts(~sample.cpu.loadavg.1m) > 2" }, "displayExpression": "ts(~sample.cpu.loadavg.1m)", "minutes": 5, "additionalInformation": "conditions value entry needs to be of the form: displayExpression operator threshold" }

Type: object

  "createUserId" : "string",
  "notificationResendFrequencyMinutes" : "How often to re-trigger a continually failing alert. If absent or <= 0, no retriggering occurs",
  "pointsScannedAtLastQuery" : "A derived field recording the number of data points scanned when the system last computed this alert's condition",
  "acl" : {
    "canView" : [ "string" ],
    "canModify" : [ "string" ]
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "alertsLastDay" : "integer",
  "failingHostLabelPairLinks" : [ "string" ],
  "displayExpressionQBEnabled" : "Whether the display expression query was created using the Query Builder. Default false",
  "id" : "string",
  "resolveAfterMinutes" : "The number of consecutive minutes that a firing series matching the condition query must evaluate to \"false\" (zero value) before the alert resolves. When unset, this defaults to the same value as \"minutes\"",
  "alertsLastMonth" : "integer",
  "additionalInformation" : "User-supplied additional explanatory information for this alert. Useful for linking runbooks, mitigations,, etc",
  "evaluateRealtimeData" : "Whether to alert on the real-time ingestion stream (may be noisy due to late data)",
  "targetInfo" : [ {
    "method" : "Notification method of the alert target",
    "name" : "Name of the alert target",
    "id" : "ID of the alert target"
  } ],
  "lastErrorMessage" : "The last error encountered when running this alert's condition query",
  "updateUserId" : "The user that last updated this alert",
  "minutes" : "The number of consecutive minutes that a series matching the condition query must evaluate to \"true\" (non-zero value) before the alert fires",
  "created" : "When this alert was created, in epoch millis",
  "failingHostLabelPairs" : [ {
    "severity" : "string. Possible values: INFO | SMOKE | WARN | SEVERE",
    "host" : "Source (or host). \"Source\" and \"host\" are synonyms in current versions of wavefront, but the host terminology is deprecated",
    "firing" : "integer",
    "label" : "string",
    "tags" : "object",
    "observed" : "integer"
  } ],
  "conditionQBSerialization" : "The special serialization of the Query Builder that corresponds to the condition query. Applicable only when conditionQBEnabled is true",
  "systemOwned" : "Whether this alert is system-owned and not writeable",
  "processRateMinutes" : "The interval between checks for this alert, in minutes. Defaults to 1 minute",
  "sortAttr" : "Attribute used for default alert sort that is derived from state and severity",
  "numPointsInFailureFrame" : "Number of points scanned in alert query time frame.",
  "tags" : {
    "customerTags" : [ "string" ]
  "condition" : "A Wavefront query that is evaluated at regular intervals (default 1m). The alert fires and notifications are triggered when a data series matching this query evaluates to a non-zero value for a set number of consecutive minutes",
  "targetEndpoints" : [ "string" ],
  "notificants" : [ "string" ],
  "inMaintenanceHostLabelPairs" : [ {
    "severity" : "string. Possible values: INFO | SMOKE | WARN | SEVERE",
    "host" : "Source (or host). \"Source\" and \"host\" are synonyms in current versions of wavefront, but the host terminology is deprecated",
    "firing" : "integer",
    "label" : "string",
    "tags" : "object",
    "observed" : "integer"
  } ],
  "noDataEvent" : {
    "alertTags" : [ "string" ],
    "canClose" : "boolean",
    "summarizedEvents" : "In some event queries, multiple events that occur nearly simultaneously are summarized under a single event. This value specifies the number of events summarized under this one",
    "isEphemeral" : "Whether the event is an artificial event generated by a literal expression or alert backtesting, i.e. not stored in the Wavefront backend",
    "creatorType" : [ "string. Possible values: USER | ALERT | SYSTEM" ],
    "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
    "hosts" : [ "string" ],
    "creatorId" : "string",
    "annotations" : "A string->string map of additional annotations on the event",
    "isUserEvent" : "Whether this event was created by a user, versus the system. Default: system",
    "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
    "tags" : [ "string" ],
    "createdAt" : "integer",
    "updaterId" : "string",
    "name" : "The name of the event. If 'annotations.prettyName' is present, 'name' will be equivalent to that value",
    "runningState" : "string. Possible values: ONGOING | PENDING | ENDED",
    "startTime" : "Start time of the event, in epoch millis. If the JSON value is missing or set to 0, startTime will be set to the current time",
    "canDelete" : "boolean",
    "id" : "string",
    "endTime" : "End time of the event, in epoch millis. Set to startTime + 1 for an instantaneous event",
    "metricsUsed" : [ "string" ],
    "table" : "The customer to which the event belongs",
    "dimensions" : "A string-> map of additional dimension info on the event",
    "updatedAt" : "integer"
  "name" : "Required string",
  "displayExpression" : "A second query whose results are displayed in the alert user interface instead of the condition query. This field is often used to display a version of the condition query with Boolean operators removed so that numerical values are plotted",
  "conditions" : "Multi - alert conditions.",
  "lastProcessedMillis" : "The time when this alert was last checked, in epoch millis",
  "updated" : "When the alert was last updated, in epoch millis",
  "includeObsoleteMetrics" : "Whether to include obsolete metrics in alert query",
  "status" : [ "string" ],
  "alertsLastWeek" : "integer",
  "hidden" : "boolean",
  "lastFailedTime" : "The time of the last error encountered when running this alert's condition query, in epoch millis",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "snoozed" : "The until which time this alert is snoozed (not checked), in epoch millis. A negative value implies the alert is snoozed indefinitely",
  "targets" : "Targets for severity.",
  "prefiringHostLabelPairs" : [ {
    "severity" : "string. Possible values: INFO | SMOKE | WARN | SEVERE",
    "host" : "Source (or host). \"Source\" and \"host\" are synonyms in current versions of wavefront, but the host terminology is deprecated",
    "firing" : "integer",
    "label" : "string",
    "tags" : "object",
    "observed" : "integer"
  } ],
  "displayExpressionQBSerialization" : "The special serialization of the Query Builder that corresponds to the display expression query. Applicable only when displayExpressionQBEnabled is true",
  "queryFailing" : "Whether there was an exception when the alert condition last ran",
  "event" : {
    "alertTags" : [ "string" ],
    "canClose" : "boolean",
    "summarizedEvents" : "In some event queries, multiple events that occur nearly simultaneously are summarized under a single event. This value specifies the number of events summarized under this one",
    "isEphemeral" : "Whether the event is an artificial event generated by a literal expression or alert backtesting, i.e. not stored in the Wavefront backend",
    "creatorType" : [ "string. Possible values: USER | ALERT | SYSTEM" ],
    "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
    "hosts" : [ "string" ],
    "creatorId" : "string",
    "annotations" : "A string->string map of additional annotations on the event",
    "isUserEvent" : "Whether this event was created by a user, versus the system. Default: system",
    "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
    "tags" : [ "string" ],
    "createdAt" : "integer",
    "updaterId" : "string",
    "name" : "The name of the event. If 'annotations.prettyName' is present, 'name' will be equivalent to that value",
    "runningState" : "string. Possible values: ONGOING | PENDING | ENDED",
    "startTime" : "Start time of the event, in epoch millis. If the JSON value is missing or set to 0, startTime will be set to the current time",
    "canDelete" : "boolean",
    "id" : "string",
    "endTime" : "End time of the event, in epoch millis. Set to startTime + 1 for an instantaneous event",
    "metricsUsed" : [ "string" ],
    "table" : "The customer to which the event belongs",
    "dimensions" : "A string-> map of additional dimension info on the event",
    "updatedAt" : "integer"
  "metricsUsed" : [ "string" ],
  "severity" : "Severity of the alert",
  "hostsUsed" : [ "string" ],
  "alertType" : "Alert type.",
  "systemAlertVersion" : "If this is a system alert, the version of it",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "lastQueryTime" : "Last query time of the alert, averaged on hourly basis",
  "conditionQBEnabled" : "Whether the condition query was created using the Query Builder. Default false",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "inTrash" : "boolean",
  "orphan" : "boolean",
  "modifyAclAccess" : "Whether the user has modify ACL access to the alert.",
  "activeMaintenanceWindows" : [ "string" ],
  "severityList" : [ "string. Possible values: INFO | SMOKE | WARN | SEVERE" ],
  "target" : "The email address or integration endpoint (such as PagerDuty or web hook) to notify when the alert status changes",
  "lastNotificationMillis" : "When this alert last caused a notification, in epoch millis",
  "deleted" : "boolean",
  "lastEventTime" : "Start time (in epoch millis) of the last event associated with this alert."


This operation has no parameters


Create a cloud integration



Example Body: { "name":"CloudWatch integration", "service":"CLOUDWATCH", "cloudWatch":{ "baseCredentials":{ "roleArn":"arn:aws:iam::<accountid>:role/<rolename>" }, "metricFilterRegex":"^aws.(sqs|ec2|ebs|elb).*$", "pointTagFilterRegex":"(region|name)" }, "serviceRefreshRateInMins":5 }

Type: object

  "lastError" : "Digest of the last error encountered by Wavefront servers when fetching data using this integration",
  "tesla" : {
    "email" : "Email address for Tesla account login"
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "lastMetricCount" : "Number of metrics / events ingested by this integration the last time it ran",
  "cloudTrail" : {
    "bucketName" : "Name of the S3 bucket where CloudTrail logs are stored",
    "prefix" : "The common prefix, if any, appended to all CloudTrail log files",
    "baseCredentials" : {
      "roleArn" : "The Role ARN that the customer has created in AWS IAM to allow access to Wavefront",
      "externalId" : "The external id corresponding to the Role ARN"
    "filterRule" : "Rule to filter cloud trail log event.",
    "region" : "The AWS region of the S3 bucket where CloudTrail logs are stored"
  "appDynamics" : {
    "controllerName" : "Name of the SaaS controller.",
    "enableIndividualNodeMetrics" : "Boolean flag to control Individual Node metric injection.",
    "enableRollup" : "Set this to 'false' to get separate results for all values within the time range, by default it is 'true'.",
    "appFilterRegex" : [ "string" ],
    "userName" : "Username is combination of userName and the account name.",
    "enableErrorMetrics" : "Boolean flag to control Error metric injection.",
    "enableServiceEndpointMetrics" : "Boolean flag to control Service End point metric injection.",
    "enableBusinessTrxMetrics" : "Boolean flag to control Business Transaction metric injection.",
    "enableOverallPerfMetrics" : "Boolean flag to control Overall Performance metric injection.",
    "encryptedPassword" : "Password for AppDynamics user.",
    "enableBackendMetrics" : "Boolean flag to control Backend metric injection.",
    "enableAppInfraMetrics" : "Boolean flag to control Application Infrastructure metric injection."
  "additionalTags" : "A list of point tag key-values to add to every point ingested using this integration",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "ec2" : {
    "baseCredentials" : {
      "roleArn" : "The Role ARN that the customer has created in AWS IAM to allow access to Wavefront",
      "externalId" : "The external id corresponding to the Role ARN"
    "hostNameTags" : [ "string" ]
  "gcp" : {
    "gcpJsonKey" : "Private key for a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) service account within your project. The account must at least be granted Monitoring Viewer permissions. This key must be in the JSON format generated by GCP. Use '{\"project_id\": \"%s\"}' to retain the existing key when updating.",
    "customMetricPrefix" : [ "string" ],
    "projectId" : "The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project id.",
    "metricFilterRegex" : "A regular expression that a metric name must match (case-insensitively) in order to be ingested"
  "disabled" : "True when an aws credential failed to authenticate.",
  "forceSave" : "boolean",
  "id" : "string",
  "azure" : {
    "resourceGroupFilter" : [ "string" ],
    "categoryFilter" : [ "string" ],
    "baseCredentials" : {
      "clientId" : "Client Id for an Azure service account within your project.",
      "clientSecret" : "Client Secret for an Azure service account within your project. Use 'saved_secret' to retain the client secret when updating.",
      "tenant" : "Tenant Id for an Azure service account within your project."
    "metricFilterRegex" : "A regular expression that a metric name must match (case-insensitively) in order to be ingested"
  "lastReceivedDataPointMs" : "Time that this integration last received a data point, in epoch millis",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "serviceRefreshRateInMins" : "Service refresh rate in minutes.",
  "lastErrorEvent" : {
    "alertTags" : [ "string" ],
    "canClose" : "boolean",
    "summarizedEvents" : "In some event queries, multiple events that occur nearly simultaneously are summarized under a single event. This value specifies the number of events summarized under this one",
    "isEphemeral" : "Whether the event is an artificial event generated by a literal expression or alert backtesting, i.e. not stored in the Wavefront backend",
    "creatorType" : [ "string. Possible values: USER | ALERT | SYSTEM" ],
    "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
    "hosts" : [ "string" ],
    "creatorId" : "string",
    "annotations" : "A string-&gt;string map of additional annotations on the event",
    "isUserEvent" : "Whether this event was created by a user, versus the system. Default: system",
    "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
    "tags" : [ "string" ],
    "createdAt" : "integer",
    "updaterId" : "string",
    "name" : "The name of the event. If 'annotations.prettyName' is present, 'name' will be equivalent to that value",
    "runningState" : "string. Possible values: ONGOING | PENDING | ENDED",
    "startTime" : "Start time of the event, in epoch millis. If the JSON value is missing or set to 0, startTime will be set to the current time",
    "canDelete" : "boolean",
    "id" : "string",
    "endTime" : "End time of the event, in epoch millis. Set to startTime + 1 for an instantaneous event",
    "metricsUsed" : [ "string" ],
    "table" : "The customer to which the event belongs",
    "dimensions" : "A string-&gt; map of additional dimension info on the event",
    "updatedAt" : "integer"
  "cloudWatch" : {
    "instanceSelectionTags" : "A comma-separated white list of AWS instance tag-value pairs (in AWS). If the instance's AWS tags match this whitelist, CloudWatch data about this instance is ingested. Multiple entries are OR'ed",
    "pointTagFilterRegex" : "A regular expression that AWS tag key name must match (case-insensitively) in order to be ingested",
    "volumeSelectionTags" : "A comma-separated white list of AWS volume tag-value pairs (in AWS). If the volume's AWS tags match this whitelist, CloudWatch data about this volume is ingested. Multiple entries are OR'ed",
    "baseCredentials" : {
      "roleArn" : "The Role ARN that the customer has created in AWS IAM to allow access to Wavefront",
      "externalId" : "The external id corresponding to the Role ARN"
    "metricFilterRegex" : "A regular expression that a CloudWatch metric name must match (case-insensitively) in order to be ingested",
    "namespaces" : [ "string" ]
  "newRelic" : {
    "apiKey" : "New Relic REST API Key.",
    "appFilterRegex" : "A regular expression that a application name must match (case-insensitively) in order to collect metrics.",
    "newRelicMetricFilters" : [ {
      "appName" : "string",
      "metricFilterRegex" : "string"
    } ],
    "hostFilterRegex" : "A regular expression that a host name must match (case-insensitively) in order to collect metrics."
  "lastProcessorId" : "Opaque id of the last Wavefront integrations service to act on this integration",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "inTrash" : "boolean",
  "lastProcessingTimestamp" : "Time, in epoch millis, that this integration was last processed",
  "deleted" : "boolean",
  "gcpBilling" : {
    "gcpJsonKey" : "Private key for a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) service account within your project. The account must at least be granted Monitoring Viewer permissions. This key must be in the JSON format generated by GCP. Use '{\"project_id\": \"%s\"}' to retain the existing key when updating.",
    "gcpApiKey" : "API key for Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Use 'saved_api_key' to retain existing API key when updating",
    "projectId" : "The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project id."
  "service" : "A value denoting which cloud service this integration integrates with",
  "name" : "The human-readable name of this integration",
  "azureActivityLog" : {
    "categoryFilter" : [ "string. Possible values: ADMINISTRATIVE | SERVICEHEALTH | ALERT | AUTOSCALE | SECURITY" ],
    "baseCredentials" : {
      "clientId" : "Client Id for an Azure service account within your project.",
      "clientSecret" : "Client Secret for an Azure service account within your project. Use 'saved_secret' to retain the client secret when updating.",
      "tenant" : "Tenant Id for an Azure service account within your project."
  "lastErrorMs" : "Time, in epoch millis, of the last error encountered by Wavefront servers when fetching data using this integration"


