Set Up a Team

New to setting up Transposit? Learn how to get started.

When setting up Transposit, one of your first activities is to invite the people that make up your team.

  1. Go to Settings > Users and click Invite user in the top left.

  2. Provide an email address and a role, and then click Invite user.

    • Owner role has the highest access level, unlocking every feature in Transposit.
    • Admin role has all the capabilities of the owner role, except for owner-specific features, such as organization settings, user management, and team management.
    • Responder role has the most specific capabilities, focused on the features for using Transposit for daily incident resolution tasks, such as creating incidents, handling alerts, and running automations.

Signing Up is the process that your users will now follow.

  1. Next, once you have some users, go to Settings > Teams. Click Add team.

  2. In the Users drop-down list above, select the users who you'd like to be members of your team.

Next Steps