
New to setting up Transposit? Learn how to get started.

Available Actions

  • Add user to Google Groups - Adds a user to Google Groups
  • Append to Doc - Appends HTML content to an existing Google Drive document
  • Create drive - Creates a shared Google drive
  • Create file - Creates a file in Google Drive with optional content
  • Create Google Meet event - Uses Google Calendar to create a Meet event
  • Create Google Workspace user - Creates a user in your Google Workspace. You must be a Google Workspace admin to use this action
  • Delete Google Workspace user - Deletes a user from your Google Workspace. You must be a Google Workspace admin to perform this action
  • Email to ID - Maps a Google group's email to its ID
  • Fetch spreadsheet - Fetches data from a specified Google spreadsheet
  • Find current events - Finds current Google Calendar events by name
  • Generate a postmortem template in Google Docs
  • Invite user - Invites a user to a Google Calendar event
  • List Google Workspace users - Returns a list of all users in the authenticated workspace.
  • Query Logs - Returns up to 100 log entries for a Google Cloud project, folder, organization, or billing account
  • Remove user from a Google group - Removes a user from a Google group. You must be a Google Workspace admin to use this action
  • Restart - Resets an instance of a GCP Compute Engine virtual machine

Before working with individual actions, such as the above, go to the Explore Templates tab in the Automation Hub, and check if a template that suits your needs already exists.