Create a specific dashboard



Example Body: { "name": "Dashboard API example", "id": "api-example", "url": "api-example", "description": "Dashboard Description", "sections": [ { "name": "Section 1", "rows": [ { "charts": [ { "name": "Chart 1", "description": "description1", "sources": [ { "name": "Source1", "query": "ts()" } ] } ] } ] } ] }

Type: object

  "parameterDetails" : "The current (as of Wavefront 4.0) JSON representation of dashboard parameters. This is a map from a parameter name to its representation",
  "hidden" : "boolean",
  "defaultStartTime" : "Default start time in milliseconds to query charts",
  "viewsLastWeek" : "integer",
  "forceV2UI" : "Whether to force this dashboard to use the V2 UI",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "description" : "Human-readable description of the dashboard",
  "acl" : {
    "canView" : [ "string" ],
    "canModify" : [ "string" ]
  "chartTitleColor" : "Text color of the chart title text are, in rgba(rvalue,gvalue,bvalue,avalue)",
  "viewsLastDay" : "integer",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "chartTitleScalar" : "Scale (normally 100) of chart title text size",
  "numFavorites" : "integer",
  "id" : "Unique identifier, also URL slug, of the dashboard",
  "displayQueryParameters" : "Whether the dashboard parameters section is opened by default when the dashboard is shown",
  "defaultTimeWindow" : "Default time window to query charts",
  "displayDescription" : "Whether the dashboard description section is opened by default when the dashboard is shown",
  "defaultEndTime" : "Default end time in milliseconds to query charts",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "systemOwned" : "Whether this dashboard is system-owned and not writeable",
  "eventQuery" : "Event query to run on dashboard charts",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "displaySectionTableOfContents" : "Whether the \"pills\" quick-linked the sections of the dashboard are displayed by default when the dashboard is shown",
  "orphan" : "boolean",
  "modifyAclAccess" : "Whether the user has modify ACL access to the dashboard.",
  "url" : "Unique identifier, also URL slug, of the dashboard",
  "sections" : [ {
    "sectionFilter" : { },
    "name" : "Name of this section",
    "rows" : [ {
      "charts" : [ {
        "chartAttributes" : { },
        "summarization" : "Summarization strategy for the chart. MEAN is default",
        "chartSettings" : {
          "ymin" : "For x-y scatterplots, min value for Y-axis. Set null for auto",
          "fixedLegendFilterField" : "Statistic to use for determining whether a series is displayed on the fixed legend",
          "numTags" : "For the tabular view, how many point tags to display",
          "timeBasedColoring" : "Fox x-y scatterplots, whether to color more recent points as darker than older points. Default: false",
          "sparklineFillColor" : "For the single stat view, the color of the background fill. Values should be in\"rgba(, , , \" format",
          "y0ScaleSIBy1024" : "Default: false. Whether to scale numerical magnitude labels for left Y-axis by 1024 in the IEC/Binary manner (instead of by 1000 like SI)",
          "showHosts" : "For the tabular view, whether to display sources. Default: true",
          "type" : "Chart Type. 'line' refers to the Line Plot, 'scatter' to the Point Plot, 'stacked-area' to the Stacked Area plot, 'table' to the Tabular View, 'scatterploy-xy' to Scatter Plot, 'markdown-widget' to the Markdown display, and 'sparkline' to the Single Stat view",
          "sparklineValueColorMapValues" : [ "integer" ],
          "showRawValues" : "For the tabular view, whether to display raw values. Default: false",
          "fixedLegendDisplayStats" : [ "string" ],
          "columnTags" : "deprecated",
          "sparklineSize" : "For the single stat view, a misleadingly named property. This determines whether the sparkline of the statistic is displayed in the chart BACKGROUND, BOTTOM, or NONE",
          "windowSize" : "Width, in minutes, of the time window to use for \"last\" windowing",
          "customTags" : [ "string" ],
          "sparklineValueTextMapText" : [ "string" ],
          "sparklineDecimalPrecision" : "For the single stat view, the decimal precision of the displayed number",
          "lineType" : "Plot interpolation type. linear is default",
          "sparklineValueColorMapColors" : [ "string" ],
          "y1UnitAutoscaling" : "Default: false. Whether to automatically adjust magnitude labels and units for the right Y-axis to favor smaller magnitudes and larger units",
          "fixedLegendFilterLimit" : "Number of series to include in the fixed legend",
          "y1Min" : "For plots with multiple Y-axes, min value for right-side Y-axis. Set null for auto",
          "stackType" : "Type of stacked chart (applicable only if chart type is stacked). zero (default) means stacked from y=0. expand means Normalized from 0 to 1. wiggle means Minimize weighted changes. silhouette means to Center the Stream",
          "fixedLegendEnabled" : "Whether to enable a fixed tabular legend adjacent to the chart",
          "sparklineValueColorMapApplyTo" : "For the single stat view, whether to apply dynamic color settings to the displayed TEXT or BACKGROUND",
          "groupBySource" : "For the tabular view, whether to group multi metrics into a single row by a common source. If false, each metric for each source is displayed in its own row. If true, multiple metrics for the same host will be displayed as different columns in the same row",
          "sparklineDisplayVerticalPosition" : "deprecated",
          "sparklineDisplayColor" : "For the single stat view, the color of the displayed text (when not dynamically determined). Values should be in\"rgba(, , , \" format",
          "y1Units" : "For plots with multiple Y-axes, units for right-side Y-axis",
          "invertDynamicLegendHoverControl" : "Whether to disable the display of the floating legend (but reenable it when the ctrl-key is pressed)",
          "y1Max" : "For plots with multiple Y-axes, max value for right-side Y-axis. Set null for auto",
          "fixedLegendUseRawStats" : "If true, the legend uses non-summarized stats instead of summarized",
          "sparklineValueTextMapThresholds" : [ "number" ],
          "sparklineDisplayPostfix" : "For the single stat view, a string to append to the displayed text",
          "sparklineValueColorMapValuesV2" : [ "number" ],
          "sparklineLineColor" : "For the single stat view, the color of the line. Values should be in\"rgba(, , , \" format",
          "y1ScaleSIBy1024" : "Default: false. Whether to scale numerical magnitude labels for right Y-axis by 1024 in the IEC/Binary manner (instead of by 1000 like SI)",
          "sortValuesDescending" : "For the tabular view, whether to display display values in descending order. Default: false",
          "sparklineDisplayValueType" : "For the single stat view, whether to display the name of the query or the value of query",
          "y0UnitAutoscaling" : "Default: false. Whether to automatically adjust magnitude labels and units for the left Y-axis to favor smaller magnitudes and larger units",
          "min" : "Min value of Y-axis. Set to null or leave blank for auto",
          "fixedLegendHideLabel" : "deprecated",
          "xmax" : "For x-y scatterplots, max value for X-axis. Set null for auto",
          "sparklineDisplayPrefix" : "For the single stat view, a string to add before the displayed text",
          "sparklineDisplayHorizontalPosition" : "For the single stat view, the horizontal position of the displayed text",
          "xmin" : "For x-y scatterplots, min value for X-axis. Set null for auto",
          "windowing" : "For the tabular view, whether to use the full time window for the query or the last X minutes",
          "max" : "Max value of Y-axis. Set to null or leave blank for auto",
          "fixedLegendPosition" : "Where the fixed legend should be displayed with respect to the chart",
          "fixedLegendFilterSort" : "Whether to display \"Top\"- or \"Bottom\"-ranked series in the fixed legend",
          "ymax" : "For x-y scatterplots, max value for Y-axis. Set null for auto",
          "sparklineDisplayFontSize" : "For the single stat view, the font size of the displayed text, in percent",
          "showLabels" : "For the tabular view, whether to display labels. Default: true",
          "tagMode" : "For the tabular view, which mode to use to determine which point tags to display",
          "autoColumnTags" : "deprecated",
          "expectedDataSpacing" : "Threshold (in seconds) for time delta between consecutive points in a series above which a dotted line will replace a solid line in line plots. Default: 60s",
          "plainMarkdownContent" : "The Markdown content for a Markdown display, in plain text. Use this field instead of `markdownContent`."
        "sources" : [ {
          "secondaryAxis" : "Determines if this source relates to the right hand Y-axis or not",
          "querybuilderEnabled" : "Whether or not this source line should have the query builder enabled",
          "query" : "Query expression to plot on the chart",
          "name" : "Name of the source",
          "scatterPlotSource" : "For scatter plots, does this query source the X-axis or the Y-axis",
          "querybuilderSerialization" : "Opaque representation of the querybuilder",
          "disabled" : "Whether the source is disabled",
          "sourceDescription" : "A description for the purpose of this source",
          "sourceColor" : "The color used to draw all results from this source (auto if unset)"
        } ],
        "noDefaultEvents" : "Whether to hide events related to the sources in the charts produced. Default false (i.e. shows events)",
        "name" : "Name of the source",
        "description" : "Description of the chart",
        "units" : "String to label the units of the chart on the Y-axis",
        "interpolatePoints" : "Whether to interpolate points in the charts produced. Default: true",
        "includeObsoleteMetrics" : "Whether to show obsolete metrics. Default: false",
        "base" : "If the chart has a log-scale Y-axis, the base for the logarithms"
      } ],
      "heightFactor" : "Scalar for the height of this row. 100 is normal and default. 50 is half height"
    } ]
  } ],
  "dashboardAttributes" : { },
  "tags" : {
    "customerTags" : [ "string" ]
  "numCharts" : "integer",
  "viewsLastMonth" : "integer",
  "deleted" : "boolean",
  "chartTitleBgColor" : "Background color of the chart title text area, in rgba(rvalue,gvalue,bvalue,avalue)",
  "name" : "Name of the dashboard",
  "parameters" : "Deprecated. An obsolete representation of dashboard parameters",
  "favorite" : "boolean",
  "customer" : "id of the customer to which this dashboard belongs",
  "eventFilterType" : "How charts belonging to this dashboard should display events. BYCHART is default if unspecified"


Create a specific derived metric definition



Example Body: { "name": "Query Name", "query": "aliasMetric(ts(~sample.cpu.loadavg.1m), "my.new.metric")", "minutes": 5, "additionalInformation": "Additional Info", "tags": { "customerTags": [ "derivedMetricTag1" ] } }

Type: object

  "queryQBEnabled" : "Whether the query was created using the Query Builder. Default false",
  "createUserId" : "string",
  "lastFailedTime" : "The time of the last error encountered when running the query, in epoch millis",
  "pointsScannedAtLastQuery" : "A derived field recording the number of data points scanned when the system last computed the query",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "queryFailing" : "Whether there was an exception when the query last ran",
  "id" : "string",
  "metricsUsed" : [ "string" ],
  "additionalInformation" : "User-supplied additional explanatory information for the derived metric",
  "hostsUsed" : [ "string" ],
  "lastErrorMessage" : "The last error encountered when running the query",
  "updateUserId" : "The user that last updated this derived metric definition",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "minutes" : "How frequently the query generating the derived metric is run",
  "created" : "When this derived metric was created, in epoch millis",
  "lastQueryTime" : "Time for the query execute, averaged on hourly basis",
  "query" : "A Wavefront query that is evaluated at regular intervals (default 1m).",
  "processRateMinutes" : "The interval between executing the query, in minutes. Defaults to 1 minute",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "inTrash" : "boolean",
  "tags" : {
    "customerTags" : [ "string" ]
  "deleted" : "boolean",
  "name" : "Required string",
  "queryQBSerialization" : "The special serialization of the Query Builder that corresponds to the query. Applicable only when queryQBEnabled is true",
  "lastProcessedMillis" : "The last time when the derived metric query was run, in epoch millis",
  "updated" : "When the derived metric definition was last updated, in epoch millis",
  "includeObsoleteMetrics" : "Whether to include obsolete metrics in query",
  "status" : [ "string" ]


The following fields are readonly and will be ignored when passed in the request: id, isEphemeral, isUserEvent, runningState, canDelete, canClose, creatorType, createdAt, updatedAt, createdEpochMillis, updatedEpochMillis, updaterId, creatorId, and summarizedEvents



Example Body: { "name": "Event API Example", "annotations": { "severity": "info", "type": "event type", "details": "description" }, "tags" : [ "eventTag1" ], "startTime": 1490000000000, "endTime": 1490000000001 }

Type: object

  "alertTags" : [ "string" ],
  "canClose" : "boolean",
  "summarizedEvents" : "In some event queries, multiple events that occur nearly simultaneously are summarized under a single event. This value specifies the number of events summarized under this one",
  "isEphemeral" : "Whether the event is an artificial event generated by a literal expression or alert backtesting, i.e. not stored in the Wavefront backend",
  "creatorType" : [ "string. Possible values: USER | ALERT | SYSTEM" ],
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "hosts" : [ "string" ],
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "annotations" : "A string-&gt;string map of additional annotations on the event",
  "isUserEvent" : "Whether this event was created by a user, versus the system. Default: system",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "tags" : [ "string" ],
  "createdAt" : "integer",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "name" : "The name of the event. If 'annotations.prettyName' is present, 'name' will be equivalent to that value",
  "runningState" : "string. Possible values: ONGOING | PENDING | ENDED",
  "startTime" : "Start time of the event, in epoch millis. If the JSON value is missing or set to 0, startTime will be set to the current time",
  "canDelete" : "boolean",
  "id" : "string",
  "endTime" : "End time of the event, in epoch millis. Set to startTime + 1 for an instantaneous event",
  "metricsUsed" : [ "string" ],
  "table" : "The customer to which the event belongs",
  "dimensions" : "A string-&gt; map of additional dimension info on the event",
  "updatedAt" : "integer"

Create a specific external link



Example Body: { "name": "External Link API Example", "template": "https://example.com/{{source}}", "description": "External Link Description" }

Type: object

  "template" : "The mustache template for this link. This template must expand to a full URL, including scheme, origin, etc",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "name" : "Name of the external link. Will be displayed in context (right-click) menus on charts",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "description" : "Human-readable description for this external link",
  "pointTagFilterRegexes" : "Controls whether a link displayed in the context menu of a highlighted series. This is a map from string to regular expression. The highlighted series must contain point tags whose keys are present in the keys of this map and whose values match the regular expressions associated with those keys in order for the link to be displayed",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "id" : "string",
  "metricFilterRegex" : "Controls whether a link displayed in the context menu of a highlighted series. If present, the metric name of the highlighted series must match this regular expression in order for the link to be displayed",
  "sourceFilterRegex" : "Controls whether a link displayed in the context menu of a highlighted series. If present, the source name of the highlighted series must match this regular expression in order for the link to be displayed"


Create a specific ingestion policy



Example Body: { "name": "Ingestion policy name", "description": "Ingestion policy description" }

Type: object

  "sampledServiceAccounts" : [ "string" ],
  "lastUpdatedAccountId" : "The account that updated this ingestion policy last time",
  "sampledUserAccounts" : [ "string" ],
  "lastUpdatedMs" : "The last time when the ingestion policy is updated, in epoch milliseconds",
  "name" : "The name of the ingestion policy",
  "description" : "The description of the ingestion policy",
  "id" : "The unique ID for the ingestion policy",
  "userAccountCount" : "Total number of user accounts that are linked to the ingestion policy",
  "serviceAccountCount" : "Total number of service accounts that are linked to the ingestion policy",
  "customer" : "ID of the customer to which the ingestion policy belongs"


Create a maintenance window



Example Body: { "reason": "MW Reason", "title": "MW Title", "startTimeInSeconds": 1483228800, "endTimeInSeconds": 1483232400, "relevantCustomerTags": [ "alertId1" ], "relevantHostTags": [ "sourceTag1" ] }

Type: object

  "reason" : "The purpose of this maintenance window",
  "endTimeInSeconds" : "The time in epoch seconds when this maintenance window will end",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "hostTagGroupHostNamesGroupAnded" : "If true, a source/host must be in 'relevantHostNames' and have tags matching the specification formed by 'relevantHostTags' and 'relevantHostTagsAnded' in order for this maintenance window to apply. If false, a source/host must either be in 'relevantHostNames' or match 'relevantHostTags' and 'relevantHostTagsAnded'. Default: false",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "sortAttr" : "Numeric value used in default sorting",
  "title" : "Title of this maintenance window",
  "relevantHostTags" : [ "string" ],
  "relevantCustomerTags" : [ "string" ],
  "startTimeInSeconds" : "The time in epoch seconds when this maintenance window will start",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "relevantHostTagsAnded" : "Whether to AND source/host tags listed in relevantHostTags. If true, a source/host must contain all tags in order for the maintenance window to apply. If false, the tags are OR'ed, and a source/host must contain one of the tags. Default: false",
  "customerId" : "string",
  "eventName" : "The name of an event associated with the creation/update of this maintenance window",
  "runningState" : "string. Possible values: ONGOING | PENDING | ENDED",
  "id" : "string",
  "relevantHostNames" : [ "string" ]


Create a notification target



Example Body: { "description": "Notificant Description", "template": "POST Body -- Mustache syntax", "title": "Email title", "triggers": [ "ALERT_OPENED" ], "method": "EMAIL", "recipient": "value@example.com", "emailSubject": "Email subject cannot contain new line" }

Type: object

  "template" : "A mustache template that will form the body of the POST request, email and summary of the PagerDuty.",
  "method" : "The notification method used for notification target.",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "description" : "Description",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "title" : "Title",
  "emailSubject" : "The subject title of an email notification target",
  "routes" : [ {
    "filter" : "String that filters the route. Space delimited. Currently only allows single key value pair. filter: env* prod*",
    "method" : "The end point for the alert route.EMAIL: email address. PAGERDUTY: PagerDuty routing Key. WEBHOOK: URL end point",
    "target" : "The end point for the notification target.EMAIL: email address. PAGERDUTY: PagerDuty routing Key. WEBHOOK: URL end point"
  } ],
  "isHtmlContent" : "Determine whether the email alert target content is sent as html or text.",
  "customHttpHeaders" : "A string-&gt;string map specifying the custom HTTP header key / value pairs that will be sent in the requests of this web hook",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "customerId" : "string",
  "recipient" : "The end point for the notification target.EMAIL: email address. PAGERDUTY: PagerDuty routing Key. WEBHOOK: URL end point",
  "id" : "string",
  "contentType" : "The value of the Content-Type header of the webhook POST request."


Creates or updates a user



Example Body: { "emailAddress": "user@example.com", "groups": [ "user_management" ], "userGroups": [ "8b23136b-ecd2-4cb5-8c92-62477dcc4090" ], "ingestionPolicyId": "ingestionPolicyId", "roles": [ "Role" ] }

Type: object

  "userGroups" : [ "string" ],
  "emailAddress" : "The (unique) identifier of the user to create. Must be a valid email address",
  "roles" : [ "string" ],
  "groups" : [ "string" ],
  "ingestionPolicyId" : "The identifier of the ingestion policy linked with user."


Whether to send email notification to the user, if created. Default: false

Type: boolean


Creates or updates a user account



Example Body: { "emailAddress": "user@example.com", "groups": [ "user_management" ], "userGroups": [ "8b23136b-ecd2-4cb5-8c92-62477dcc4090" ], "ingestionPolicyId": "ingestionPolicyId", "roles": [ "Role" ] }

Type: object

  "userGroups" : [ "string" ],
  "emailAddress" : "The (unique) identifier of the user to create. Must be a valid email address",
  "roles" : [ "string" ],
  "groups" : [ "string" ],
  "ingestionPolicyId" : "The identifier of the ingestion policy linked with user."


Whether to send email notification to the user, if created. Default: false

Type: boolean


Create a specific role



Example Body: { "name": "Role name", "permissions": [ "permission1", "permission2", "permission3" ], "description": "Role description" }

Type: object

  "sampleLinkedAccounts" : [ "string" ],
  "lastUpdatedAccountId" : "The account that updated this role last time",
  "linkedGroupsCount" : "Total number of groups that are linked to the role",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "permissions" : [ "string" ],
  "lastUpdatedMs" : "The last time when the role is updated, in epoch milliseconds",
  "name" : "The name of the role",
  "sampleLinkedGroups" : [ {
    "userCount" : "Total number of users that are members of the user group",
    "permissions" : [ "string" ],
    "roles" : [ "RoleDTO" ],
    "name" : "Name of the user group",
    "description" : "The description of the user group",
    "id" : "Unique ID for the user group",
    "users" : [ "string" ],
    "properties" : {
      "nameEditable" : "boolean",
      "usersEditable" : "boolean",
      "permissionsEditable" : "boolean",
      "rolesEditable" : "boolean"
    "customer" : "ID of the customer to which the user group belongs"
  } ],
  "description" : "The description of the role",
  "id" : "The unique identifier of the role",
  "linkedAccountsCount" : "Total number of accounts that are linked to the role",
  "customer" : "The id of the customer to which the role belongs"

Create a saved search



Example Body: { "query": { "foo": "{"searchTerms":[{"type":"freetext","value":"foo"}]}" }, "entityType": "DASHBOARD" }

Type: object

  "updaterId" : "string",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "entityType" : "The Wavefront entity type over which to search",
  "query" : "The map corresponding to the search query. The key is the name of the query, and the value is a JSON representation of the query",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "id" : "string",
  "userId" : "The user for whom this search is saved"


Creates a service account



Wavefront service account entity for write requests.

Type: object

  "identifier" : "The unique identifier for a service account.",
  "userGroups" : [ "string" ],
  "roles" : [ "string" ],
  "active" : "The current state of the service account.",
  "description" : "The description of the service account to be created.",
  "groups" : [ "string" ],
  "tokens" : [ "string" ],
  "ingestionPolicyId" : "The identifier of the ingestion policy linked with service account."


Create metadata (description or tags) for a specific source



Example Body: { "sourceName": "source.name", "tags": {"sourceTag1": true}, "description": "Source Description" }

Type: object

  "hidden" : "A derived field denoting whether this source has been hidden (e.g. excluding it from query autocomplete among other things)",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "description" : "Description of this source",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "id" : "id of this source, must be exactly equivalent to 'sourceName'",
  "sourceName" : "The name of the source, usually set by ingested telemetry",
  "markedNewEpochMillis" : "Epoch Millis when this source was marked as ~status.new",
  "tags" : "A Map (String -&gt; boolean) Representing the source tags associated with this source. To create a tag, set it as a KEY in this map, with associated value equal to true"


This operation has no parameters


Create a specific user group



Example Body: { "name": "UserGroup name", "permissions": [ "permission1", "permission2", "permission3" ], "roleIDs": [ "role1", "role2", "role3" ], "description": "UserGroup description" }

Type: object

  "roleIDs" : [ "string" ],
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "permissions" : [ "string" ],
  "name" : "The name of the user group",
  "description" : "The description of the user group",
  "id" : "The unique identifier of the user group",
  "customer" : "The id of the customer to which the user group belongs"


Create a specific webhook



Example Body: { "description": "WebHook Description", "template": "POST Body -- Mustache syntax", "title": "WebHook Title", "triggers": [ "ALERT_OPENED" ], "recipient": "http://example.com", "customHttpHeaders": {}, "contentType": "text/plain" }

Type: object

  "template" : "A mustache template that will form the body of the POST request, email and summary of the PagerDuty.",
  "method" : "The notification method used for notification target.",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "description" : "Description",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "title" : "Title",
  "emailSubject" : "The subject title of an email notification target",
  "routes" : [ {
    "filter" : "String that filters the route. Space delimited. Currently only allows single key value pair. filter: env* prod*",
    "method" : "The end point for the alert route.EMAIL: email address. PAGERDUTY: PagerDuty routing Key. WEBHOOK: URL end point",
    "target" : "The end point for the notification target.EMAIL: email address. PAGERDUTY: PagerDuty routing Key. WEBHOOK: URL end point"
  } ],
  "isHtmlContent" : "Determine whether the email alert target content is sent as html or text.",
  "customHttpHeaders" : "A string-&gt;string map specifying the custom HTTP header key / value pairs that will be sent in the requests of this web hook",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "customerId" : "string",
  "recipient" : "The end point for the notification target.EMAIL: email address. PAGERDUTY: PagerDuty routing Key. WEBHOOK: URL end point",
  "id" : "string",
  "contentType" : "The value of the Content-Type header of the webhook POST request."


Deactivates the given service account


id (required)

Type: string


Deletes an account (user or service account) identified by id


id (required)

Type: string


Delete a specific alert


id (required)

Type: string


Type: boolean


DELETEs an external id that was created by Wavefront


id (required)

Type: string


Delete a specific cloud integration


id (required)

Type: string


Type: boolean


Delete a specific dashboard


id (required)

Type: string


Type: boolean


Delete a specific derived metric definition


id (required)

Type: string


Type: boolean


Delete a specific event


id (required)

Type: string

Delete a specific external link


id (required)

Type: string


Delete a specific ingestion policy


id (required)

Type: string


Delete a specific maintenance window


id (required)

Type: string


Deletes multiple accounts (users or service accounts)



list of accounts' identifiers to be deleted

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Deletes multiple users or service accounts



identifiers of list of users which should be deleted

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Delete a specific notification target


id (required)

Type: string


Delete a specific proxy


id (required)

Type: string


Type: boolean


Delete a specific role


id (required)

Type: string

Delete a specific saved search


id (required)

Type: string


Delete metadata (description and tags) for a specific source


id (required)

Type: string


Delete the specified api token


id (required)

Type: string


Delete the specified api token of the given service account


id (required)

Type: string

token (required)

Type: string


Deletes a user or service account identified by id


id (required)

Type: string


Delete a specific user group


id (required)

Type: string


Delete a specific webhook


id (required)

Type: string


Disable a specific cloud integration


id (required)

Type: string


Enable a specific cloud integration


id (required)

Type: string


Export a CSV report


startTime (required)

start time in epoch seconds

Type: integer


end time in epoch seconds, null to use now

Type: integer


Mark a dashboard as favorite


id (required)

Type: string


Returns the list of all api tokens for the service account. The newly created api token is the last element of returned list.


id (required)

Type: string


Wavefront user api token entity for update requests

Type: object

  "lastUsed" : "The last time this token was used",
  "tokenID" : "The identifier of the user API token",
  "tokenName" : "The name of the user API token"


Get a specific account (user or service account)


id (required)

Type: string


Returns business functions of a specific account (user or service account).


id (required)

Type: string


Get a specific alert


id (required)

Type: string


Get Access Control Lists' union for the specified alerts



Type: array

[ "string" ]


If the specified event is associated with an alert, returns a slug encoding the queries having to do with that alert firing or resolution


id (required)

Type: string


Return details of a particular alert firing, including all the series that fired during the referred alert firing


id (required)

id of an event of type alert or alert-detail, used to lookup the particular alert firing

Type: string


Get firings events of an alert within a time range


alertId (required)

Type: string


Type: integer


Type: integer


Get the version history of a specific alert


id (required)

Type: string


Get all tags associated with a specific alert


id (required)

Type: string


Get a specific historical version of a specific alert


id (required)

Type: string

version (required)

Type: integer


This operation has no parameters


GETs (confirms) a valid external id that was created by Wavefront


id (required)

Type: string


Get a specific cloud integration


id (required)

Type: string


Get a specific dashboard


id (required)

Type: string


Get list of Access Control Lists for the specified dashboards



Type: array

[ "string" ]


Get the version history of a specific dashboard


id (required)

Type: string


Get all tags associated with a specific dashboard


id (required)

Type: string


Get a specific version of a specific dashboard


id (required)

Type: string

version (required)

Type: integer


Get a specific registered query


id (required)

Type: string


Get a specific historical version of a specific derived metric definition


id (required)

Type: string

version (required)

Type: integer


Get the version history of a specific derived metric definition


id (required)

Type: string


Get all tags associated with a specific derived metric definition


id (required)

Type: string


Get a specific event


id (required)

Type: string


Get all tags associated with a specific event


id (required)

Type: string

Get a specific external link


id (required)

Type: string


Get a specific ingestion policy


id (required)

Type: string


Gets a flat list of all Integrations that are installed, along with their status



Type: boolean


Type: boolean


Gets a single Wavefront integration by its id, along with its status


id (required)

Type: string


Type: boolean


Get a specific maintenance window


id (required)

Type: string


Get more details on a metric, including reporting sources and approximate last time reported


m (required)

Metric name

Type: string


cursor value to continue if the number of results exceeds 1000

Type: string


glob pattern for sources to include in the query result

Type: array

[ "string" ]



Type: integer


Get a specific notification target


id (required)

Type: string


Get a specific proxy


id (required)

Type: string

List all related events for a specific firing event with a time span of one hour


id (required)

Type: string


Type: boolean


Type: string

Potential values: HOST, METRIC, SIMILARITY


Get a specific role


id (required)

Type: string

Get a specific saved search


id (required)

Type: string


Retrieves a service account by identifier


id (required)

Type: string


Get a specific source for a customer


id (required)

Type: string


Get all tags associated with a specific source


id (required)

Type: string


Gets the status of a single Wavefront integration


id (required)

Type: string


Get all api tokens for the given service account


id (required)

Type: string


Retrieves a user by identifier (email address)


id (required)

Type: string


Retrieves a user by identifier (email address)


id (required)

Type: string


Returns business functions of a specific user or service account.


id (required)

Type: string


Get a specific user group


id (required)

Type: string


Get a specific webhook


id (required)

Type: string


Grants a specific permission to account (user or service account)


id (required)

Type: string

permission (required)

Permission to grant to the account. Please note that'host_tag_management' is the equivalent of the 'Source Tag Management' permission

Type: string

Potential values: agent_management, alerts_management, dashboard_management, embedded_charts, events_management, external_links_management, host_tag_management, metrics_management, user_management


Grants a specific permission to multiple accounts (users or service accounts)


permission (required)

Permission to grant to the accounts. Please note that 'host_tag_management' is the equivalent of the 'Source Tag Management' permission

Type: string

Potential values: agent_management, alerts_management, dashboard_management, embedded_charts, events_management, external_links_management, host_tag_management, metrics_management, user_management


List of accounts the specified permission to be granted to

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Grants a single permission to role(s)


permission (required)

Permission to grant to role(s).

Type: string


List of roles.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Grants a specific permission to multiple users or service accounts


permission (required)

Permission to grant to the users. Please note that 'host_tag_management' is the equivalent of the 'Source Tag Management' permission

Type: string

Potential values: agent_management, alerts_management, dashboard_management, embedded_charts, events_management, external_links_management, host_tag_management, metrics_management, user_management


List of users which should be granted by specified permission

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Grants a specific permission to user or service account


id (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "group" : "Permission group to grant to the account. Please note that 'host_tag_management' is the equivalent of the 'Source Tag Management' permission"


Hide a specific integration alert


id (required)

Type: integer


Enable all alerts associated with this integration


id (required)

Type: string


Install Alerts

Type: object

  "target" : "string"


Installs a Wavefront integration


id (required)

Type: string


Invite user accounts with given user groups and permissions.



Example Body: [ { "emailAddress": "user@example.com", "groups": [ "user_management" ], "userGroups": [ "8b23136b-ecd2-4cb5-8c92-62477dcc4090" ], "ingestionPolicyId": "ingestionPolicyId", "roles": [ "Role" ] } ]

Type: array

[ {
  "userGroups" : [ "string" ],
  "emailAddress" : "The (unique) identifier of the user to create. Must be a valid email address",
  "roles" : [ "string" ],
  "groups" : [ "string" ],
  "ingestionPolicyId" : "The identifier of the ingestion policy linked with user."
} ]


Invite users with given user groups and permissions.



Example Body: [ { "emailAddress": "user@example.com", "groups": [ "user_management" ], "userGroups": [ "8b23136b-ecd2-4cb5-8c92-62477dcc4090" ], "ingestionPolicyId": "ingestionPolicyId", "roles": [ "Role" ] } ]

Type: array

[ {
  "userGroups" : [ "string" ],
  "emailAddress" : "The (unique) identifier of the user to create. Must be a valid email address",
  "roles" : [ "string" ],
  "groups" : [ "string" ],
  "ingestionPolicyId" : "The identifier of the ingestion policy linked with user."
} ]


Get all accounts (users and service accounts) of a customer

This operation has no parameters


Get all alerts for a customer

This operation has no parameters


Get all cloud integrations for a customer

This operation has no parameters


Get all dashboards for a customer

This operation has no parameters


Get all derived metric definitions for a customer

This operation has no parameters


Get all saved searches for a specific entity type for a user


entitytype (required)

Type: string



List all the events for a customer within a time range



Type: string


Type: integer


Type: integer

Get all external links for a customer

This operation has no parameters


Get all ingestion policies for a customer

This operation has no parameters


Gets a flat list of all Wavefront integrations available, along with their status

This operation has no parameters


This operation has no parameters


This operation has no parameters


Get all maintenance windows for a customer

This operation has no parameters


Get all notification targets for a customer

This operation has no parameters


Get all proxies for a customer

This operation has no parameters


Get all roles for a customer

This operation has no parameters


Get all saved searches for a user

This operation has no parameters


This operation has no parameters


Get all sources for a customer



Type: string


This operation has no parameters


This operation has no parameters


This operation has no parameters


Get all user groups for a customer

This operation has no parameters


This operation has no parameters


Get all webhooks for a customer

This operation has no parameters


Perform a charting query against Wavefront servers that returns the appropriate points in the specified time window and granularity


g (required)

the granularity of the points returned

Type: string

Potential values: d, h, m, s

q (required)

the query expression to execute

Type: string

s (required)

the start time of the query window in epoch milliseconds

Type: string


whether events for sources included in the query will be automatically returned by the query

Type: boolean


whether the query cache is used, defaults to true

Type: boolean


Type: array

[ "string" ]


the end time of the query window in epoch milliseconds (null to use now)

Type: string


whether series with only points that are outside of the query window will be returned (defaults to true)

Type: boolean


include metrics that have not been reporting recently, defaults to false

Type: boolean


retrieve events more optimally displayed for a list

Type: boolean


name used to identify the query

Type: string


the approximate maximum number of points to return (may not limit number of points exactly)

Type: string


sorts the output so that returned series are in order, defaults to false

Type: boolean


do not return points outside the query window [s;e), defaults to false

Type: boolean


summarization strategy to use when bucketing points together

Type: string



Type: boolean


view of the query result, metric or histogram, defaults to metric

Type: string

Potential values: METRIC, HISTOGRAM


An API to check if ingested points are as expected. Points ingested within a single second are averaged when returned.


metric (required)

metric to query ingested points for (cannot contain wildcards)

Type: string


end time in epoch milliseconds (cannot be more than a day in the past) null to use now

Type: integer


host to query ingested points for (cannot contain wildcards). host or source is equivalent, only one should be used.

Type: string


source to query ingested points for (cannot contain wildcards). host or source is equivalent, only one should be used.

Type: string


start time in epoch milliseconds (cannot be more than a day in the past) null to use an hour before endTime

Type: integer


Removes specific roles from the account (user or service account)


id (required)

Type: string


The list of roles that should be removed from the account

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Removes specific user groups from the account (user or service account)


id (required)

Type: string


The list of user groups that should be removed from the account

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Removes the specified ids from the given alerts' ACL



Type: array

[ {
  "viewAcl" : [ "string" ],
  "modifyAcl" : [ "string" ],
  "entityId" : "The entity Id"
} ]


Remove a tag from a specific alert


id (required)

Type: string

tagValue (required)

Type: string


Remove multiple users and user groups from a specific role


id (required)

Type: string


List of users and user groups thatshould be removed from role

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Removes the specified ids from the given dashboards' ACL



Type: array

[ {
  "viewAcl" : [ "string" ],
  "modifyAcl" : [ "string" ],
  "entityId" : "The entity Id"
} ]


Remove a tag from a specific dashboard


id (required)

Type: string

tagValue (required)

Type: string


Remove description from a specific source


id (required)

Type: string


Remove a tag from a specific event


id (required)

Type: string

tagValue (required)

Type: string


Removes ingestion policies from multiple accounts



identifiers of list of accounts from which ingestion policies should be removed

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Remove multiple roles from a specific user group


id (required)

Type: string


List of roles that should be removed from user group

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Remove a tag from a specific source


id (required)

Type: string

tagValue (required)

Type: string


Remove a tag from a specific Derived Metric


id (required)

Type: string

tagValue (required)

Type: string


Removes specific user groups from the user or service account


id (required)

Type: string


The list of user groups that should be removed from the account

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Remove multiple users from a specific user group


id (required)

Type: string


List of users that should be removed from user group

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Directly ingest data/data stream with specified format



Data to be ingested, in the specified format. See https://docs.wavefront.com/direct_ingestion.html for more detail on how to format the data. Example in "wavefront" format: test.metric 100 source=test.source which ingests a time series point with metric name "test.metric", source name "test.source", and value of 100 with timestamp of now.

Type: string


Format of data to be ingested

Type: string

Potential values: wavefront, histogram, trace


Revokes a specific permission from account (user or service account)


id (required)

Type: string

permission (required)

Type: string


Revokes a specific permission from multiple accounts (users or service accounts)


permission (required)

Permission to revoke from the accounts. Please note that 'host_tag_management' is the equivalent of the 'Source Tag Management' permission

Type: string

Potential values: agent_management, alerts_management, dashboard_management, embedded_charts, events_management, external_links_management, host_tag_management, metrics_management, user_management


List of accounts the specified permission to be revoked from

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Revokes a single permission from role(s)


permission (required)

Permission to revoke from role(s).

Type: string


List of roles.

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Revokes a specific permission from multiple users or service accounts


permission (required)

Permission to revoke from the accounts. Please note that 'host_tag_management' is the equivalent of the 'Source Tag Management' permission

Type: string

Potential values: agent_management, alerts_management, dashboard_management, embedded_charts, events_management, external_links_management, host_tag_management, metrics_management, user_management


List of users or service accounts which should be revoked by specified permission

Type: array

[ "string" ]


Revokes a specific permission from user or service account


id (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "group" : "string"


Search over a customer's accounts



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's accounts


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's accounts



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's deleted alerts



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's deleted alerts


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's deleted alerts



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's non-deleted alerts



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted alerts


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted alerts



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's deleted cloud integrations



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's deleted cloud integrations


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's deleted cloud integrations



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's non-deleted cloud integrations



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted cloud integrations


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted cloud integrations



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's deleted dashboards



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's deleted dashboards


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's deleted dashboards



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's non-deleted dashboards



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted dashboards


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted dashboards



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]

Search over a customer's external links



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"

Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's external links


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."

Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's external links



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's ingestion policies



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's ingestion policies


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's ingestion policies



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's maintenance windows



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's maintenance windows


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's maintenance windows



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's notificants



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's notificants



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's notificants


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Search over a customer's deleted proxies



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's deleted proxies


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's deleted proxies



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's non-deleted proxies



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted proxies


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted proxies



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's deleted derived metric definitions



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's deleted derived metric definitions


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's deleted derived metric definitions



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's non-deleted derived metric definitions



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's non-deleted derived metric definitions


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's non-deleted derived metric definition



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]

List the related events over a firing event


eventId (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "cursor" : "The id (exclusive) from which search results resume returning. Users should supply an entity 'id' to this property. Its main purpose is to resume where a previous search left off because of the 'limit' parameter. If a user supplies the last id in a set of results to cursor, while keeping the query the same, the system will return the next page of results",
  "sortTimeAscending" : "Whether to sort event results ascending in start time. Default: false",
  "sortScoreMethod" : "Whether to sort events on similarity score : {NONE, SCORE_ASC, SCORE_DES}. Default: NONE. If sortScoreMethod is set to SCORE_ASC or SCORE_DES, it will override time sort",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "timeRange" : {
    "earliestStartTimeEpochMillis" : "Start of search time window, in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. Events whose start time occurs after this value will be returned. If no value is supplied, defaults to 2 hours prior the present time.",
    "latestStartTimeEpochMillis" : "End of the search time window, in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. Events whose start time occurs before this value will be returned. If no value is supplied, defaults to now."


Search over a customer's events



Type: object

  "cursor" : "The id (exclusive) from which search results resume returning. Users should supply an entity 'id' to this property. Its main purpose is to resume where a previous search left off because of the 'limit' parameter. If a user supplies the last id in a set of results to cursor, while keeping the query the same, the system will return the next page of results",
  "sortTimeAscending" : "Whether to sort event results ascending in start time. Default: false",
  "sortScoreMethod" : "Whether to sort events on similarity score : {NONE, SCORE_ASC, SCORE_DES}. Default: NONE. If sortScoreMethod is set to SCORE_ASC or SCORE_DES, it will override time sort",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "timeRange" : {
    "earliestStartTimeEpochMillis" : "Start of search time window, in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. Events whose start time occurs after this value will be returned. If no value is supplied, defaults to 2 hours prior the present time.",
    "latestStartTimeEpochMillis" : "End of the search time window, in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. Events whose start time occurs before this value will be returned. If no value is supplied, defaults to now."


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's events


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's events



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's roles



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's roles


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's roles



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's service accounts



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's service accounts


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's service accounts



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's sources



Type: object

  "cursor" : "The id (exclusive) from which search results resume returning. Users should supply an entity 'id' to this property. Its main purpose is to resume where a previous search left off because of the 'limit' parameter. If a user supplies the last id in a set of results to cursor, while keeping the query the same, the system will return the next page of results",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "sortSourcesAscending" : "Whether to sort source results ascending lexigraphically by id/sourceName. Default: true",
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's sources


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's sources



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's users



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's users


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's users



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's user groups



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's user groups


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's user groups



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Search over a customer's webhooks



Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "sort" : {
    "default" : "Whether this sort requests the default ranking order. Ascending/descending does not matter if this attribute is true.",
    "field" : "The facet by which to sort",
    "ascending" : "Whether to sort ascending. If undefined, sorting is not guaranteed"


Lists the values of a specific facet over the customer's webhooks


facet (required)

Type: string


Type: object

  "offset" : "The number of results to skip before returning values. Default: 0",
  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default: 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned.",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS."


Lists the values of one or more facets over the customer's webhooks



Type: object

  "query" : [ {
    "negated" : "The flag to create a NOT operation. Default: false",
    "values" : [ "string" ],
    "matchingMethod" : "The method by which search matching is performed. Default: CONTAINS",
    "value" : "The entity facet value for which to search. Either value or values field is required. If both are set, values takes precedence.",
    "key" : "The entity facet (key) by which to search. Valid keys are any property keys returned by the JSON representation of the entity. Examples are 'creatorId', 'name', etc. The following special key keywords are also valid: 'tags' performs a search on entity tags, 'tagpath' performs a hierarchical search on tags, with periods (.) as path level separators. 'freetext' performs a free text search across many fields of the entity"
  } ],
  "limit" : "The number of results to return. Default 100",
  "facetQuery" : "A string against which facet results are compared. If the facet result either CONTAINs, STARTSWITH, or is an EXACT match for this value, as specified by facetQueryMatchingMethod, then it is returned",
  "facetQueryMatchingMethod" : "The matching method used to filter when 'facetQuery' is used. Defaults to CONTAINS.",
  "facets" : [ "string" ]


Set ACL for the specified alerts



Type: array

[ {
  "viewAcl" : [ "string" ],
  "modifyAcl" : [ "string" ],
  "entityId" : "The entity Id"
} ]


Set all tags associated with a specific alert


id (required)

Type: string


Type: array

[ "string" ]


Set ACL for the specified dashboards



Type: array

[ {
  "viewAcl" : [ "string" ],
  "modifyAcl" : [ "string" ],
  "entityId" : "The entity Id"
} ]


Set all tags associated with a specific dashboard


id (required)

Type: string


Type: array

[ "string" ]


Set all tags associated with a specific derived metric definition


id (required)

Type: string


Type: array

[ "string" ]


Set description associated with a specific source


id (required)

Type: string


Type: string


Set all tags associated with a specific event


id (required)

Type: string


Type: array

[ "string" ]


Set all tags associated with a specific source


id (required)

Type: string


Type: array

[ "string" ]


Snooze a specific alert for some number of seconds


id (required)

Type: string


Type: integer


Test a specific notification target


id (required)

Type: string


Undelete a specific alert


id (required)

Type: string


Undelete a specific cloud integration


id (required)

Type: string


Undelete a specific dashboard


id (required)

Type: string


Undelete a specific derived metric definition


id (required)

Type: string


Undelete a specific proxy


id (required)

Type: string


Unmark a dashboard as favorite


id (required)

Type: string


Unhide a specific integration alert


id (required)

Type: integer


Disable all alerts associated with this integration


id (required)

Type: string


Uninstalls a Wavefront integration


id (required)

Type: string


Unsnooze a specific alert


id (required)

Type: string


Update a specific alert


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "id": "1459375928549", "name": "Alert Name", "target": "success@simulator.amazonses.com", "condition": "ts(~sample.cpu.loadavg.1m) > 1", "displayExpression": "ts(~sample.cpu.loadavg.1m)", "minutes": 5, "resolveAfterMinutes": 2, "severity": "INFO", "additionalInformation": "Additional Info", "tags": { "customerTags": [ "alertTag1" ] } }

Type: object

  "createUserId" : "string",
  "notificationResendFrequencyMinutes" : "How often to re-trigger a continually failing alert. If absent or &lt;= 0, no retriggering occurs",
  "pointsScannedAtLastQuery" : "A derived field recording the number of data points scanned when the system last computed this alert's condition",
  "acl" : {
    "canView" : [ "string" ],
    "canModify" : [ "string" ]
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "alertsLastDay" : "integer",
  "failingHostLabelPairLinks" : [ "string" ],
  "displayExpressionQBEnabled" : "Whether the display expression query was created using the Query Builder. Default false",
  "id" : "string",
  "resolveAfterMinutes" : "The number of consecutive minutes that a firing series matching the condition query must evaluate to \"false\" (zero value) before the alert resolves. When unset, this defaults to the same value as \"minutes\"",
  "alertsLastMonth" : "integer",
  "additionalInformation" : "User-supplied additional explanatory information for this alert. Useful for linking runbooks, mitigations,, etc",
  "evaluateRealtimeData" : "Whether to alert on the real-time ingestion stream (may be noisy due to late data)",
  "targetInfo" : [ {
    "method" : "Notification method of the alert target",
    "name" : "Name of the alert target",
    "id" : "ID of the alert target"
  } ],
  "lastErrorMessage" : "The last error encountered when running this alert's condition query",
  "updateUserId" : "The user that last updated this alert",
  "minutes" : "The number of consecutive minutes that a series matching the condition query must evaluate to \"true\" (non-zero value) before the alert fires",
  "created" : "When this alert was created, in epoch millis",
  "failingHostLabelPairs" : [ {
    "severity" : "string. Possible values: INFO | SMOKE | WARN | SEVERE",
    "host" : "Source (or host). \"Source\" and \"host\" are synonyms in current versions of wavefront, but the host terminology is deprecated",
    "firing" : "integer",
    "label" : "string",
    "tags" : "object",
    "observed" : "integer"
  } ],
  "conditionQBSerialization" : "The special serialization of the Query Builder that corresponds to the condition query. Applicable only when conditionQBEnabled is true",
  "systemOwned" : "Whether this alert is system-owned and not writeable",
  "processRateMinutes" : "The interval between checks for this alert, in minutes. Defaults to 1 minute",
  "sortAttr" : "Attribute used for default alert sort that is derived from state and severity",
  "numPointsInFailureFrame" : "Number of points scanned in alert query time frame.",
  "tags" : {
    "customerTags" : [ "string" ]
  "condition" : "A Wavefront query that is evaluated at regular intervals (default 1m). The alert fires and notifications are triggered when a data series matching this query evaluates to a non-zero value for a set number of consecutive minutes",
  "targetEndpoints" : [ "string" ],
  "notificants" : [ "string" ],
  "inMaintenanceHostLabelPairs" : [ {
    "severity" : "string. Possible values: INFO | SMOKE | WARN | SEVERE",
    "host" : "Source (or host). \"Source\" and \"host\" are synonyms in current versions of wavefront, but the host terminology is deprecated",
    "firing" : "integer",
    "label" : "string",
    "tags" : "object",
    "observed" : "integer"
  } ],
  "noDataEvent" : {
    "alertTags" : [ "string" ],
    "canClose" : "boolean",
    "summarizedEvents" : "In some event queries, multiple events that occur nearly simultaneously are summarized under a single event. This value specifies the number of events summarized under this one",
    "isEphemeral" : "Whether the event is an artificial event generated by a literal expression or alert backtesting, i.e. not stored in the Wavefront backend",
    "creatorType" : [ "string. Possible values: USER | ALERT | SYSTEM" ],
    "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
    "hosts" : [ "string" ],
    "creatorId" : "string",
    "annotations" : "A string-&gt;string map of additional annotations on the event",
    "isUserEvent" : "Whether this event was created by a user, versus the system. Default: system",
    "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
    "tags" : [ "string" ],
    "createdAt" : "integer",
    "updaterId" : "string",
    "name" : "The name of the event. If 'annotations.prettyName' is present, 'name' will be equivalent to that value",
    "runningState" : "string. Possible values: ONGOING | PENDING | ENDED",
    "startTime" : "Start time of the event, in epoch millis. If the JSON value is missing or set to 0, startTime will be set to the current time",
    "canDelete" : "boolean",
    "id" : "string",
    "endTime" : "End time of the event, in epoch millis. Set to startTime + 1 for an instantaneous event",
    "metricsUsed" : [ "string" ],
    "table" : "The customer to which the event belongs",
    "dimensions" : "A string-&gt; map of additional dimension info on the event",
    "updatedAt" : "integer"
  "name" : "Required string",
  "displayExpression" : "A second query whose results are displayed in the alert user interface instead of the condition query. This field is often used to display a version of the condition query with Boolean operators removed so that numerical values are plotted",
  "conditions" : "Multi - alert conditions.",
  "lastProcessedMillis" : "The time when this alert was last checked, in epoch millis",
  "updated" : "When the alert was last updated, in epoch millis",
  "includeObsoleteMetrics" : "Whether to include obsolete metrics in alert query",
  "status" : [ "string" ],
  "alertsLastWeek" : "integer",
  "hidden" : "boolean",
  "lastFailedTime" : "The time of the last error encountered when running this alert's condition query, in epoch millis",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "snoozed" : "The until which time this alert is snoozed (not checked), in epoch millis. A negative value implies the alert is snoozed indefinitely",
  "targets" : "Targets for severity.",
  "prefiringHostLabelPairs" : [ {
    "severity" : "string. Possible values: INFO | SMOKE | WARN | SEVERE",
    "host" : "Source (or host). \"Source\" and \"host\" are synonyms in current versions of wavefront, but the host terminology is deprecated",
    "firing" : "integer",
    "label" : "string",
    "tags" : "object",
    "observed" : "integer"
  } ],
  "displayExpressionQBSerialization" : "The special serialization of the Query Builder that corresponds to the display expression query. Applicable only when displayExpressionQBEnabled is true",
  "queryFailing" : "Whether there was an exception when the alert condition last ran",
  "event" : {
    "alertTags" : [ "string" ],
    "canClose" : "boolean",
    "summarizedEvents" : "In some event queries, multiple events that occur nearly simultaneously are summarized under a single event. This value specifies the number of events summarized under this one",
    "isEphemeral" : "Whether the event is an artificial event generated by a literal expression or alert backtesting, i.e. not stored in the Wavefront backend",
    "creatorType" : [ "string. Possible values: USER | ALERT | SYSTEM" ],
    "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
    "hosts" : [ "string" ],
    "creatorId" : "string",
    "annotations" : "A string-&gt;string map of additional annotations on the event",
    "isUserEvent" : "Whether this event was created by a user, versus the system. Default: system",
    "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
    "tags" : [ "string" ],
    "createdAt" : "integer",
    "updaterId" : "string",
    "name" : "The name of the event. If 'annotations.prettyName' is present, 'name' will be equivalent to that value",
    "runningState" : "string. Possible values: ONGOING | PENDING | ENDED",
    "startTime" : "Start time of the event, in epoch millis. If the JSON value is missing or set to 0, startTime will be set to the current time",
    "canDelete" : "boolean",
    "id" : "string",
    "endTime" : "End time of the event, in epoch millis. Set to startTime + 1 for an instantaneous event",
    "metricsUsed" : [ "string" ],
    "table" : "The customer to which the event belongs",
    "dimensions" : "A string-&gt; map of additional dimension info on the event",
    "updatedAt" : "integer"
  "metricsUsed" : [ "string" ],
  "severity" : "Severity of the alert",
  "hostsUsed" : [ "string" ],
  "alertType" : "Alert type.",
  "systemAlertVersion" : "If this is a system alert, the version of it",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "lastQueryTime" : "Last query time of the alert, averaged on hourly basis",
  "conditionQBEnabled" : "Whether the condition query was created using the Query Builder. Default false",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "inTrash" : "boolean",
  "orphan" : "boolean",
  "modifyAclAccess" : "Whether the user has modify ACL access to the alert.",
  "activeMaintenanceWindows" : [ "string" ],
  "severityList" : [ "string. Possible values: INFO | SMOKE | WARN | SEVERE" ],
  "target" : "The email address or integration endpoint (such as PagerDuty or web hook) to notify when the alert status changes",
  "lastNotificationMillis" : "When this alert last caused a notification, in epoch millis",
  "deleted" : "boolean",
  "lastEventTime" : "Start time (in epoch millis) of the last event associated with this alert."


Update a specific cloud integration


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "name":"CloudWatch integration", "service":"CLOUDWATCH", "cloudWatch":{ "baseCredentials":{ "roleArn":"arn:aws:iam::<accountid>:role/<rolename>" }, "metricFilterRegex":"^aws.(sqs|ec2|ebs|elb).*$", "pointTagFilterRegex":"(region|name)" }, "serviceRefreshRateInMins":5 }

Type: object

  "lastError" : "Digest of the last error encountered by Wavefront servers when fetching data using this integration",
  "tesla" : {
    "email" : "Email address for Tesla account login"
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "lastMetricCount" : "Number of metrics / events ingested by this integration the last time it ran",
  "cloudTrail" : {
    "bucketName" : "Name of the S3 bucket where CloudTrail logs are stored",
    "prefix" : "The common prefix, if any, appended to all CloudTrail log files",
    "baseCredentials" : {
      "roleArn" : "The Role ARN that the customer has created in AWS IAM to allow access to Wavefront",
      "externalId" : "The external id corresponding to the Role ARN"
    "filterRule" : "Rule to filter cloud trail log event.",
    "region" : "The AWS region of the S3 bucket where CloudTrail logs are stored"
  "appDynamics" : {
    "controllerName" : "Name of the SaaS controller.",
    "enableIndividualNodeMetrics" : "Boolean flag to control Individual Node metric injection.",
    "enableRollup" : "Set this to 'false' to get separate results for all values within the time range, by default it is 'true'.",
    "appFilterRegex" : [ "string" ],
    "userName" : "Username is combination of userName and the account name.",
    "enableErrorMetrics" : "Boolean flag to control Error metric injection.",
    "enableServiceEndpointMetrics" : "Boolean flag to control Service End point metric injection.",
    "enableBusinessTrxMetrics" : "Boolean flag to control Business Transaction metric injection.",
    "enableOverallPerfMetrics" : "Boolean flag to control Overall Performance metric injection.",
    "encryptedPassword" : "Password for AppDynamics user.",
    "enableBackendMetrics" : "Boolean flag to control Backend metric injection.",
    "enableAppInfraMetrics" : "Boolean flag to control Application Infrastructure metric injection."
  "additionalTags" : "A list of point tag key-values to add to every point ingested using this integration",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "ec2" : {
    "baseCredentials" : {
      "roleArn" : "The Role ARN that the customer has created in AWS IAM to allow access to Wavefront",
      "externalId" : "The external id corresponding to the Role ARN"
    "hostNameTags" : [ "string" ]
  "gcp" : {
    "gcpJsonKey" : "Private key for a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) service account within your project. The account must at least be granted Monitoring Viewer permissions. This key must be in the JSON format generated by GCP. Use '{\"project_id\": \"%s\"}' to retain the existing key when updating.",
    "customMetricPrefix" : [ "string" ],
    "projectId" : "The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project id.",
    "metricFilterRegex" : "A regular expression that a metric name must match (case-insensitively) in order to be ingested"
  "disabled" : "True when an aws credential failed to authenticate.",
  "forceSave" : "boolean",
  "id" : "string",
  "azure" : {
    "resourceGroupFilter" : [ "string" ],
    "categoryFilter" : [ "string" ],
    "baseCredentials" : {
      "clientId" : "Client Id for an Azure service account within your project.",
      "clientSecret" : "Client Secret for an Azure service account within your project. Use 'saved_secret' to retain the client secret when updating.",
      "tenant" : "Tenant Id for an Azure service account within your project."
    "metricFilterRegex" : "A regular expression that a metric name must match (case-insensitively) in order to be ingested"
  "lastReceivedDataPointMs" : "Time that this integration last received a data point, in epoch millis",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "serviceRefreshRateInMins" : "Service refresh rate in minutes.",
  "lastErrorEvent" : {
    "alertTags" : [ "string" ],
    "canClose" : "boolean",
    "summarizedEvents" : "In some event queries, multiple events that occur nearly simultaneously are summarized under a single event. This value specifies the number of events summarized under this one",
    "isEphemeral" : "Whether the event is an artificial event generated by a literal expression or alert backtesting, i.e. not stored in the Wavefront backend",
    "creatorType" : [ "string. Possible values: USER | ALERT | SYSTEM" ],
    "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
    "hosts" : [ "string" ],
    "creatorId" : "string",
    "annotations" : "A string-&gt;string map of additional annotations on the event",
    "isUserEvent" : "Whether this event was created by a user, versus the system. Default: system",
    "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
    "tags" : [ "string" ],
    "createdAt" : "integer",
    "updaterId" : "string",
    "name" : "The name of the event. If 'annotations.prettyName' is present, 'name' will be equivalent to that value",
    "runningState" : "string. Possible values: ONGOING | PENDING | ENDED",
    "startTime" : "Start time of the event, in epoch millis. If the JSON value is missing or set to 0, startTime will be set to the current time",
    "canDelete" : "boolean",
    "id" : "string",
    "endTime" : "End time of the event, in epoch millis. Set to startTime + 1 for an instantaneous event",
    "metricsUsed" : [ "string" ],
    "table" : "The customer to which the event belongs",
    "dimensions" : "A string-&gt; map of additional dimension info on the event",
    "updatedAt" : "integer"
  "cloudWatch" : {
    "instanceSelectionTags" : "A comma-separated white list of AWS instance tag-value pairs (in AWS). If the instance's AWS tags match this whitelist, CloudWatch data about this instance is ingested. Multiple entries are OR'ed",
    "pointTagFilterRegex" : "A regular expression that AWS tag key name must match (case-insensitively) in order to be ingested",
    "volumeSelectionTags" : "A comma-separated white list of AWS volume tag-value pairs (in AWS). If the volume's AWS tags match this whitelist, CloudWatch data about this volume is ingested. Multiple entries are OR'ed",
    "baseCredentials" : {
      "roleArn" : "The Role ARN that the customer has created in AWS IAM to allow access to Wavefront",
      "externalId" : "The external id corresponding to the Role ARN"
    "metricFilterRegex" : "A regular expression that a CloudWatch metric name must match (case-insensitively) in order to be ingested",
    "namespaces" : [ "string" ]
  "newRelic" : {
    "apiKey" : "New Relic REST API Key.",
    "appFilterRegex" : "A regular expression that a application name must match (case-insensitively) in order to collect metrics.",
    "newRelicMetricFilters" : [ {
      "appName" : "string",
      "metricFilterRegex" : "string"
    } ],
    "hostFilterRegex" : "A regular expression that a host name must match (case-insensitively) in order to collect metrics."
  "lastProcessorId" : "Opaque id of the last Wavefront integrations service to act on this integration",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "inTrash" : "boolean",
  "lastProcessingTimestamp" : "Time, in epoch millis, that this integration was last processed",
  "deleted" : "boolean",
  "gcpBilling" : {
    "gcpJsonKey" : "Private key for a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) service account within your project. The account must at least be granted Monitoring Viewer permissions. This key must be in the JSON format generated by GCP. Use '{\"project_id\": \"%s\"}' to retain the existing key when updating.",
    "gcpApiKey" : "API key for Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Use 'saved_api_key' to retain existing API key when updating",
    "projectId" : "The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project id."
  "service" : "A value denoting which cloud service this integration integrates with",
  "name" : "The human-readable name of this integration",
  "azureActivityLog" : {
    "categoryFilter" : [ "string. Possible values: ADMINISTRATIVE | SERVICEHEALTH | ALERT | AUTOSCALE | SECURITY" ],
    "baseCredentials" : {
      "clientId" : "Client Id for an Azure service account within your project.",
      "clientSecret" : "Client Secret for an Azure service account within your project. Use 'saved_secret' to retain the client secret when updating.",
      "tenant" : "Tenant Id for an Azure service account within your project."
  "lastErrorMs" : "Time, in epoch millis, of the last error encountered by Wavefront servers when fetching data using this integration"


Update a specific dashboard


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "name": "Dashboard API example", "id": "api-example", "url": "api-example", "description": "Dashboard Description", "sections": [ { "name": "Section 1", "rows": [ { "charts": [ { "name": "Chart 1", "description": "description1", "sources": [ { "name": "Source1", "query": "ts()" } ] } ] } ] } ] }

Type: object

  "parameterDetails" : "The current (as of Wavefront 4.0) JSON representation of dashboard parameters. This is a map from a parameter name to its representation",
  "hidden" : "boolean",
  "defaultStartTime" : "Default start time in milliseconds to query charts",
  "viewsLastWeek" : "integer",
  "forceV2UI" : "Whether to force this dashboard to use the V2 UI",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "description" : "Human-readable description of the dashboard",
  "acl" : {
    "canView" : [ "string" ],
    "canModify" : [ "string" ]
  "chartTitleColor" : "Text color of the chart title text are, in rgba(rvalue,gvalue,bvalue,avalue)",
  "viewsLastDay" : "integer",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "chartTitleScalar" : "Scale (normally 100) of chart title text size",
  "numFavorites" : "integer",
  "id" : "Unique identifier, also URL slug, of the dashboard",
  "displayQueryParameters" : "Whether the dashboard parameters section is opened by default when the dashboard is shown",
  "defaultTimeWindow" : "Default time window to query charts",
  "displayDescription" : "Whether the dashboard description section is opened by default when the dashboard is shown",
  "defaultEndTime" : "Default end time in milliseconds to query charts",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "systemOwned" : "Whether this dashboard is system-owned and not writeable",
  "eventQuery" : "Event query to run on dashboard charts",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "displaySectionTableOfContents" : "Whether the \"pills\" quick-linked the sections of the dashboard are displayed by default when the dashboard is shown",
  "orphan" : "boolean",
  "modifyAclAccess" : "Whether the user has modify ACL access to the dashboard.",
  "url" : "Unique identifier, also URL slug, of the dashboard",
  "sections" : [ {
    "sectionFilter" : { },
    "name" : "Name of this section",
    "rows" : [ {
      "charts" : [ {
        "chartAttributes" : { },
        "summarization" : "Summarization strategy for the chart. MEAN is default",
        "chartSettings" : {
          "ymin" : "For x-y scatterplots, min value for Y-axis. Set null for auto",
          "fixedLegendFilterField" : "Statistic to use for determining whether a series is displayed on the fixed legend",
          "numTags" : "For the tabular view, how many point tags to display",
          "timeBasedColoring" : "Fox x-y scatterplots, whether to color more recent points as darker than older points. Default: false",
          "sparklineFillColor" : "For the single stat view, the color of the background fill. Values should be in\"rgba(, , , \" format",
          "y0ScaleSIBy1024" : "Default: false. Whether to scale numerical magnitude labels for left Y-axis by 1024 in the IEC/Binary manner (instead of by 1000 like SI)",
          "showHosts" : "For the tabular view, whether to display sources. Default: true",
          "type" : "Chart Type. 'line' refers to the Line Plot, 'scatter' to the Point Plot, 'stacked-area' to the Stacked Area plot, 'table' to the Tabular View, 'scatterploy-xy' to Scatter Plot, 'markdown-widget' to the Markdown display, and 'sparkline' to the Single Stat view",
          "sparklineValueColorMapValues" : [ "integer" ],
          "showRawValues" : "For the tabular view, whether to display raw values. Default: false",
          "fixedLegendDisplayStats" : [ "string" ],
          "columnTags" : "deprecated",
          "sparklineSize" : "For the single stat view, a misleadingly named property. This determines whether the sparkline of the statistic is displayed in the chart BACKGROUND, BOTTOM, or NONE",
          "windowSize" : "Width, in minutes, of the time window to use for \"last\" windowing",
          "customTags" : [ "string" ],
          "sparklineValueTextMapText" : [ "string" ],
          "sparklineDecimalPrecision" : "For the single stat view, the decimal precision of the displayed number",
          "lineType" : "Plot interpolation type. linear is default",
          "sparklineValueColorMapColors" : [ "string" ],
          "y1UnitAutoscaling" : "Default: false. Whether to automatically adjust magnitude labels and units for the right Y-axis to favor smaller magnitudes and larger units",
          "fixedLegendFilterLimit" : "Number of series to include in the fixed legend",
          "y1Min" : "For plots with multiple Y-axes, min value for right-side Y-axis. Set null for auto",
          "stackType" : "Type of stacked chart (applicable only if chart type is stacked). zero (default) means stacked from y=0. expand means Normalized from 0 to 1. wiggle means Minimize weighted changes. silhouette means to Center the Stream",
          "fixedLegendEnabled" : "Whether to enable a fixed tabular legend adjacent to the chart",
          "sparklineValueColorMapApplyTo" : "For the single stat view, whether to apply dynamic color settings to the displayed TEXT or BACKGROUND",
          "groupBySource" : "For the tabular view, whether to group multi metrics into a single row by a common source. If false, each metric for each source is displayed in its own row. If true, multiple metrics for the same host will be displayed as different columns in the same row",
          "sparklineDisplayVerticalPosition" : "deprecated",
          "sparklineDisplayColor" : "For the single stat view, the color of the displayed text (when not dynamically determined). Values should be in\"rgba(, , , \" format",
          "y1Units" : "For plots with multiple Y-axes, units for right-side Y-axis",
          "invertDynamicLegendHoverControl" : "Whether to disable the display of the floating legend (but reenable it when the ctrl-key is pressed)",
          "y1Max" : "For plots with multiple Y-axes, max value for right-side Y-axis. Set null for auto",
          "fixedLegendUseRawStats" : "If true, the legend uses non-summarized stats instead of summarized",
          "sparklineValueTextMapThresholds" : [ "number" ],
          "sparklineDisplayPostfix" : "For the single stat view, a string to append to the displayed text",
          "sparklineValueColorMapValuesV2" : [ "number" ],
          "sparklineLineColor" : "For the single stat view, the color of the line. Values should be in\"rgba(, , , \" format",
          "y1ScaleSIBy1024" : "Default: false. Whether to scale numerical magnitude labels for right Y-axis by 1024 in the IEC/Binary manner (instead of by 1000 like SI)",
          "sortValuesDescending" : "For the tabular view, whether to display display values in descending order. Default: false",
          "sparklineDisplayValueType" : "For the single stat view, whether to display the name of the query or the value of query",
          "y0UnitAutoscaling" : "Default: false. Whether to automatically adjust magnitude labels and units for the left Y-axis to favor smaller magnitudes and larger units",
          "min" : "Min value of Y-axis. Set to null or leave blank for auto",
          "fixedLegendHideLabel" : "deprecated",
          "xmax" : "For x-y scatterplots, max value for X-axis. Set null for auto",
          "sparklineDisplayPrefix" : "For the single stat view, a string to add before the displayed text",
          "sparklineDisplayHorizontalPosition" : "For the single stat view, the horizontal position of the displayed text",
          "xmin" : "For x-y scatterplots, min value for X-axis. Set null for auto",
          "windowing" : "For the tabular view, whether to use the full time window for the query or the last X minutes",
          "max" : "Max value of Y-axis. Set to null or leave blank for auto",
          "fixedLegendPosition" : "Where the fixed legend should be displayed with respect to the chart",
          "fixedLegendFilterSort" : "Whether to display \"Top\"- or \"Bottom\"-ranked series in the fixed legend",
          "ymax" : "For x-y scatterplots, max value for Y-axis. Set null for auto",
          "sparklineDisplayFontSize" : "For the single stat view, the font size of the displayed text, in percent",
          "showLabels" : "For the tabular view, whether to display labels. Default: true",
          "tagMode" : "For the tabular view, which mode to use to determine which point tags to display",
          "autoColumnTags" : "deprecated",
          "expectedDataSpacing" : "Threshold (in seconds) for time delta between consecutive points in a series above which a dotted line will replace a solid line in line plots. Default: 60s",
          "plainMarkdownContent" : "The Markdown content for a Markdown display, in plain text. Use this field instead of `markdownContent`."
        "sources" : [ {
          "secondaryAxis" : "Determines if this source relates to the right hand Y-axis or not",
          "querybuilderEnabled" : "Whether or not this source line should have the query builder enabled",
          "query" : "Query expression to plot on the chart",
          "name" : "Name of the source",
          "scatterPlotSource" : "For scatter plots, does this query source the X-axis or the Y-axis",
          "querybuilderSerialization" : "Opaque representation of the querybuilder",
          "disabled" : "Whether the source is disabled",
          "sourceDescription" : "A description for the purpose of this source",
          "sourceColor" : "The color used to draw all results from this source (auto if unset)"
        } ],
        "noDefaultEvents" : "Whether to hide events related to the sources in the charts produced. Default false (i.e. shows events)",
        "name" : "Name of the source",
        "description" : "Description of the chart",
        "units" : "String to label the units of the chart on the Y-axis",
        "interpolatePoints" : "Whether to interpolate points in the charts produced. Default: true",
        "includeObsoleteMetrics" : "Whether to show obsolete metrics. Default: false",
        "base" : "If the chart has a log-scale Y-axis, the base for the logarithms"
      } ],
      "heightFactor" : "Scalar for the height of this row. 100 is normal and default. 50 is half height"
    } ]
  } ],
  "dashboardAttributes" : { },
  "tags" : {
    "customerTags" : [ "string" ]
  "numCharts" : "integer",
  "viewsLastMonth" : "integer",
  "deleted" : "boolean",
  "chartTitleBgColor" : "Background color of the chart title text area, in rgba(rvalue,gvalue,bvalue,avalue)",
  "name" : "Name of the dashboard",
  "parameters" : "Deprecated. An obsolete representation of dashboard parameters",
  "favorite" : "boolean",
  "customer" : "id of the customer to which this dashboard belongs",
  "eventFilterType" : "How charts belonging to this dashboard should display events. BYCHART is default if unspecified"


Update a specific derived metric definition


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "id": "1459375928549", "name": "Query Name", "createUserId": "user", "query": "aliasMetric(ts(~sample.cpu.loadavg.1m), "my.new.metric")", "minutes": 5, "additionalInformation": "Additional Info" }

Type: object

  "queryQBEnabled" : "Whether the query was created using the Query Builder. Default false",
  "createUserId" : "string",
  "lastFailedTime" : "The time of the last error encountered when running the query, in epoch millis",
  "pointsScannedAtLastQuery" : "A derived field recording the number of data points scanned when the system last computed the query",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "queryFailing" : "Whether there was an exception when the query last ran",
  "id" : "string",
  "metricsUsed" : [ "string" ],
  "additionalInformation" : "User-supplied additional explanatory information for the derived metric",
  "hostsUsed" : [ "string" ],
  "lastErrorMessage" : "The last error encountered when running the query",
  "updateUserId" : "The user that last updated this derived metric definition",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "minutes" : "How frequently the query generating the derived metric is run",
  "created" : "When this derived metric was created, in epoch millis",
  "lastQueryTime" : "Time for the query execute, averaged on hourly basis",
  "query" : "A Wavefront query that is evaluated at regular intervals (default 1m).",
  "processRateMinutes" : "The interval between executing the query, in minutes. Defaults to 1 minute",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "inTrash" : "boolean",
  "tags" : {
    "customerTags" : [ "string" ]
  "deleted" : "boolean",
  "name" : "Required string",
  "queryQBSerialization" : "The special serialization of the Query Builder that corresponds to the query. Applicable only when queryQBEnabled is true",
  "lastProcessedMillis" : "The last time when the derived metric query was run, in epoch millis",
  "updated" : "When the derived metric definition was last updated, in epoch millis",
  "includeObsoleteMetrics" : "Whether to include obsolete metrics in query",
  "status" : [ "string" ]


The following fields are readonly and will be ignored when passed in the request: id, isEphemeral, isUserEvent, runningState, canDelete, canClose, creatorType, createdAt, updatedAt, createdEpochMillis, updatedEpochMillis, updaterId, creatorId, and summarizedEvents


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "name": "Event API Example", "annotations": { "severity": "info", "type": "event type", "details": "description" }, "tags" : [ "eventTag1" ], "startTime": 1490000000000, "endTime": 1490000000001 }

Type: object

  "alertTags" : [ "string" ],
  "canClose" : "boolean",
  "summarizedEvents" : "In some event queries, multiple events that occur nearly simultaneously are summarized under a single event. This value specifies the number of events summarized under this one",
  "isEphemeral" : "Whether the event is an artificial event generated by a literal expression or alert backtesting, i.e. not stored in the Wavefront backend",
  "creatorType" : [ "string. Possible values: USER | ALERT | SYSTEM" ],
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "hosts" : [ "string" ],
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "annotations" : "A string-&gt;string map of additional annotations on the event",
  "isUserEvent" : "Whether this event was created by a user, versus the system. Default: system",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "tags" : [ "string" ],
  "createdAt" : "integer",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "name" : "The name of the event. If 'annotations.prettyName' is present, 'name' will be equivalent to that value",
  "runningState" : "string. Possible values: ONGOING | PENDING | ENDED",
  "startTime" : "Start time of the event, in epoch millis. If the JSON value is missing or set to 0, startTime will be set to the current time",
  "canDelete" : "boolean",
  "id" : "string",
  "endTime" : "End time of the event, in epoch millis. Set to startTime + 1 for an instantaneous event",
  "metricsUsed" : [ "string" ],
  "table" : "The customer to which the event belongs",
  "dimensions" : "A string-&gt; map of additional dimension info on the event",
  "updatedAt" : "integer"

Update a specific external link


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "name": "External Link API Example", "template": "https://example.com/{{source}}", "description": "External Link Description" }

Type: object

  "template" : "The mustache template for this link. This template must expand to a full URL, including scheme, origin, etc",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "name" : "Name of the external link. Will be displayed in context (right-click) menus on charts",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "description" : "Human-readable description for this external link",
  "pointTagFilterRegexes" : "Controls whether a link displayed in the context menu of a highlighted series. This is a map from string to regular expression. The highlighted series must contain point tags whose keys are present in the keys of this map and whose values match the regular expressions associated with those keys in order for the link to be displayed",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "id" : "string",
  "metricFilterRegex" : "Controls whether a link displayed in the context menu of a highlighted series. If present, the metric name of the highlighted series must match this regular expression in order for the link to be displayed",
  "sourceFilterRegex" : "Controls whether a link displayed in the context menu of a highlighted series. If present, the source name of the highlighted series must match this regular expression in order for the link to be displayed"


Update a specific ingestion policy


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "name": "Ingestion policy name", "description": "Ingestion policy description" }

Type: object

  "sampledServiceAccounts" : [ "string" ],
  "lastUpdatedAccountId" : "The account that updated this ingestion policy last time",
  "sampledUserAccounts" : [ "string" ],
  "lastUpdatedMs" : "The last time when the ingestion policy is updated, in epoch milliseconds",
  "name" : "The name of the ingestion policy",
  "description" : "The description of the ingestion policy",
  "id" : "The unique ID for the ingestion policy",
  "userAccountCount" : "Total number of user accounts that are linked to the ingestion policy",
  "serviceAccountCount" : "Total number of service accounts that are linked to the ingestion policy",
  "customer" : "ID of the customer to which the ingestion policy belongs"


Update a specific maintenance window


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "reason": "MW Reason", "title": "MW Title", "startTimeInSeconds": 1483228800, "endTimeInSeconds": 1483232400, "relevantCustomerTags": [ "alertId1" ], "relevantHostTags": [ "sourceTag1" ] }

Type: object

  "reason" : "The purpose of this maintenance window",
  "endTimeInSeconds" : "The time in epoch seconds when this maintenance window will end",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "hostTagGroupHostNamesGroupAnded" : "If true, a source/host must be in 'relevantHostNames' and have tags matching the specification formed by 'relevantHostTags' and 'relevantHostTagsAnded' in order for this maintenance window to apply. If false, a source/host must either be in 'relevantHostNames' or match 'relevantHostTags' and 'relevantHostTagsAnded'. Default: false",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "sortAttr" : "Numeric value used in default sorting",
  "title" : "Title of this maintenance window",
  "relevantHostTags" : [ "string" ],
  "relevantCustomerTags" : [ "string" ],
  "startTimeInSeconds" : "The time in epoch seconds when this maintenance window will start",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "relevantHostTagsAnded" : "Whether to AND source/host tags listed in relevantHostTags. If true, a source/host must contain all tags in order for the maintenance window to apply. If false, the tags are OR'ed, and a source/host must contain one of the tags. Default: false",
  "customerId" : "string",
  "eventName" : "The name of an event associated with the creation/update of this maintenance window",
  "runningState" : "string. Possible values: ONGOING | PENDING | ENDED",
  "id" : "string",
  "relevantHostNames" : [ "string" ]


Update a specific notification target


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "description": "Notificant Description", "template": "POST Body -- Mustache syntax", "title": "Email title", "triggers": [ "ALERT_OPENED" ], "method": "EMAIL", "recipient": "value@example.com", "emailSubject": "Email subject cannot contain new line" }

Type: object

  "template" : "A mustache template that will form the body of the POST request, email and summary of the PagerDuty.",
  "method" : "The notification method used for notification target.",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "description" : "Description",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "title" : "Title",
  "emailSubject" : "The subject title of an email notification target",
  "routes" : [ {
    "filter" : "String that filters the route. Space delimited. Currently only allows single key value pair. filter: env* prod*",
    "method" : "The end point for the alert route.EMAIL: email address. PAGERDUTY: PagerDuty routing Key. WEBHOOK: URL end point",
    "target" : "The end point for the notification target.EMAIL: email address. PAGERDUTY: PagerDuty routing Key. WEBHOOK: URL end point"
  } ],
  "isHtmlContent" : "Determine whether the email alert target content is sent as html or text.",
  "customHttpHeaders" : "A string-&gt;string map specifying the custom HTTP header key / value pairs that will be sent in the requests of this web hook",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "customerId" : "string",
  "recipient" : "The end point for the notification target.EMAIL: email address. PAGERDUTY: PagerDuty routing Key. WEBHOOK: URL end point",
  "id" : "string",
  "contentType" : "The value of the Content-Type header of the webhook POST request."


Update the name of a specific proxy


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "name": "New Name for proxy" }

Type: object

  "bytesPerMinuteForBuffer" : "Bytes used per minute by the persistent disk queue of this proxy",
  "ingestionPolicy" : {
    "sampledServiceAccounts" : [ "string" ],
    "lastUpdatedAccountId" : "The account that updated this ingestion policy last time",
    "sampledUserAccounts" : [ "string" ],
    "lastUpdatedMs" : "The last time when the ingestion policy is updated, in epoch milliseconds",
    "name" : "The name of the ingestion policy",
    "description" : "The description of the ingestion policy",
    "id" : "The unique ID for the ingestion policy",
    "userAccountCount" : "Total number of user accounts that are linked to the ingestion policy",
    "serviceAccountCount" : "Total number of service accounts that are linked to the ingestion policy",
    "customer" : "ID of the customer to which the ingestion policy belongs"
  "lastErrorEvent" : {
    "alertTags" : [ "string" ],
    "canClose" : "boolean",
    "summarizedEvents" : "In some event queries, multiple events that occur nearly simultaneously are summarized under a single event. This value specifies the number of events summarized under this one",
    "isEphemeral" : "Whether the event is an artificial event generated by a literal expression or alert backtesting, i.e. not stored in the Wavefront backend",
    "creatorType" : [ "string. Possible values: USER | ALERT | SYSTEM" ],
    "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
    "hosts" : [ "string" ],
    "creatorId" : "string",
    "annotations" : "A string-&gt;string map of additional annotations on the event",
    "isUserEvent" : "Whether this event was created by a user, versus the system. Default: system",
    "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
    "tags" : [ "string" ],
    "createdAt" : "integer",
    "updaterId" : "string",
    "name" : "The name of the event. If 'annotations.prettyName' is present, 'name' will be equivalent to that value",
    "runningState" : "string. Possible values: ONGOING | PENDING | ENDED",
    "startTime" : "Start time of the event, in epoch millis. If the JSON value is missing or set to 0, startTime will be set to the current time",
    "canDelete" : "boolean",
    "id" : "string",
    "endTime" : "End time of the event, in epoch millis. Set to startTime + 1 for an instantaneous event",
    "metricsUsed" : [ "string" ],
    "table" : "The customer to which the event belongs",
    "dimensions" : "A string-&gt; map of additional dimension info on the event",
    "updatedAt" : "integer"
  "ephemeral" : "When true, this proxy is expected to be ephemeral (possibly hosted on a short-lived container) and will be deleted after a period of inactivity (not checking in)",
  "inTrash" : "boolean",
  "version" : "string",
  "sshAgent" : "deprecated",
  "userId" : "The user associated with this proxy",
  "timeDrift" : "Time drift of the proxy's clock compared to Wavefront servers",
  "lastErrorTime" : "deprecated",
  "collectorRateLimit" : "Proxy's rate limit",
  "hostname" : "Host name of the machine running the proxy",
  "deleted" : "boolean",
  "lastKnownError" : "deprecated",
  "collectorSetsRateLimit" : "When true, this proxy's rate limit is controlled remotely",
  "name" : "Proxy name (modifiable)",
  "customerId" : "string",
  "lastCheckInTime" : "Last time when this proxy checked in (in milliseconds since the unix epoch)",
  "bytesLeftForBuffer" : "Number of bytes of space remaining in the persistent disk queue of this proxy",
  "statusCause" : "The reason why the proxy is in current status",
  "id" : "string",
  "localQueueSize" : "Number of items in the persistent disk queue of this proxy",
  "shutdown" : "When true, attempt to shut down this proxy remotely",
  "status" : "the proxy's status"


Update a specific role


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "id": "Role identifier", "name": "Role name", "permissions": [ "permission1", "permission2", "permission3" ], "description": "Role description" }

Type: object

  "sampleLinkedAccounts" : [ "string" ],
  "lastUpdatedAccountId" : "The account that updated this role last time",
  "linkedGroupsCount" : "Total number of groups that are linked to the role",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "permissions" : [ "string" ],
  "lastUpdatedMs" : "The last time when the role is updated, in epoch milliseconds",
  "name" : "The name of the role",
  "sampleLinkedGroups" : [ {
    "userCount" : "Total number of users that are members of the user group",
    "permissions" : [ "string" ],
    "roles" : [ "RoleDTO" ],
    "name" : "Name of the user group",
    "description" : "The description of the user group",
    "id" : "Unique ID for the user group",
    "users" : [ "string" ],
    "properties" : {
      "nameEditable" : "boolean",
      "usersEditable" : "boolean",
      "permissionsEditable" : "boolean",
      "rolesEditable" : "boolean"
    "customer" : "ID of the customer to which the user group belongs"
  } ],
  "description" : "The description of the role",
  "id" : "The unique identifier of the role",
  "linkedAccountsCount" : "Total number of accounts that are linked to the role",
  "customer" : "The id of the customer to which the role belongs"

Update a specific saved search


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "query": { "foo": "{"searchTerms":[{"type":"freetext","value":"foo"}]}" }, "entityType": "DASHBOARD" }

Type: object

  "updaterId" : "string",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "entityType" : "The Wavefront entity type over which to search",
  "query" : "The map corresponding to the search query. The key is the name of the query, and the value is a JSON representation of the query",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "id" : "string",
  "userId" : "The user for whom this search is saved"


Updates the service account


id (required)

Type: string


Wavefront service account entity for write requests.

Type: object

  "identifier" : "The unique identifier for a service account.",
  "userGroups" : [ "string" ],
  "roles" : [ "string" ],
  "active" : "The current state of the service account.",
  "description" : "The description of the service account to be created.",
  "groups" : [ "string" ],
  "tokens" : [ "string" ],
  "ingestionPolicyId" : "The identifier of the ingestion policy linked with service account."


The "hidden" property is stored as a tag. To set the value, add "hidden": <value> to the list of tags.


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "sourceName": "source.name", "tags": {"sourceTag1": true}, "description": "Source Description" }

Type: object

  "hidden" : "A derived field denoting whether this source has been hidden (e.g. excluding it from query autocomplete among other things)",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "description" : "Description of this source",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "id" : "id of this source, must be exactly equivalent to 'sourceName'",
  "sourceName" : "The name of the source, usually set by ingested telemetry",
  "markedNewEpochMillis" : "Epoch Millis when this source was marked as ~status.new",
  "tags" : "A Map (String -&gt; boolean) Representing the source tags associated with this source. To create a tag, set it as a KEY in this map, with associated value equal to true"


Update the name of the specified api token


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "tokenID": "Token identifier", "tokenName": "Token name" }

Type: object

  "lastUsed" : "The last time this token was used",
  "tokenID" : "The identifier of the user API token",
  "tokenName" : "The name of the user API token"


Update the name of the specified api token for the given service account


id (required)

Type: string

token (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "tokenID": "Token identifier", "tokenName": "Token name" }

Type: object

  "lastUsed" : "The last time this token was used",
  "tokenID" : "The identifier of the user API token",
  "tokenName" : "The name of the user API token"


Update user with given user groups, permissions and ingestion policy.


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "identifier": "user@example.com", "groups": [ "user_management" ], "userGroups": [ "8b23136b-ecd2-4cb5-8c92-62477dcc4090" ], "ingestionPolicyId": "ingestionPolicyId", "roles": [ "Role" ] }

Type: object

  "ssoId" : "string",
  "identifier" : "string",
  "userGroups" : [ "string" ],
  "credential" : "string",
  "roles" : [ "string" ],
  "groups" : [ "string" ],
  "ingestionPolicyId" : "string",
  "customer" : "string"


Update user with given user groups, permissions and ingestion policy.


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "identifier": "user@example.com", "groups": [ "user_management" ], "userGroups": [ "8b23136b-ecd2-4cb5-8c92-62477dcc4090" ], "ingestionPolicyId": "ingestionPolicyId", "roles": [ "Role" ] }

Type: object

  "ssoId" : "string",
  "identifier" : "string",
  "userGroups" : [ "string" ],
  "credential" : "string",
  "roles" : [ "string" ],
  "groups" : [ "string" ],
  "ingestionPolicyId" : "string",
  "customer" : "string"


Update a specific user group


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "id": "UserGroup identifier", "name": "UserGroup name", "permissions": [ "permission1", "permission2", "permission3" ], "roleIDs": [ "role1", "role2", "role3" ], "description": "UserGroup description" }

Type: object

  "roleIDs" : [ "string" ],
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "permissions" : [ "string" ],
  "name" : "The name of the user group",
  "description" : "The description of the user group",
  "id" : "The unique identifier of the user group",
  "customer" : "The id of the customer to which the user group belongs"


Update a specific webhook


id (required)

Type: string


Example Body: { "description": "WebHook Description", "template": "POST Body -- Mustache syntax", "title": "WebHook Title", "triggers": [ "ALERT_OPENED" ], "recipient": "http://example.com", "customHttpHeaders": {}, "contentType": "text/plain" }

Type: object

  "template" : "A mustache template that will form the body of the POST request, email and summary of the PagerDuty.",
  "method" : "The notification method used for notification target.",
  "createdEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "creatorId" : "string",
  "description" : "Description",
  "updatedEpochMillis" : "integer",
  "title" : "Title",
  "emailSubject" : "The subject title of an email notification target",
  "routes" : [ {
    "filter" : "String that filters the route. Space delimited. Currently only allows single key value pair. filter: env* prod*",
    "method" : "The end point for the alert route.EMAIL: email address. PAGERDUTY: PagerDuty routing Key. WEBHOOK: URL end point",
    "target" : "The end point for the notification target.EMAIL: email address. PAGERDUTY: PagerDuty routing Key. WEBHOOK: URL end point"
  } ],
  "isHtmlContent" : "Determine whether the email alert target content is sent as html or text.",
  "customHttpHeaders" : "A string-&gt;string map specifying the custom HTTP header key / value pairs that will be sent in the requests of this web hook",
  "updaterId" : "string",
  "customerId" : "string",
  "recipient" : "The end point for the notification target.EMAIL: email address. PAGERDUTY: PagerDuty routing Key. WEBHOOK: URL end point",
  "id" : "string",
  "contentType" : "The value of the Content-Type header of the webhook POST request."


Gets messages applicable to the current user, i.e. within time range and distribution scope



Type: boolean


Mark a specific message as read


id (required)

Type: string


Returns valid accounts (users and service accounts), also invalid identifiers from the given list



Type: array

[ "string" ]


Returns valid users and service accounts, also invalid identifiers from the given list



Type: array

[ "string" ]